
jiāng yǎng
  • rest;recuperate;support and wait upon
将养 [jiāng yǎng]
  • (1) [recuperate]∶休养身体

  • (2) [support and wait upon]∶侍奉赡养

  • 将养老人

将养[jiāng yǎng]
  1. 医生说你再将养一个礼拜就可以好了。

    The doctor says you ought to be well again after another week 's rest .

  2. 动物专家们称,适当的防护措施应该能将养猫的健康风险降至最低。

    Animal experts say proper precautions should minimize health risks from owning a cat .

  3. 它们会将养份储存在根部。

    And store it in their roots .

  4. 道理很简单,因为在冬天的时候,树木需要将养份的虚耗减低。

    It is simple as they have to cut down the expenses of the nutrient in winter time for the tree .

  5. 众人各按各分,将养马与快马的大麦和乾草送到官吏那里。

    Barley also and straw for the horses and swift steeds they brought to the place where it was required , each according to his duty .