
  • 网络natural light
  1. 自然光线更有利健康,同时还可节约能源。

    Natural light is much prettier and it will keep the energy usage down .

  2. 窗户能提供漂亮的自然光线。

    Windows can offer beautiful natural light .

  3. 以自然光线下观察受试者的舌苔是否出现异常。

    To observe the tongue-coating of subjects and comparison between normal and abnormal .

  4. 选择一个植物能够最好地吸收自然光线的地方。

    Find a space in your home that receives the best amount of natural light .

  5. 管理自然光线可以减少您的人工照明(冷却)需要显着。

    Managing natural lighting can cut your artificial lighting ( and cooling ) needs significantly .

  6. 有朝一日,计算机会以美妙而古老的自然光线把夜晚变成白昼。

    Computers may one day turn night into day & with good old , natural sunlight .

  7. 自然光线更有利健康,同时还可节约能源.使用充电电�

    Natural light is much prettier and it will keep the energy usage down . Rechargeable batteries

  8. 玻璃屋顶和天窗让自然光线倾泻而下。

    The glazed roof and the roof louvre window let the natural optical fiber fall in torrents under .

  9. 这种摄影方法很快受到自然光线摄影方法挑战,自然光线摄影具有更强的自然效果。

    This way of photographing was soon challenged by available light photographs , which had a remarkable naturalness .

  10. 尽量以自然光线和手动白平衡拍摄视频,长时间的人造强光将制造不必要的压力。

    Use white balanced natural light rather than artificial light for video capture to reduce disturbance from bright lights .

  11. 赖特对自然光线的巧妙掌握,使内部空间仿佛充满了盎然生机。

    Wright 's ingenious master of natural light , as if the internal space is filled with abundant life .

  12. 一面更大的玻璃墙俯瞰着花园,自然光线经过这面墙的过滤照射进两层高的起居室内。

    A larger wall of glazing overlooks the garden , through which natural light filters into a double-height living room .

  13. 因为远离自然光线和日常生活节奏,其中四位队员经历了某种睡眠障碍。

    Removed from natural light and the rhythms of everyday life , four crewmembers experienced some type of sleep disturbance .

  14. 次要空间,包括该中心,当过滤的自然光线带进空间中央。

    The secondary spaces , embracing the centre , work as light-filtration for natural light which is brought into the central space .

  15. 即便如此,58%的人称他们的工作场所里没有植物,47%的人的工作场所没有自然光线。

    Even so , 58 % said there were no live plants at their workplace and 47 % reported having no natural light .

  16. 内部的空间设计是以宽敞的船舱为亮点,自然光线透过舷窗,照亮了船舱的每一个角落。

    Interior spaces are impressively maximized by the full beam concept , while large hull portholes maximize the natural light in all cabins .

  17. 以柚木作为边框的光滑墙体能够透过自然光线,并将客人与周围景观联系起来。

    Glazed walls framed in teakwood have been introduced to let in natural light and to visually connect the guests to the surrounding landscape .

  18. 而北面新建的天窗使顶层的室内空间以及二层狭长的过道沐浴在流泻的自然光线中。

    New skylights on the north side flood the interior of the top floor and the long hallway on the second floor with natural light .

  19. “早期暴露在自然光线中可能会产生长期的影响,增加孩子患近视的可能性,”他说。

    " It is probably a long-term effect of early-life exposure to natural light that increases the chances of a child becoming short-sighted ," he says .

  20. 模仿自然光线地位的转变及在绘画中的逐渐消失,传统剪纸,版画其他艺术形式的影响。

    The change of status of the imitation of natural light and gradually disappear in the painting , traditional paper-cut , other art forms of printmaking influence .

  21. 捕风塔在内部被自然光线、微风和饮水器所打断,这些令人愉快的界线都是沿着开阔的室内动线而设置的。

    Internally , the wind towers present interruptions with offerings of natural light , natural breeze and water fountains – pleasant demarcations along the expansive internal circulation .

  22. 当条件允许,你也可以不用任何闪光灯来获得完美的成像,仅仅依靠自然光线。

    In the right conditions , you will be able to create great images without using any flash at all , only relying on the natural ambient light .

  23. 到目前为止我们已经关注情况下自然光线是主要的光源,相机的闪光灯作为填充光。

    Thus far we 've focused on scenarios where natural light is the main light source , and the camera 's flash is used as the fill light .

  24. 如果用透明木材建造住宅和大楼,自然光线有可能穿透墙壁,增加室内亮度。

    If used in the construction of homes and buildings , a transparent wood material has potential to improve indoor lighting , allowing natural light in through the walls .

  25. 设计将新的开口加入现有的混凝土结构,最大限度将自然光线和美景引入内部,同时改变内部办公空间。

    The design incorporates new openings into the existing perimeter concrete structure to maximize daylight and views and , at the same time , transforms the internal office space .

  26. 封闭式露天走廊、通风屋顶、玻璃纤维隔热墙以及天然材料的使用意味着胡志明市的这座建筑拥有良好的自然光线和通风条件。

    Covered open-air corridors , ventilated roofs , fiber-glass insulation and the use of natural materials meant the Ho Chi Minh City units offered both natural light and ventilation .

  27. [方法]让10名中医师在自然光线下,对舌色较为典型、印刷质量较高的230副舌图进行观察并填写舌色观察表,判断结果一致率采用百分比表示。

    Methods 230 typical tongue pictures with high published quality were observed under a natural light by 10 doctors . The concordance rate of judged results was expressed by percentage .

  28. 其中一种方法是,增加早晨自然光线照射的时间,早睡早起。

    One way to do it is to increase your natural light exposure early in the morning , and to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier , she said .

  29. 但若想要通过黑暗疗法来减肥,似乎需要注意,所有的非自然光线都能导致肥胖&包括来自电脑以及电视屏幕的光亮。

    But before you swap calorie counting for a blackout blind , it seems that all unnatural light could have the same effect – including that from computer screens and TVs .

  30. 托利说,想让相框中无一游客进行古迹拍摄并非轻而易举之事,更难的是追逐自然光线千变万化的角度。

    Torrey says it was no small feat composing shots of the ruins without any tourists in the frame , but even more difficult was chasing the ever-changing angles of natural light .