
yín shān
  • Yinshan;mountains of wealth;mountains rich in silver;snow-covered mountains
  1. 天还黑着,就有5辆大巴开始从距银山煤矿140英里的地方出发运送矿工。

    It was still dark when five coaches started to ferry the miners the 140 miles from the Silverhill colliery

  2. 我一直讲,绿水青山就是金山银山,改善生态环境就是发展生产力。

    I have always said that green mountains and lucid3 waters are indeed mountains of gold and silver , and that environmental improvement means greater productivity .

  3. 必须树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,像对待生命一样对待生态环境,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,实行最严格的生态环境保护制度,形成绿色发展方式和生活方式。

    We must realize that lucid approach to conserving our mountains , rivers , forests , farmlands , lakes , and grasslands , implement the strictest possible systems for environmental protection , and develop eco-friendly growth models and ways of life .

  4. 绿水青山就是金山银山,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,加快形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,给自然生态留下休养生息的时间和空间。

    Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets . China must pursue the vision of innovative , coordinated , green and open development that is for everyone , accelerate forming spatial patterns , industrial structures , production and living modes that are resource-saving and environmental-friendly , and provide time and space for the natural ecology to rehabilitate .

  5. 一种特殊的矿化分带&银山Cu-Au多金属矿床多级多中心矿化分带模式

    A special kind of mineralization zoning : multi-grade and multicentre mineralization zoning model of Cu-Au polymetallic ore deposit in Yinshan

  6. 银山铅锌矿尾矿坝浸润线最大Lyapunov指数分析

    Analysis of the Largest Lyapunov Exponent of the Seepage Line of Tailings Dam of Yinshan Lead-zinc Mine

  7. 笔者提出了银山矿田的Z型探矿模式,利用该模式指导银山矿田外围找矿,确定外围找矿方向和靶区。

    With the exploring model , we can conduct the periphery prospecting in Yinshan ore field and assure the prospecting direction and targets .

  8. 银山NE向韧-脆性剪切带控制着火山喷发、次火山岩的侵位和矿床的矿化分带。

    Yinshan NE treading ductile-brittle zone is the ore-field structure , which controls volcanic eruption , late intrusion of subvolcanic and mineralization zones .

  9. 根据这一定义,对银山铅锌矿尾矿坝浸润线进行了模型与Lyapunov指数的耦合分析。

    According to this definition , an analysis is made for cupling between the model and Lyapunov exponents of the seepage line of Yinshan Lead-zinc mine 's tailings dam .

  10. 江西银山多金属矿床蚀变绢云母~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年龄及其地质意义湖南板溪脉岩的年代学、岩石学、地球化学及其构造环境

    ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar dating of sericite from altered dacite porphyry and quartz porphyry in Yinshan polymetallic deposit of Jiangxi Province and its geological significance

  11. 应用这种方法,分析了银山铅锌矿尾矿坝浸润线实测数据。结果表明,叠加周期振动可以降低最大Lyapunov指数。

    The method helps to monitor the seepage line data of tailings dam in Yinshan lead-Zinc Mine , Jiangxi , indicating that the largest Lyapunov exponent can be reduced by stacking with a periodic vibration .

  12. 作者根据这一降低场的性质,对银山的蚀变矿化特征、NE向断裂构造的控矿作用以及找矿方向等进行了讨论。

    In the light of characteristics of this gold-depleted zone and its gradient , a discussion is given concerning the alteration-mineralization features of the Yinshan deposit , the ore-controlling action of the NE-trending faulted zone and the possible target area for further ore prospecting .

  13. 银山多金属矿床与燕山中期(129Ma)陆相火山岩-次火山岩有关。

    The Yinshan polymetallic deposit is related to the mid-Yenshanian ( 129 Ma ) continental volcanic and subvolcanic rocks .

  14. 银山背斜断裂带及次级构造,为导矿、容矿创造了有利空间,是控岩、控矿的主要因素,近EW向断裂控制了矿区各矿化带的矿体。

    Yinshan upfolds the fault zone and the secondary construction create a favorable space for leading ore. It is the the main factor of rock control and ore control . Near EW , the fault zone controls the ore of every mineralized zone . 3 .

  15. 详述岩滩水电站发电机、变压器保护的配置,介绍南瑞继保RCS-985GW、RCS-985TW型保护装置及银山YS-201A型故障录波装置特点。

    It elaborates protection configuration of generator and transformer of the station , and introduces NARI 's RCS-985GW protector and RCS-985TW protector as well as Yinshan 's YS-201A fault recorder .

  16. 银山西区铜金铅锌矿床微量元素地球化学特征

    Study on minor elements of Yinshan Xiqu cu-au-pb-zn deposit , Jiangxi

  17. 银山铅锌矿现场矿石管理的经验

    Experience of On-site Rock Management in Yinshan Lead & Zinc Mine

  18. 江西德兴银山多金属矿床稳定同位素地球化学特征

    Stable Isotope Geochemical Characteristics of Yinshan Polymetallic Deposit , Jiangxi Province

  19. 银山银铅锌矿床地质特征与成矿作用

    The Yinshan Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit : Its Geological Features and Metallogenetic Process

  20. 江西银山多金属矿床的矿化分带

    Metallogenic zoning of the Yinshan polymetallic ore deposit in Jiangxi Province

  21. 江西银山铜铅锌矿床原生矿化分带的初步研究

    A preliminary study on hypogene zoning of the Yinshan copper-lead-zinc deposit

  22. 银山铅锌矿银山区、银山西区深部通风浅探

    Deep shaft airing in Yinshan area and west area of Yinshan Mine

  23. 银山铅锌矿采矿方法述评

    Commentary About Mine Process of Yinshan Lead - Zine Mine

  24. 我宁愿要耶稣,他胜过金山银山。

    I 'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold ;

  25. 江西德兴银山铅锌矿床深部找矿潜力分析

    Analysis on Prospecting Potentiality Deeply in Dexing Yinshan Pb-Zn Deposit

  26. 银山铅锌矿井下特殊采矿法浅析

    Analysis of Underground Special-Mining in Yingshan Lead and Zinc Mine

  27. 江西银山铜铅锌金银矿床构造控矿特征

    Structural Ore-control Characteristic of Yinshan Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag Deposit in Jiangxi Province

  28. 银山矿北山区采矿工艺试验研究

    Tests and studies on mining process of northern pit in Yinshan Mine

  29. 构造动力-火山岩浆同步一体成矿机制&以江西银山金铜多金属矿床为例

    Tectono-Dynamic-Volcano-Magmatic Synchronic Metallogenic Mechanism : an Example from Yinshan Polymetallic Ore Deposit

  30. 银山铅锌矿选矿用水试验研究

    Test of ore - dressing water in Yinshan Lead - Zinc Mine