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  1. 要将刚创建的实体持久化,只需调用entityManager的merge()方法即可。

    You simply call the merge () method of the entityManager to persist the newly created entity .

  2. 这些国家还成立专业服务公司,诸如塔塔咨询(TataConsultingServices)和印孚瑟斯(Infosys),将刚毕业的大学生打造成世界级电脑程序员和顾问。

    They are also producing professional-services firms such as Tata Consulting Services and Infosys that take fresh graduates and turn them into world-class computer programmers and consultants .

  3. 获得四倍体盾叶薯蓣的最佳处理条件是:24℃下将刚露出芽点的愈伤块浸泡到0.1%的秋水仙素溶液中24h,在60-70r/min的摇床中黑暗处理,然后转到普通培养基上继续培养。

    The effective treatment combination for inducing tetraploid might be : , the callus with small new formed green buds are soaked for 24h in 0.1 % colchicine solution in the darkness under 24 ℃ with rotation in a speed of 60-70 rpm , then transferred to ordinary medium .

  4. 之后,您可将刚创建的对象添加到集合中。

    After that , you can add the object just created to the collection .

  5. 对于对称刚架系统,可取半边结构将刚架化为单个构件的可靠度问题。

    The symmetrical rigid frame system can be separated into single component to calculate reliable index .

  6. 其实是因为我有一位挚友名为「米妮」,我总不能将刚到的这位小朋友也叫「米妮」吧!

    I have a close personal friend named Minnie , I can 't call her that !

  7. 我们打算将刚从树上采摘的新鲜樱桃,直接送到客户手中。徐佳说。

    We planned to pick cherries from the trees and send them directly to clients , says Xu .

  8. 将刚塑性材料的理想变形理论扩展到弹塑性材料的理想变形。

    O.Richmond et al simplified forming theory of rigid plastic solids and called the simplified theory as ideal forming theory of rigid plastic materials ;

  9. 在台湾,人们极为看重教育,到处都可见补习班,父母亲总是迫不及待地将刚学会拿笔的孩子送去课后辅导班。

    Many Taiwanese Christians are the only Christians in their families , and parents are heavily against their children turning to such a faith .

  10. 研究人员推测,随着潜热的攀升,其将刚凝华的冰,那些原本可以顺势飘落的物质,又再度带回了云层。

    The researchers theorized that , as latent heat rises , it carries freshly frozen ice material that would normally float down back up into the cloud .

  11. 在用应变能求刚度矩阵时,使用了非线性几何关系,将刚度矩阵分为常规的线性刚度矩阵和非线性的几何刚度矩阵。

    By applying quadratic strain-displacement relationship , the Stiffness matrix is divided into two matrices . One is conventional stiffness matrix ; the other is geometric stiffness matrix which is non-linear .

  12. 以赫兹应力推导齿对啮合刚度,并将刚度变化加入齿条-齿轮啮合模式中;

    According to Hertzian stress , the stiffness during the contact of a pair of gear teeth is derived , and the variation of stiffness is introduced into the rack-and-pinion meshing model .

  13. 进行塔台模型的设计时,将刚度相似和外形相似统一模拟,将弹性参数相似融和于刚度分布相似中。

    When designing on the model of the control tower , we can unify the rigidity similarity and the figuration similarity and make the elastic parameter fusing into the rigidity distribution similarity .

  14. 对于材料非线性的处理,将刚度矩阵的修改缩聚到小的局部塑性区,并通过二次方程来求解过渡无素的加权系数;

    The repairs of stiffness matrix are re - duced to small local field of plasticity for the treatment of material nonlinearity and the Weighting coefficients of crossed element are solved by quadratic equation .

  15. 首先将刚采下的果实广布在晒场上一两个星期,直到果实发出霹啪的声音为止,自然干燥之。

    First , the fruit of the newly adopted widely distributed under the sun field in a week or two , until the fruit until the issue of Perak popping sound , natural drying .

