
  • 网络animal quarantine;plant quarantine
  1. 动物检疫票证管理系统采用microsoftSQLserver作为后台数据库管理系统管理数据,POWERBUILDER作为前端开发工具开发软件。

    A management system for animal quarantine certificates was developed with Microsoft SQL Server and Power Builder as predevelopment tool software .

  2. 浅述动物检疫是保障畜牧产业发展的重要措施

    Animal Quarantine is the Important Measure of ensuring Livestock Industry Development

  3. 该救助组织表示,当地动物检疫部门检验之后,这些动物由他们来接收管理。

    The group said it has taken control of the animals following health checkups organized by local animal disease control authorities .

  4. 动物检疫票证管理软件的研发

    Development of a Software for the Management of Aminal Quarantine Certificates

  5. 浅析动物检疫监督存在的问题与对策

    Analysis of Problems and Countermeasures in Animal Quarantine and Supervision

  6. 浅谈动物检疫学教学的改革

    A Brief Talk On the Teaching and Learning Reform Of Animal Quarantine

  7. 没有《动物检疫合格证明》的,承运人不得承运。

    No carrier may accept them without an Animal Quarantine Conformity Certificate .

  8. 沽源县动物检疫工作的现状、存在问题与对策

    The Present State , Problems and Counter-measures in Animal Quarantine Inspection in Guyuan County

  9. 动物检疫、免疫信息管理系统的建立

    The Establishment of the Management Information System of the Animal Quarantine and the Immunity

  10. 若干国家和地区动物检疫电子查询系统的构建

    Construction of an Electronic Query System on Animal Quarantine in Several Countries and Regions

  11. 动物检疫、免疫档案管理工作是一项细致而复杂的工作。

    The management work of animal quarantine and the immunity file management is particularity and complicated .

  12. 动物检疫人员用油炸圈饼来引诱它。

    Animal control officers have been trying to , using , of all things -- donuts .

  13. 动物检疫员应当按照检疫规程实施检疫,并对检疫结果负责。

    Quarantine officers shall observe quarantine rules in carrying out quarantine and bear liability for the quarantine results .

  14. 在大楼的顶部,动物检疫人员把猫粮放进陷阱,并抓住了浣熊。

    At the top of the building , animal control officers put cat food in traps and captured the raccoon .

  15. 动物检疫员取得相应的资格证书后,方可上岗实施检疫。

    No quarantine officer may be permitted to take up the post for quarantine unless he has obtained the corresponding qualification certificate .

  16. 对不能提供有效动物检疫证书、狂犬病疫苗接种证明的伴侣动物,出入境检验检疫机构作限期退回或没收销毁处理。

    The accompanying animals without effective quarantine and vaccination against rabies certificates will be repatriated within the stipulated time or killed in a humanitarian manner .

  17. 县级以上畜牧兽医行政管理部门应当加强动物检疫员的培训、核和管理。

    The animal husbandry and veterinary administrative departments at or above the county level shall step up the training , evaluation and administration of quarantine officers .

  18. 动物检疫员应当具有相应的专业技术,具体资格条件和资格证书颁发办法由国务院畜牧兽医行政管理部门规定。

    The detailed measures for qualifications and issuance of qualification certificates shall be formulated by the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the State Council .

  19. 此软件可以汇总、录入世界若干国家和地区的动物检疫信息,可以按不同的查询条件查询相关国家的动物检疫信息,如按国家或地区的名称、疫病名、动物种类等查询。

    The software can gather and record quarantine information from many countries and regions and query the relative nations ' animal quarantine information according to different query items .

  20. 动物检疫工作中,分子生物学检测方法的敏感性和特异性很大程度上决定于样品前处理环节(即核酸提取过程)。

    In animal quarantine , the sensitivity and specificity of molecular detection methods were largely determined by the sample preparation ( ie , process of nucleic acid extraction ) .

  21. 因前款规定的违法行为给有关当事人造成损害的,由动物检疫员所在单位承担赔偿责任。

    If the illegal act mentioned in the preceding paragraph causes damage to the interested party , the unit to which the animal quarantine officer belongs shall bear the liability for compensation .

  22. 中国进出境动物检疫肩负防控外来动物疫病传入的重任,最早起源于1903年在中东铁路管理局建立的铁路兽医检疫处,对来自沙俄的各种肉类食品进行检疫工作。

    Chinese entry-exit animal quarantine shoulder the task of the prevention and control of the exotic animal disease , originated from the Railway Veterinary and Quarantine Service which built by the Middle East Railway Authority in 1903 , for quarantining a variety of meat products importing from Russia .

  23. 陕西水生动物防疫检疫工作分析与研究

    Analyse and research of Shaanxi aquatic animal epidemic prevention and quarantine

  24. 关于进口动物产品检疫证书确认标准的探讨

    Discussion on Criterion for Confirming Quarantine Certificates of Imported Animal Products

  25. 对来自那个国家的进口动物的检疫限制已被解除。

    Quarantine restriction have been lifted on import animal from that country .

  26. 控制质量的容许度检验器第三章实验动物的检疫和传染病控制

    Chapter III The Quarantine of Experimental Animals and the Control of Their Infectious Diseases

  27. 供港澳食用动物检验检疫管理模式研究

    Research of Administer Mode for Inspection and Quarantine Edible Animals of Feeding to Hongkong and Macao

  28. 聚合酶链式反应和基因芯片技术的研究及在主要水生动物病毒检疫和监测中的应用

    Study and Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Gene Chip in the Quarantine and Surveillance of Aquatic Viral Diseases

  29. 快速生化检验在动物产品检疫中能帮助判定动物产品是否来源于健康动物。

    Quick Biochemical Process Analysis can help to determine if animal productions are from healthy animals in the Animal Productions Quarantine .

  30. 但是这种发病通常可以通过新进动物的检疫和消毒进行很好的防治,如家用漂白粉1/0稀释消毒。

    These outbreaks can be prevented by quarantining newly-arrived puppies and sanitizing the facility with a1:20 dilution of ordinary household bleach .