
  1. 我们在讨论过去还是将来的事?

    Are we talking about the past or the future ?

  2. 乌龟;你过于担心过去和将来的事儿了。

    You 're too concerned with what was and what will be .

  3. 因为我们感兴趣的是将来的事。

    Because it is the future that interests us .

  4. 我们有将来的事要考虑。

    We have the future to think of .

  5. 你不得不考虑将来的事。

    You have to think of your future .

  6. 他不知道将来的事,因为将来如何,谁能告诉他呢?

    Since no man knows the future , who can tell him what is to come ?

  7. 因为两面神柬奈斯有两个脸,所以他可以看到过去的事,也可以看到将来的事。

    With two faces , Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future .

  8. 现今的事早先就有了,将来的事早已也有了,并且神使已过的事重新再来。

    Whatever is has already been , and what will be has been before ; and God will call the past to account .

  9. 或保罗,或亚波罗,或矶法,或世界,或生,或死,或现今的事,或将来的事,全是你们的。

    Whether Paul , or Apollos , or Cephas , or the world , or life , or death , or things present , or things to come ; all are yours ;

  10. 而梁启超等人认为,社会主义是中国将来的事,当时的首要任务是反对封建专制和充分发展资本主义,以抵御国际资本的大量侵入。

    Liang Qi-chao and some personages opined that socialism being for the future China , the then main task was to oppose feudal monarchy and develop capitalism so as to resist the large-scale aggression of international capital .

  11. 新闻的最大特点在于新闻的语法与传统语法书上不同,新闻中一般现在时既可描述过去发生的事,也可表示将来的事;

    The most prominent feature is that the grammars in news are different from those in the traditional grammar books . In the news the present tense can be used to represent the past and the future .

  12. 耶和华以色列的圣者,就是造就以色列的,如此说,将来的事你们可以问我。至于我的众子,并我手的工作,你们可以求我命定。

    The lord , the holy one of israel , and his maker , says , will you put a question to me about the things which are to come , or will you give me orders about my sons , and the work of my hands ?

  13. 如何用现在时表达将来发生的事?

    How do I use present tenses to talk about the future ?

  14. 他担心将来发生的事。

    He is afraid for what will happen .

  15. 叙述者不仅叙述自己的经历,还转述听到的早于自己出生的事和将来得知的事,用事件见证人的视角代替叙述者的视角,或插入括号来表达他人的心理活动。

    The narrator not only tells his story , but also retails the matters which was known and would be known in the future , Proust used the visual angle of the eyewitness to replace the narrator 's , or expressed the mental activity of others .

  16. 推测将来可能发生的事。

    To divine what will happen in the future .

  17. 这是将来会发生的事。

    It 's a taste of things to come .

  18. 所以你要把所看见的,和现在的事,并将来必成的事,都写出来。

    Write the things which thou hast seen , and the things which are , and the things which shall be hereafter ;

  19. 因为我们从过去发生的事情推断,将来会发生的事,我觉得你们有点晕了。

    Because we extrapolate from what has happened in the past to what will happen in the future . I have lost you I can see .

  20. 但是,一般现在时不仅可以表示现在正在发生的动作或存在的状态,而且还可以表示过去已经发生或是将来要发生的事。

    However , the simple present tense can refer to not only happening events or existing states , but also events that already happened or will happen .

  21. 摩西为仆人,在神的全家诚然尽忠,为要证明将来必传说的事。

    And Moses verily was faithful in all his house , as a servant , for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after ;

  22. 如果你总是把梦想当成将来要做的事,那么,它很可能永远留在将来。

    If you always think of your dream as something youll be doing in the future , theres a good chance it will always remain in the future .

  23. 很抱歉我又发了一封信给你。但是我不得不说一些对游乐的将来很重要的事。

    I 'm really sorry to send you a letter again . But , there is something so pressing to Youle 's future that I have to say .

  24. 可以声明,指示我们将来必遇的事,说明先前的是什么事,好叫我们思索,得知事的结局,或者把将来的事指示我们。

    Let them bring them forth , and shew us what shall happen : let them shew the former things , what they be , that we may consider them , and know the latter end of them ; or declare us things for to come .

  25. 与西方分析人士担忧将来可能会发生的事相比,爱沙尼亚、中国和伊朗的事件算不了什么。

    The Estonian , Chinese and Iranian episodes are mild compared with what some Western analysts fear may be coming .

  26. 当然,将来可能有变化,但这是将来的事,今天必须这样做。

    Of course , things may change in future , but we must act according to these principles today .