  16. 提出一种新型的钢梁与钢筋混凝土桥墩刚节点连接形式,即通过在主梁下部增设连接梁,将刚节点部分下移至混凝土桥墩的顶部。

    A new type of rigid connection of steel girder and reinforced concrete pier is proposed , by increasing an articulated beam under the main beam to make the rigid connection partly move down to the top of concrete pier .

  17. 将刚塑性极限分析理论和最小耗能原理相结合推导出多孔砖砌体销键作用的抗剪强度,以此为基础建立了考虑孔洞率影响的多孔砖砌体抗剪强度计算公式。

    Combining rigid-plastic ultimate theory and least energy consumption principle , the shear strength of pin-key action of perforated brick masonry is achieved , and basis on it , shear strength formula considering pin-key influence of perforated brick masonry is established .

  18. 描述这种情形与描述一位正要从椅子上跳起来,将刚写完的稿子举过头顶并以最大声尖叫“停止印刷”的职业作家没有什么不同。

    Describing the situation as not at all dissimilar from that of an intrepid ink-slinger who was just about to leap from his chair , hold his freshly typed story above his head , and scream " Stop the presses ! " at the top of his lungs ,

  19. 为了便于用算法分解算法求解,用多项式拟合齿侧间隙,而将啮合刚度、输入及输出转矩波动用Fourier级数表示。

    The backlash of the gear pair is expressed into multinomial , and the meshing stiffness , input and output torque fluctuation are expand into Fourier series .

  20. 我们可以肯定的是:如果您通过了认证,您将比刚开始时更多地了解DB2。

    What we can say for sure is that if you certify , you 'll end up knowing more about DB2 than you did when you started .

  21. 本文旨在将动力刚度法应用于变截面杆件的自由振动问题及其相关的Sturm-Liouville(SL)问题的精确计算。

    In this paper , DSM is applied to the exact solution of free vibration of non-uniform members and further to the Sturm-Liouville ( SL ) problem .

  22. 将驱动器刚度曲线与预载荷进行比较,分析得到了输出位移为7mm。

    Displacement output of 7 mm is obtained by comparing the stiffness curves of actuator with preload .

  23. 在列出的虚拟机中,您将找到刚部署的一个虚拟机。

    Among the listed virtual machines , you 'll find the one just deployed .

  24. 云南宣威一名山民将他刚做过结扎手术的妻子背回家。

    A man carries his wife who has just undergone reproductive sterilization back home .

  25. 将割线刚度引入弧长法进行计算,以求解非线性有限元问题。

    The secant rigidity is used for the are-length method to solve the nonlinear finite elements problems .

  26. 在本任务中,将在刚创建的包中添加一个平面文件连接管理器。

    In this task , you add a flat file connection manager to the package that you just created .

  27. 您的用户配置文件将用刚收集的训练数据进行更新。请耐心等候,此过程可能需要几分钟。

    Your speaker profile will now be updated with the training data just collected . Please be patient , this may take several minutes .

  28. 计算和分析结果表明:荷载按龟甲形分配至纵横梁,采用有效截面可将连续刚架桥简化为平面结构来分析,由此简化计算带来的误差是可以接受的。

    The calculating results reveal that it is acceptable that the load distributes to the longitudinal and cross beam according to the tortoise shell form and uses effective section to simplify the frame bridge to a plain structure .

  29. 本文将调整刚度参数的不等比例强度折减有限元法进行了初步推广,使其可以应用到实际复杂的非均质边坡工程中,为解决实际的工程问题提供了一种有效合理的途径。

    The strength reduction finite element methods adjusting stiffness parameters and reduction factors was preliminarily promoted , which can be applied to the actual complex inhomogeneous slope engineering . And it provided an effective and reasonable way for solving practical engineering problems .

  30. 以单元的应变能密度作为广义灵敏度数,通过ESO方法将对结构刚度贡献最小的单元删除以提高材料的利用率,降低结构重量。

    The individual element 's stain energy density is calculated as a generalized sensitive number for ESO method .