
  • 网络modern vocational education
  1. 加快构建以就业为导向的现代职业教育体系。

    We will accelerate the establishment of an employment-oriented modern vocational education system .

  2. 三是近现代职业教育理论的成型和发展阶段;

    The development of theories of modern vocational education ;

  3. 开放性是现代职业教育的重要特征。

    Being open is a key feature of modern professional education .

  4. 关于建立现代职业教育体系的思考

    On a Consideration of Building Modern Vocational Educational System

  5. 现代职业教育之理念探微

    Research in the idea of modern vocational education

  6. 作为一门外语,英语的学习在现代职业教育中是非常重要的。

    English learning has been one of the important aspects in modern vocational education .

  7. 浅谈现代职业教育的教师素质

    Discussion on teacher quality in modern vocational education

  8. 通过对当前职业教育课程存在的弊端分析,探索现代职业教育课程改革的途径;

    The demerits of modern vocational education curricula are analyzed and ways of reform are explored .

  9. 科学发展观与高等职业教育基于五大视角的现代职业教育发展观

    The Viewpoint of Scientific Development and Higher Vocational Education Five major view basis of modern vocational education

  10. 现代职业教育的开放性刍议

    On Modern Professional Education

  11. 现代职业教育是解放我国剩余劳动力的重要途径。

    OUR SCHOOL Contemporary vocational education is an effective way to liberate the surplus labor of our country .

  12. 浅析胡适职业教育思想及其对现代职业教育的指导意义

    Elementary analysis on Hu Shi ′ s vocational education idea and its guidance significance for modern vocational education

  13. 在现代职业教育中,由于种种原因,师资力量与实验室资源匮乏已严重制约职业外语教育质量。

    Lack of faculty and laboratory resources has been seriously hampered the quality of the vocational foreign language education .

  14. 从理论上看,现代职业教育是在建构主义学习理论的科学指导下建立和发展起来的。

    In terms of theory , modern vocational education is constructed and developed under the instruction of constructivist learning theory .

  15. 现代职业教育中,教师不仅是人类知识的传递者,也是学生心灵的塑造者、学生智力的开发者;

    In contemporary career education , teachers act as deliver of humanity knowledge , cultivator of learners'spirit and developer of students'intelligence .

  16. 中高职衔接一体化能够增加职业教育的自然吸引力,有利于建立完善的现代职业教育体系。

    Increase the natural attractive of vocational education ; the splice Gleichschaltung is benefit to set up the perfect modern vocational education system .

  17. 高等职业教育是我国现代职业教育体系的重要组成部分,担负着培养适应社会需求的生产、管理和服务第一线技能型人才的使命。

    As an important part of Chinese educational system , higher vocational education takes the responsibility to cultivate first-line skilled persons to meet the society needs .

  18. 黄炎培毕生从事职业教育,形成了一整套在中国发展职业教育的体系和职业道德教育的理论,为我国现代职业教育事业的发展做出了卓越贡献。

    He made even greater contribution by putting forward a whole set of theories of developing a vocational education system and education on vocational morality in China .

  19. 加强学前教育、继续教育和特殊教育,建设现代职业教育体系。办好民族教育。

    We will strengthen preschool , continuing and special education , develop a modern vocational education system , and do a good job educating ethnic minority students .

  20. 开放性的现代职业教育要适应市场经济发展的要求,但不可降低教育质量和缺乏规范。

    An open modern professional education can meet the requirements of the development of market economy and will not lower the teaching quality or be short of disciplines .

  21. 随着市场经济迅速发展,科技水平的不断创新与提高,现代职业教育规模不断扩大。

    With the rapid development of marketing economy , as well as the innovation and improvement of technology , the scale of modern vocational education is increasing continuously .

  22. 现代职业教育必须突破传统的教育评价模式,从职业教育的特点和职业学生的特点出发,突显职业教育学生的能力。

    Modern vocational education should breakthrough traditional educational evaluation model and highlight the competency of vocational school students on the basis of the characteristics of vocational education and students .

  23. 职业教育中的素质教育&追求生存和发展的能力教育,是现代职业教育体系中的一个重要思想。

    The quality education in vocational education , that is , ability education which pursues the existence and development , is an importance thought in a modern vocational education .

  24. 在现代职业教育中外语教学占有非常重要的地位,职业外语教育本身就非常强调实践性与动手能力。

    There is a very important position in modern vocational education experiment teaching for the foreign language teaching , the vocational education itself is very practical and emphasize ability .

  25. 要点1:教育方面加快发展现代职业教育,既有利于缓解当前就业压力,也是解决高技能人才短缺的战略之举。

    Stepping up the development of modern vocational education is a strategic move that will not only ease current employment pressure , but also help to address the shortage of highly-skilled personnel .

  26. 高等职业教育情境化教学作为现代职业教育的一个特征性教学理念,其实践形态及模式特征在整个教学体系中占有重要地位,但更重要的是要确立情境化实践教学体系的指导思想。

    Scenario teaching as a unique concept of modern vocational education takes important position in whole teaching system with its practical form and character . But more important is to setup instructive thought of it .

  27. 黄炎培职业教育思想不仅奠定了我国现代职业教育思想的基础,也是我国职业教育理论的重要组成部分。

    His vocational education thoughts not only has been one of the important constituents of vocational education theory in our country , but also has laid the foundation for modern vocational education theory in china .

  28. 本文拟从传播学角度浅谈网络媒体对现代职业教育教学模式的影响和作用,探讨如何运用网络媒体发展现代远程职业教育,以提高教育教学水平。

    The proposed study from the perspective of modem vocational education instructors teaching online media influence and role modal to explore how to use Internet media career development of modem distance education to raise education lev-els .

  29. 在新形势下构建开放性的现代职业教育体系,必须从加强政府政策的开放性和增强职业学校自身的灵活性两个方面着手。

    In the new situation establishing an open system of modern professional education should start with the following two aspects : the government strengthening the opening policies and professional colleges reinforcing the flexibility and adaptability themselves .

  30. 应强化对发展职业教育的再认识,完善现代职业教育体系,将中等职业教育的重心放在农村,加大职业培训力度,加快推进就业准入和职业资格证书制度,使其更好地发展。

    We should reinforce our cognition , perfect the modern system of the vocational education , focus the vocational secondary education on rural areas , strengthen vocational training , and introduce work admittance and vocational qualification systems .