
yín mù
  • screen;projection screen;motion picture screen
银幕 [yín mù]
  • [motionpicture screen] 放电影时显示投影的白色屏幕

银幕[yín mù]
  1. 咱俩交换一下座位好不好?我看不见银幕。

    Can we swap places ? I can 't see the screen .

  2. 许多观众对银幕暴力心存反感。

    Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen

  3. 他的书被搬上银幕后赢得了更广大的观众。

    His book reached an even wider audience when it was made into a movie .

  4. 银幕内外的他都令女性倾倒。

    He was immensely attractive to women , onscreen and offscreen

  5. 她编选了这本媒体研究季刊——《银幕》。

    She has edited the media studies quarterly , Screen .

  6. 我不喜欢在银幕上表演裸戏。

    I don 't like taking my kit off on screen

  7. 金的作品搬上银幕后似乎缺点什么。

    King 's works seem to lack something on celluloid .

  8. 她仍然是一位处于事业巅峰期的银幕女神。

    She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career .

  9. 麦考利·卡尔金的银幕初吻来自于忸怩作态的11岁童星安娜·克鲁姆斯基。

    Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky .

  10. 这是第一部在银幕上为自己的产品做植入式广告的电影。

    It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise .

  11. 在银幕外,他们彼此一点也不友好,甚至不愿同乘一部电梯。

    They were anything but friendly off-camera , refusing even to take the same lift .

  12. 她又重返大银幕,扮演坎迪专横的母亲罗丝。

    She returns to the big screen to play Candy 's overbearing mother , Rose .

  13. 马龙·白兰度、史蒂夫·麦奎因和詹姆斯·迪恩现在成了银幕上的的传奇人物。

    Marlon Brando , Steve McQueen , and James Dean are now legends of the silver screen

  14. 最近我们不常见到亲爱的彼得·奥图尔活跃在银幕上了。

    We don 't see much of dear old Peter O'Toole on the silver screen these days .

  15. 他看上去比在银幕上要年轻漂亮得多。

    He looks much younger and handsomer than on the screen .

  16. 他的故事被搬上了银幕。

    His story has been adapted for the screen .

  17. 一张图片映现到银幕上。

    A picture is flashed on a screen .

  18. 这个说法是“接受电视采访者”的“高声讲话”版。新闻广播员或评论员等talkinghead(电视银幕上发言人的头部特写,指接受采访者)在电视上发表谈话,经常给予特写镜头。这个词在大约1976年就出现了。

    This phrase is the loudmouth version of a talking head , a person , such as a newscaster or pundit , talking on television while shown in a close-up shot , an epithet3 that entered the language around 1976 .

  19. 她的银幕生涯实际上默默无闻地结束了

    Her screen career all practical purposes , had guttered out .

  20. 十年前,她第一次出现在银幕上。

    She first appeared on the screen ten years ago .

  21. 她梦想成为好莱坞的银幕女神。

    She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess .

  22. 格罗斯推荐的大银幕之作是《大逃亡》(TheGreatEscape)。

    Gross ' big screen pick is the great escape .

  23. 当爱德华?g?罗宾逊把他的事迹搬上银幕时,约翰尼与其说高兴不如说生气。

    When Edward g. Robinson portrayed him in a movie , Johnny was more annoyed than pleased .

  24. 在其他地方3D电影和超大银幕的发展使得电影制作集中于给观众带来巨大的视觉冲击。

    Elsewhere the rise of3-D and the super-sizing of screens are leading studios to focus on visual spectaculars .

  25. 奥斯卡提名影片《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet)在大银幕上描绘的华尔街生活光鲜亮丽,但事实上投资也远比看上去更具挑战。

    Investing despite the big-screen bacchanal portrayed in the Oscar-nominated the wolf of Wall Street is also tougher than it looks .

  26. adj.著名的同:famous女士们,先生们,现在我为你们介绍一位活跃在舞台和银幕上的著名明星,约翰·韦恩。

    renowned Ladies and gentlemen , now I will introduce to you the renowned star of the stage and screen , John Wayne .

  27. HelloKitty将登大银幕,改编动画电影将于2019年上�

    Hello Kitty gets green light for animated feature film adaptation due out in 2019

  28. 《人民日报》的一则报道将《阿凡达》一票难求的主要原因归结为国内电影院3D银幕资源的稀缺。

    A report by the People 's Daily ( in Chinese ) attributes the difficulty in getting tickets partly to the scarcity of3D screens in China .

  29. 你是喜欢在电影院(大银幕上)看电影,还是喜欢DVD?

    Do you prefer to see your movies at the cinema ( on the big-screen ) or on DVD ?

  30. 但据汇丰(HSBC)估计,中国的银幕块数与人口之比尚不及美国水平的五分之一。

    The ratio of screens to population is less than one-fifth that of the US , according to HSBC .