
zì wǒ cuī mián
  • Self hypnosis;idiohypnotism
自我催眠[zì wǒ cuī mián]
  1. 有些催眠专家认为一切催眠都是自我催眠。

    Some hypnotism experts hold that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis .

  2. 网络上有许多自我催眠的工具供你选择。

    Many tools for self-hypnosis are available on the web .

  3. 自我催眠、倒计数、观想、和念咒只是其中少数可行的方法。

    Self hypnosis , counting backwards , visualizations , and mantras are but a few of the methods available .

  4. 一般来讲,在自我催眠练习、及放松和冥思音乐带都是采用这种渐进式放松方法。

    Typically , self-hypnosis training , as well as relaxation and meditation audio tapes , use the progressive relaxation method .

  5. 会议在治疗过程中,油罐车司机学会克服他们的怒气通过几种倾向,其中包括自我催眠。

    During therapy sessions , drivers learn to overcome their rage tendencies through several methods , which include self hypnosis .

  6. 如何自我催眠的人以及其他生活事物由韦恩六白(35页),这不只是一本书。

    How to Hypnotize People and Other Living Things by Wayne F.Perkins ( 35 pages ) This is not just a book .

  7. 当你感到自己脸红的时候,自我催眠是让自己放松下来的好方法。

    Self hypnosis can be a useful technique to help you train your body to relax as you feel the blushing coming on .

  8. 这个过程可能包括重复祈祷、诵经、神神叨叨、自我催眠或者冥想的不同方法。

    The process may take the form of repetitive prayer , chanting , speaking in tongues , self-hypnosis or diverse methods of meditation * .

  9. 自我催眠可以帮助你放松身体和思想,让压力荷尔蒙消失,让你从不愉快的思想中解脱出来。

    Self-hypnosis helps you to relax your body and mind , causes stress hormones to dissipate , and distracts your mind from unpleasant thoughts .

  10. 佛法的观想,从世俗眼光看来,只是想像、自我催眠,甚至是妄想、幻觉;

    Visualization practices in Buddhism when viewed by worldly people would seem to be mere imagination or self-hypnosis , or even delusions and illusions ;

  11. 它是说在自知中才是禅修,没有自知,所有的禅修都是一个自我催眠的过程,一种自己思想和欲望的投射。

    It was stated that without self-knowledge , which in itself is meditation all meditation is a process of self-hypnosis , a projection of one 's own thought and desire .

  12. 这固然在赞美老大哥英明伟大,更多的倒是种自我催眠,成心用有节奏的喧嚣取代清醒的意识。

    Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother , but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis , a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise .

  13. 在射击教学中,训练警察的心理素质主要有负荷训练、自我催眠、仿真训练、直觉训练、思维调控、聚焦训练、抗干扰训练、呼吸暗示八种方法。

    In the shooting teaching , It is eight ways of training the police 's psychological diathesis , Including load training , self-hypnotize , emulation training , intuition training , thinking regulation , focusing training , anti-interference training , respiratory suggestion training .

  14. 简易自我放松催眠对学习疲劳的缓解作用

    The hypnotic subject is very suggestible . The Function of Simple Self-relaxation-hypnosis in Releasing Middle School Students ' Learning Tiredness

  15. 结果表明:(1)简易自我放松催眠能有效缓解个体的学习疲劳,恢复注意力水平。(2)简易自我放松催眠对于缓解不同年龄、不同性别和不同感受性水平个体的学习疲劳都是适用的。

    The results are as following : ( 1 ) Simple self-relaxation-hypnosis could do better than normal break activity in relieving learning fatigue . ( 2 ) Simple self-relaxation-hypnosis were universally applicable for the participants in different genders , ages and sensitivity level .

  16. 不要自我安慰,自我催眠,否则这个世界永远舍弃你!

    Do not self-comfort and self-hypnosis , or else the world will never abandon you !