
Starting from the date when this law comes into effect , 30 % of the land compensation fees for new construction land shall be handed over to the central finance , with the rest 70 % to be retained by related local people 's governments , for the development of land for cultivation .
China has been saying it would introduce 3G since the beginning of the decade but faced huge obstacles .
China has been signalling its intention to introduce third generation telecoms services almost since the beginning of the decade .
Reaction Injection Molding ( RIM ), a new kind of polymer processing method , has found wide applications since it was developed in the late of 1960 's.
Since the early 2000s , the cost of sequencing a human genome - determining the precise order of nucleotides within DNA molecules that defines who we are - has dropped sharply .
Seam has gone through rapid changes since the first article in this series was published , so you should be about ready for an upgrade anyway .
Benchmark Australian ore , with a 62 per cent iron content , dropped 70 cents to $ 88.20 a tonne , according to The Steel Index , bringing the losses since the middle of the month to 5.6 per cent .
Commencing this month , Microsoft will be providing every CPAN author with free access to a centrally-hosted virtual machine environment containing every major version of Windows .
Pearson / Prentice Hall Professional provided Infoq readers with an excerpt from chapter five of the book , focusing on service identification * .
As a non-contact automatic identification technology , radio frequency identification ( RFID ) technology has seen growing interest from a wide range of industries from the beginning of this century .
One hundred and sixty-one strains of yeastlike fungi isolated from clinical samples of the hospital were subjected to drug susceptibility test by KB method .
Analysts estimate that Boeing has invested about $ 1bn in developing the Connexion service since the beginning of the decade .
Mr Sarkozy , the first foreign leader to visit Japan since the earthquake and tsunami which damaged the plant earlier this month , proposed a meeting of the G20 countries to discuss the issue in May .
I 've been building a trip-planner application since the first article in this series .
Since the phone hacking scandal erupted again this month , News Corp has closed the news of the world , the UK tabloid newspaper at the centre of allegations of criminal behaviour , and abandoned the cornerstone of its growth plans the BSkyB acquisition .
Already , benchmark copper prices on the London Metal Exchange have dropped 7 per cent since the start of the month , dipping below $ 8,000 a tonne for the first time since January .
Some of them just use their two hands to gather the oil , or use plastic buckets , said Zhong Yu , senior action co-ordinator for Greenpeace who has been observing clean-up efforts since early this week .
Since the 80 of this century , it is widely used in many fields especially in high-tech fields such as aviation and astronaut , because of it has function of self-diagnosis , self-renovation , self-adaption and so on .
Since 1950s , it has entered new period with catastrophic nature .
Within ______ months from the Effective Date of the Contract
Britain will no longer be an EU member state from Saturday .
The pressure hydrometallurgy has developed rapidly since 1950s .
Thanks to all of you for making the past three years worthwhile .
This wall began to collapse in 1980 's.
Turkish emigration to Germany has declined dramatically since the start of this century .
Information you collected on this Web Site is subject to this privacy policy .
Beginning this month , more bullet trainsin China will slow down to increase safety .
After graduation our students are supported by an active alumni community of industry professionals .
They have been in retreat for half a decade , since the financial crisis .
The benchmark has risen more than 13 per cent since the start of the month .