
zì rú
  • freely;smoothly;with skill;with facility
自如 [zì rú]
  • (1) [freely]∶没有障碍地;不受约束地

  • (2) [smoothly;with facility;with skill]∶活动或操作灵活自然

自如[zì rú]
  1. 它能减少摩擦,并使旋转零件活动自如。

    It reduces friction and makes the rolling parts work smoothly .

  2. 红土网球场很滑,他不能自如地移动。

    The clay court was slippery and he was unable to move freely

  3. 这个工作要求法语熟练自如。

    Fluency in French is required for this job .

  4. 他弹起吉他来显得轻松自如。

    He made playing the guitar look effortless .

  5. 她跳舞动作优美,轻松自如。

    She dances with effortless grace .

  6. 侍者们端着一盘盘意大利面在拥挤的餐桌之间自如穿行。

    Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta .

  7. 让人耳目一新的是作者轻松自如的会话式写作风格。

    What is refreshing is the author 's easy , conversational style

  8. 他往往会轻松自如地转换话题。

    He 's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease .

  9. 那个男人看上去神态自如。

    The man appeared to be in complete command of himself .

  10. 导演在镜头运用上既富有美感又渲染了气氛,戏剧手法的运用也娴熟自如。

    The director employs sensuous , atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches .

  11. 他的动作优美自如,看起来毫不费劲。

    His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless .

  12. 模特们优雅自如地走下了T型台。

    The models sashayed down the catwalk .

  13. 4艘船都极其自如地掠过索伦特海峡。

    All four of the boats planed across the Solent with the greatest of ease .

  14. 我仍然行动自如。

    I 'm still very mobile .

  15. 他能轻松自如地用洋泾浜话和工厂工人及码头工人交谈。

    He 's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks .

  16. 他岂但英语说得好,就连日语也讲得满轻松自如。

    Not only did he speak English well , but he spoke Japanese more easily .

  17. 体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如。

    The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace .

  18. 他想说什么,都能表达自如。

    He gets over well when he wants to .

  19. 他英语学得不好,这使他不能表达自如。

    His bad English inhibits him from speaking freely .

  20. 一些动物在陆地上动作笨拙,但在水中却行动自如。

    Some animals are awkward on land but able to move easily in the water .

  21. 他去年胳膊折了,但现在弹起钢琴来仍像以前一样自如。

    He broke his arm last year but he plays the piano as skilfully as ever .

  22. 拉罗说,高收入家庭的子女可以更自如地应对官场上的事宜,在学习和工作中也易取得成功。

    Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces , Ms. Lareau said .

  23. 如果人类在月光和星光下能够自如地行动,那我们就可以愉快地走进黑暗之中了。就如这个星球上数量众多的夜行动物一样,我们能够把午夜时分的世界看得一清二楚。

    If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars , we would go in darkness happily , the midnight world as visible to us as it is to the vast number of nocturnal species on this planet .

  24. 能够形成英语式思维,母语式的理解能力。可以灵活自如地交流和运用

    Being able to develop English thinking , mother-tongue understanding , communicate and applicate flexibly .

  25. 他轻松自如地坐着。

    He sat in a relaxed pose .

  26. 这人回答起来,果然应对自如,头头是道。

    As expected , this man answered the questions readily and fluently , clearly and logically .

  27. 我需要花很长一段时间才能了解对方,并在这个人身边感到放松自如。

    It always takes me a long time before I can get to know a person and really relax around them .

  28. 卡玛拉由一名普通的中学生变为惊奇队长,成了能伸缩自如、任意变形、抚慰自愈的超级英雄。

    Kamala went from being an ordinary high school student to being Ms. Marvel4 — a Super Hero with the power to stretch , morph , and heal .

  29. 从而能够安全、自如地使用OFFICE软件。

    So the aim of using office safely will be achieved .

  30. 组、C组小白鼠活动自如,食欲正常,未见毛发脱落;三项指标两组比较无显著性差异,P>0.05。

    In groups B and C , the activity and appetite were normal , little baldness occurred and3 blood indexes were not different significantly ( P > 0.05 ) .