
  1. 目前,欧丁从鼻子到尾巴有10英尺长。欧丁是当地的动物明星,因为它是一名出色的游泳健将。

    He is about10ft long from nose to tail , and is an excellent swimmer .

  2. 菲律宾巴那万省的居民及专业捕鱼人活捉了一条重达一吨的咸水鳄。周一,一名官员宣称,他们将把这条鳄鱼“包装”为菲律宾南部一个生态公园的动物明星。

    Villagers and veteran hunters have captured a one-ton saltwater crocodile which they plan to make the star of a planned ecotourism park in a southern Philippine town , an official said Monday .

  3. 出现在Instagram账号“NormanthePomsky”上的一只可爱小狗正迅速成为社交媒体上的下一个动物大明星。

    The adorable puppy , who is featured on the Instagram account , Norman the Pomsky , is swiftly becoming social media 's next big animal celebrity .

  4. 在电影中与名人平分秋色的、经受过训练的动物(明星)们可能一夜走红。

    The trained animals costarring with celebrities in movies can shoot to fame overnight .

  5. 泰山是华盛顿美国国家动物公园的明星,他即将启程返华。

    The young star of the US National Zoo in Washington will be heading home to China .

  6. 他已成为一个动物选秀节目的明星。

    He becomes the star of an animal show .