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  1. 这伟大的善行人们将永志不望。

    This incredible gesture won 't soon be forgotten by the people .

  2. 因为这将使志在建设更美好社会的领导成为可能.

    because it makes possible a leadership which aims at a larger good .

  3. 我们热爱著您们,而您们的善行义举将永志于我们心中。

    We love you dearly , and your charitable actions will remain in our hearts forever .

  4. 我们都已做好准备,并愿意为此原则献出生命和财产,因为这将使志在建设更美好社会的领导成为可能。

    We are all ready and willing to submit our lives and our property to such discipline because it makes possible a1eadership which aims at the larger good .

  5. 自20世纪初人种志在西方人类学中确立其方法霸主地位之后,一些人类学家和社会学家开始于20世纪30&50年代将人种志运用于教育研究,从而萌发了教育人种志的雏形。

    After ethnography achieved its hegemony of research method in the west anthropology at the turning of the 20th century , several anthropologists and socialists tried to apply it to education research in the 30-50s of the 20th century . Therefore educational ethnography began to bud .

  6. 学生们将阅读民族志典范,学生们也将阅读不同田野调查之文字描述及辩论。

    Students will read exemplary ethnographies , as well as texts describing and debating various fieldwork techniques .

  7. 作者将从民族志电影的相关制作过程出发,探讨民族志电影的真实原则以及与之相关的客观性问题。

    Based on the survey on whole film producing process , the paper has illustrated the authentic principle and objectivity related in ethnographic filmmaking .

  8. 公司将为有志于物流事业的人士提供全新的有挑战性的工作岗位及广阔的个人发展空间。

    This company provides an exciting opportunity and wide development space for you to be part of a new and dynamic Company – ideal for those that thrive in a motivated work environment .

  9. 其他重点活动将包括建筑同人志巡回展(Archizines)以及它在中国的独有合作展览——“纸本宣言”,策划者是WAIArchitectureThinkTank。

    Other highlights will include the touring architectural zine exhibition Archizines and its China-specific companion show Paper Manifestoes , curated by WAI Architecture Think Tank .

  10. 当将宋内氏志贺氏菌毒株I相大质粒诱动转移到T32株时,它又回复了侵入上皮细胞并引起豚鼠眼角膜结膜炎的能力。

    When Sh sonnei I form plasmid was transferred into T32 strain by mobilizing-transferation , T32 strain regained its virulence to cause positive Sereny 's reaction in guinea pig .

  11. 第四部分将把家谱和县志中的孝子孝行结合起来进行分析研究。

    The third part will combine the son filial conduct genealogy and editing are studied .

  12. 作为一个全新高科技企业,它将为许多有志业界人士及新近毕业生提供一个难得的施展才华和抱负的机会和舞台。

    As an innovative high tech enterprise , DAC will provide a thrill-seeking opportunity and platform for those aggressive , technically inclined young professionals and new graduates to emerge their ambition and contribute their talent to the future wireless technology .