
  1. 1940年的今天,二战期间:在欧文·隆美尔将军带领下的德军抵达英吉利海峡。

    World War II : German forces , under General Erwin Rommel , reach the English Channel .

  2. 求求你,将军馈下。我说,我们还没听取囚犯的报告。

    Please , Herr General . I mean to say , we have not yet debriefed the prisoner .

  3. 我的祖国虽然立国不久,但已经不幸地拥有军人执政的历史。我父亲八岁的时候,一位叫作齐亚.哈克的将军夺下了政权。

    My country may not be very old but unfortunately it already has a history of military coups , and when my father was eight a general called Zia ul-Haq seized power .

  4. 第二天,周瑜传各路将军帐下议事,命大将们各领三个月粮草,准备抗敌。

    the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent . He ordered the commanders to take three months 's rations and prepare to defend their line .

  5. 它连同火炮,在Parsons将军的指导下于1778年被建立起来。

    It was installed , along with supporting artillery , under the direction of General Parsons in1778 .

  6. 霍奇将军命令拿下攻占那座桥。

    General Hoge ordered his men to take the bridge .

  7. 卡森将军会拿下罗马。

    General Carson will have his day in rome .

  8. 在史密斯将军的影响下,我得以出狱。

    Under the influence of General Smith , I was able to get out of prison .

  9. 1951年的今天,朝鲜战争之“撕裂行动”&在朝鲜,联合国军在马修·李奇微将军的带领下开始了一项针对中方军队的袭击。

    1951-Korean War : Operation Ripper-In Korea , United Nations troops led by General Matthew Ridgeway begin an assault against Chinese forces .

  10. 在阿富汗内部,我已经命令增加额外军队,在彼得雷乌斯将军的指挥下,他们正在不断削弱塔利班。

    Within Afghanistan , I have ordered the deployment of additional troops who-under the command of General David Petraeus-are fighting to break the Taliban 's momentum .

  11. 但是小牛队的整体防守能力不强,在小将军约翰逊的调教下,他们原有的进攻也下降了,变成了四不像。

    But the Mavericks overall defensive ability , in the small General Johnson 's teaching , they also attack the original fell into neither fish nor fowl .