
  • 网络the general;The Genering
  1. 梅格斯将军号正趁潮进港。

    The General Meigs is tiding into the harbor .

  2. 旅港潮阳同乡会有限公司梅格斯将军号在趁潮出港。

    Chiu Yang Residents ' Association of Hong Kong Ltd. The General Meigs is tiding out of the harbor .

  3. 过了十一天之后,正是12月3号,格兰特将军号开进金门港,到达了旧金山。

    Eleven days later , on the 3rd of December , the ` General Grant ' entered the bay of the Golden Gate , and reached San Francisco .

  4. 在19世纪60年代美国南北战争期间,该渡口是军队的重要转捩点。这艘犹巴安德森厄累将军号是以一位内战时期南方指挥官的名字命名的。

    It was a popular transit point for troops during the American Civil War in the 1860s . The boat , the General Jubal A. Early , is named for a Confederate commander in the Civil War .

  5. 貌埃将军4月4号将抵达印度进行为期三天的访问。

    General aye is to arrive in India April 4 on a three-day visit .