
  1. 自本法施行之日起,新增建设用地的土地有偿使用费,百分之三十上缴中央财政,百分之七十留给有关地方人民政府,都专项用于耕地开发。

    Starting from the date when this law comes into effect , 30 % of the land compensation fees for new construction land shall be handed over to the central finance , with the rest 70 % to be retained by related local people 's governments , for the development of land for cultivation .

  2. 自本世纪初以来,中国一直在说它将推出3g服务,但以往面临一些巨大障碍。

    China has been saying it would introduce 3G since the beginning of the decade but faced huge obstacles .

  3. 中国几乎自本世纪初以来就一直在表示,其有意推出第三代(3g)移动通讯服务。

    China has been signalling its intention to introduce third generation telecoms services almost since the beginning of the decade .

  4. 反应注射成型(Reactioninjectionmolding,简称RIM)这一聚合物加工技术自本世纪60年代问世以来得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Reaction Injection Molding ( RIM ), a new kind of polymer processing method , has found wide applications since it was developed in the late of 1960 's.

  5. 自本世纪初以来,人类基因测序(确定DNA分子内部核苷酸的确切排序,这一排序决定了我们是谁)的价格已大幅下跌。

    Since the early 2000s , the cost of sequencing a human genome - determining the precise order of nucleotides within DNA molecules that defines who we are - has dropped sharply .

  6. 自本系列的第一篇文章发表以来,Seam已经有了迅速发展,所以应该准备好进行一次升级。

    Seam has gone through rapid changes since the first article in this series was published , so you should be about ready for an upgrade anyway .

  7. 根据TheSteelIndex提供的数据,澳大利亚基准铁矿石(含铁量为62%)的价格下跌70美分,至每吨88.2美元,自本月中旬以来的累计跌幅达到5.6%。

    Benchmark Australian ore , with a 62 per cent iron content , dropped 70 cents to $ 88.20 a tonne , according to The Steel Index , bringing the losses since the middle of the month to 5.6 per cent .

  8. 自本月起,Microsoft将在中央主机上提供所有主要版本Windows的虚拟机环境,供所有CPAN作者免费访问。

    Commencing this month , Microsoft will be providing every CPAN author with free access to a centrally-hosted virtual machine environment containing every major version of Windows .

  9. 培生/普伦蒂斯霍尔专业出版公司为InfoQ读者提供的书摘节选自本书的第5章,其重点是服务发现。

    Pearson / Prentice Hall Professional provided Infoq readers with an excerpt from chapter five of the book , focusing on service identification * .

  10. 无线射频识别(RFID)技术作为一种新兴的非接触式自动识别技术,自本世纪开始越来越受到广泛的关注。

    As a non-contact automatic identification technology , radio frequency identification ( RFID ) technology has seen growing interest from a wide range of industries from the beginning of this century .

  11. 本文报告采用KB法对161株分离自本院临床标本的酵母样真菌进行药敏试验。

    One hundred and sixty-one strains of yeastlike fungi isolated from clinical samples of the hospital were subjected to drug susceptibility test by KB method .

  12. 分析师估计,自本世纪开始以来,波音已投入约10亿美元开发Connexion服务项目。

    Analysts estimate that Boeing has invested about $ 1bn in developing the Connexion service since the beginning of the decade .

  13. 萨科齐是自本月初造成福岛核电站破坏的地震和海啸以来访问日本的首位外国领导人。他建议G20各国在五月份召开会议讨论该问题。

    Mr Sarkozy , the first foreign leader to visit Japan since the earthquake and tsunami which damaged the plant earlier this month , proposed a meeting of the G20 countries to discuss the issue in May .

  14. 自本系列的第一篇文章开始,我就一直在构建一个trip-planner应用程序。

    I 've been building a trip-planner application since the first article in this series .

  15. 自本月电话窃听丑闻再次爆发以来,新闻集团关闭了处于有罪指控核心的英国小报《世界新闻报》(newsofworld),并放弃了其增长计划的基石对bskyb的收购。

    Since the phone hacking scandal erupted again this month , News Corp has closed the news of the world , the UK tabloid newspaper at the centre of allegations of criminal behaviour , and abandoned the cornerstone of its growth plans the BSkyB acquisition .

  16. 自本月初以来,伦敦金属交易所(LME)基准铜价累计下跌7%,自1月以来首次跌穿了每吨8000美元的关口。

    Already , benchmark copper prices on the London Metal Exchange have dropped 7 per cent since the start of the month , dipping below $ 8,000 a tonne for the first time since January .

  17. 绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)资深行动统筹钟裕自本周初以来就一直在关注清理工作。她表示:一些人仅靠双手或塑料桶来捞油。

    Some of them just use their two hands to gather the oil , or use plastic buckets , said Zhong Yu , senior action co-ordinator for Greenpeace who has been observing clean-up efforts since early this week .

  18. 自本世纪80年代以来,特别是在航空航天等高科技领域,由于其具有自诊断(Self-Diagnosis)、自修复(Self-Renovation)、自适应(Self-Adaptation)等功能,使其应用前景极为广阔。

    Since the 80 of this century , it is widely used in many fields especially in high-tech fields such as aviation and astronaut , because of it has function of self-diagnosis , self-renovation , self-adaption and so on .

  19. 自本世纪50年代以来,它已进入了一个具有突变性质的新时期。

    Since 1950s , it has entered new period with catastrophic nature .

  20. 自本合同生效之日起个月内

    Within ______ months from the Effective Date of the Contract

  21. 自本周六起,英国将不再是欧盟成员国。

    Britain will no longer be an EU member state from Saturday .

  22. 自本世纪50年代以来,加压湿法冶金发展迅速。

    The pressure hydrometallurgy has developed rapidly since 1950s .

  23. 感谢各位自本站三年前成立以来的大力支持!

    Thanks to all of you for making the past three years worthwhile .

  24. 西方国家的这堵墙自本世纪80年代以来开始倒塌。

    This wall began to collapse in 1980 's.

  25. 自本世纪以来,移民至德国的土耳其人数已大幅下降。

    Turkish emigration to Germany has declined dramatically since the start of this century .

  26. 自本网站所获得的资料,应适用本隐私权声明。

    Information you collected on this Web Site is subject to this privacy policy .

  27. 为保障安全,自本月起中国多列动车将降速运行。

    Beginning this month , more bullet trainsin China will slow down to increase safety .

  28. 通常,自本专业毕业后,我们的学生都成为了工业界的专业人士。

    After graduation our students are supported by an active alumni community of industry professionals .

  29. 自本次金融危机以来的五年里,银行一直在撤出这一领域。

    They have been in retreat for half a decade , since the financial crisis .

  30. 自本月初以来,该基准指数累计涨幅已超过13%。

    The benchmark has risen more than 13 per cent since the start of the month .