
  1. 关于建立现代职业教育体系的思考

    On a Consideration of Building Modern Vocational Educational System

  2. 加快构建以就业为导向的现代职业教育体系。

    We will accelerate the establishment of an employment-oriented modern vocational education system .

  3. 中高职衔接一体化能够增加职业教育的自然吸引力,有利于建立完善的现代职业教育体系。

    Increase the natural attractive of vocational education ; the splice Gleichschaltung is benefit to set up the perfect modern vocational education system .

  4. 高等职业教育是我国现代职业教育体系的重要组成部分,担负着培养适应社会需求的生产、管理和服务第一线技能型人才的使命。

    As an important part of Chinese educational system , higher vocational education takes the responsibility to cultivate first-line skilled persons to meet the society needs .

  5. 加强学前教育、继续教育和特殊教育,建设现代职业教育体系。办好民族教育。

    We will strengthen preschool , continuing and special education , develop a modern vocational education system , and do a good job educating ethnic minority students .

  6. 职业教育中的素质教育&追求生存和发展的能力教育,是现代职业教育体系中的一个重要思想。

    The quality education in vocational education , that is , ability education which pursues the existence and development , is an importance thought in a modern vocational education .

  7. 在新形势下构建开放性的现代职业教育体系,必须从加强政府政策的开放性和增强职业学校自身的灵活性两个方面着手。

    In the new situation establishing an open system of modern professional education should start with the following two aspects : the government strengthening the opening policies and professional colleges reinforcing the flexibility and adaptability themselves .

  8. 应强化对发展职业教育的再认识,完善现代职业教育体系,将中等职业教育的重心放在农村,加大职业培训力度,加快推进就业准入和职业资格证书制度,使其更好地发展。

    We should reinforce our cognition , perfect the modern system of the vocational education , focus the vocational secondary education on rural areas , strengthen vocational training , and introduce work admittance and vocational qualification systems .

  9. 我国的职业教育普遍以实行校企合作、工学结合模式,建设有中国特色的现代职业教育体系为目标。

    It takes the direction of solving employment and carries the college-business cooperation and work-study combination out . It takes building modern vocational education system of Chinese characteristics as the goal in a reasonable variety and flexible manner .

  10. 改革开放30多年来我国职业教育实现了重大突破,具有中国特色的现代职业教育体系初步建立,职业教育服务经济社会的能力显著增强。

    After 30 years of reform and opening up in china , the vocational education has made a magor breakthrough and the modern vocational education system has been set up preliminarily and has made much contribution to our society .

  11. 最后提出了基于武汉城市圈建设中-高-研衔接贯通的现代职业教育体系建构的保障体系及对策。

    Finally this paper proposed the guarantee system and the strategy based on the construction of the modern vocational education system which combines the secondary vocational education with the higher vocational education and the postgraduate vocational education in Wuhan city circle .

  12. 第四章,现代农业职业教育体系的构建。

    Chapter 4 , Establishment of modern agriculture vocational education system .

  13. 论市域现代职业技术教育体系的构建

    A Preliminary Study on Accelerating the Construction of Modern Vocational Education System in the City Area

  14. 构建适应社会主义市场经济体制的现代高等职业教育教学体系,主要有四个目的。

    There are four purposes primarily in setting up the new modern system of higher vocational education and teaching .

  15. 构建现代职业技术教育教学方法体系无论对提高职业技术教育教学质量,还是丰富现代职业技术教育教学理论都有着重要意义。

    Constructing the modern vocational and technical education teaching method system is of great significance no matter to improve the vocational and technical education teaching qualities , or to rich modern vocational and technical education teaching theories .

  16. 构建现代高等职业教育教学新体系,是市场经济发展的迫切需要和必然要求,也是高等职业教育自身发展的需要。

    Setting up a new modern system of higher vocational education and teaching is an urgent demand and inevitable request of the development of market economy . In addition , it is also a demand to the development of higher vocational education of its own .