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  • dynamic tuning
  1. 然而,这次低油价的动态调整可能会有所不同。

    The   dynamic   adjustment   to   low   oil   prices   may ,   however ,   be different   this   time   around .

  2. IDS中规则匹配动态调整法的分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement of the Dynamic Adjustment of Rule Matching in IDS

  3. 动态调整直方图剪枝PDA声控拨号器的应用与实现

    Application and Implementation of Dynamically-Adjustable Histogram Pruning for PDA Voice Dialing

  4. BP算法中样本特性及参数α,β两阶段动态调整

    Research about the Characteristics of Samples and the Dynamic Adjustment of Parameters α,β in Two Stages in BP Learning Algorism

  5. 采用特定相位裕量方法动态调整PID控制器的参数,使控制器能在线自适应网络系统中的变化。

    The controller parameters are dynamically tuned by applying especial reference phase method for adapting the change of the Internet system .

  6. 新算法实现了对通常的补对LMS算法步长的动态调整。

    The new algorithm may adjust step - size of usual complementary pair algorithm .

  7. 提出了网格动态调整算法,该算法根据模型模拟的路段流量和密度计算车辆平均通行距离,并以此距离动态调整CA模型的格子长度。

    The paper introduces the dynamic lattice arithmetic which adjusts the lattice length of CA model according to the average vehicles passing distance .

  8. 分析表明,既加有动量因子又能动态调整学习速率的BP网络具有较好的预测效果,能够满足工程实践需要。

    Analysis showed that the BP network with momentum factor and dynamic learning rate had better prediction and it could satisfy the engineering need .

  9. 一般而言,UI被设计为根据数据连接的类型动态调整。

    In general , the UI is designed to adapt dynamically based on the type of data connection .

  10. 对两级权值用Delphi方法确定,引入人机交互的学习机制来动态调整两级权值。

    Weights of two-level are determined by Delphi method and adjusted through the learning mechanism of man-machine interaction .

  11. W-CDMA连续Pilot专用导码功率动态调整

    Dynamically Adjusting the Power of User Dedicated Pilot for W-CDMA System with Continuous Pilot

  12. HLA仿真系统中Lookahead的分析与动态调整策略

    The Exploration and Dynamic Regulation of Lookahead in HLA Distributed Simulation Systems

  13. mwarn-framesize=framesize和-mwarn-dynamicstack:这些选项会引起在编译时检查函数是否超过给定的堆栈帧(stackframe)大小或使用动态调整的堆栈帧。

    Mwarn-framesize = framesize and-mwarn-dynamicstack : These options cause a compile-time check whether a function exceeds a given stack frame size or uses dynamically sized stack frames .

  14. 接着提出了一种基于动态调整的二级控制算法用于SCP的过载控制。

    Based upon dynamic adjustment , a new two-level SCP overload control algorithm is proposed .

  15. 改进的GA采用以下措施提高搜索效率:(1)动态调整变量区间和GA参数;

    The new GA improves the searching efficiency by two means : ( 1 ) adjust variables bound and GA 's parameters dynamically ;

  16. 通过对MAS中agent之间的关系进行动态调整,使各agent充分利用各自资源,提高系统的整体性能。

    Through adjusting the relationship dynamically among agents of MAS , it can fully make use of their resources for each agent and thus enhance the capability of the MAS .

  17. 通过联合优化方法改进标准BP算法,即通过黄金分割法动态调整学习系数:对S函数引入状态系数并进行分段;

    The joint optimization can improve standard BP algorithm as follows : dynamic adjusting learning rate by golden segment method ; shape coefficient is introduced in sigmoid function and sectionalization ;

  18. 本文针对以往的并行JOIN负载平衡策略所存在的缺陷,根据并行JOIN负载平衡的特点和要求,提出一个在JOIN操作后期对负载动态调整的算法。

    In view of the defects in the previous parallel join load balancing strategy , this paper presents a dynamic load tuning algorithm at the later stage of join operation .

  19. 在Windows®和AIX®平台上,自调优内存特性还可以确定整个数据库的内存需求,并动态调整数据库内存使用总量。

    On Windows ® and AIX ® platforms , the self-tuning memory feature can also determine the overall database memory requirements and dynamically tune the total database memory usage .

  20. 本文介绍了利用VISUALFOXPRO提供的低级文件函数实现Windows的记事本的大部分功能的方法,同时也提供了一种动态调整程序界面的方法,使得程序界面更加符合Windows应用程序的风格。

    This paper present that using Low-Level files function of Visual Foxpro to create more functions of Notepad in windows , and provide a basic way to dynamically resize the user interface too .

  21. 这一点连同它动态调整大小的能力,比选择使用传统的RAM磁盘可以让操作系统有好得多的整体性能和灵活性。

    This , along with its dynamic resizing abilities , allow for much better overall OS performance and flexibility than the alternative of using a traditional RAM disk .

  22. 根据HLA规范,论文深入分析了Lookahead及LBTS两者在HLA时间管理中的关系,对Lookahead重新进行定义,提出了时间管理的动态调整Lookahead算法。

    In the paper , we define the definition of Lookahead based on the specification of HLA .

  23. 建立RFID观测模型,用MonteCarlo法估计RFID阅读器天线检测标签的概率,根据此概率,动态调整阅读器的检测时间。

    Based on observation model for RFID tags and Monte Carlo Method , the probability of RFID readers is estimated . By this probability , RFID detect time is adjusted dynamically .

  24. 其中引入的参数动态调整策略在计算初期维持个体的多样性,后期加快算法的收敛速度,提高了DE算法的性能。

    Strategy of adjusting parameters dynamically maintains diversity of the individuals at early stages and expedites convergence speed of the algorithm at latter stages , thus the performance of DE algorithm is improved .

  25. RSI将点检过程分为静态规划和动态调整两个阶段。

    RSI is made of two phases which are static programming and dynamic regulation .

  26. 提出了时间管理的动态调整Lookahead算法。

    2 ) Study of dynamic changing Lookahead algorithm in time management ( TM ) .

  27. XCP中a参数的自适应动态调整算法

    Adaptive Dynamic Adjustment Algorithm of Alpha Parameter in XCP

  28. 实验表明,该模型结构简单,制定的QoS控制策略能够实时地对视音频参数进行动态调整,资源利用率高,图像传输流畅。

    Experiments show that this model has simple structure , high resource availability . The QoS control policy can dynamically adjust the real-time parameters of video and audio , and images can be transported fluently .

  29. BLP模型主体敏感标记动态调整方案及其正确性证明

    Dynamic Determination Schema and it 's Correctness for the Subject 's Sensitivity Label of the Classical BLP Model

  30. 资源分配网络(RAN)可以动态调整网络参数,而扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)算法可加快收敛速度。

    A resource allocation network ( RAN ) lends itself to dynamically adjust the network parameters while an extension Kalman filter ( EKF ) algorithm can accelerate the converging speed .