
  1. 请向下述银行查询有关我方的资信情况。

    Please refer to the following bank for our credit standing .

  2. 如对缴款限额有疑问,请向你的银行查询。

    Please contact your bank for enquiries on these limit .

  3. 您可以通过电话银行查询。

    You can do it through our telephone Banking Service .

  4. 恳请付款人于付款前直接向有关银行查询。

    Please check with individual bank directly before payment .

  5. 关于我方的资信状况,请向中国银行查询。

    As to our credit standing , you may refer to the Bank of China .

  6. 如对本公司信用状况有任何疑问,请向瑞士银行查询。

    We refer you to The Bank of Switzerland if you wish to make any inquiries on our credit standing .

  7. 如需有关本公司财务状况的任何资料,请向中国国际商业银行查询。

    If you require any information about our financial standing , we would refer you to International Commercial Bank of China .

  8. 在这方面,“服务”这个术语是指通用服务提供者提供的抽象服务;例如“银行查询”或“贷款审批”。

    In this respect , the term service means an abstract service that is provided by a generic service provider ; for example , a " bank inquiry " or " loan approval " .

  9. 银行查询是侦查机关获取证据,打击犯罪时必不可少的一种侦查措施,但它不限于使用于侦查阶段,在职务犯罪侦查中起着十分重要的作用。

    Bank is the investigation organ for obtaining evidence , crime is essential when a detection measure , but it is not limited to use in the investigation stage , in the duty crime detection plays a very important role .

  10. 有些银行对查询账户余额要收费。

    Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance .

  11. 同HTTP相比,使用HTTPS安全传输的站点更能保证用户在线支付、银行账户查询、敏感信息浏览和分享的安全。

    Sites that use HTTPS -- compared to HTTP -- let you securely pay for things online , check your bank account , and view and share sensitive data .

  12. 市民亦可向开户银行进一步查询。

    Members of the public can also contact their bank for further information .

  13. 小贴士:打电话给银行,查询一下有哪些利息比较高的储蓄方式。

    Tip Call your bank to see what high interest accounts are available .

  14. 银行要查询借款人公开的贷款记录来认定是否为二套房贷款。

    Banks rely on the public credit registries system to define whether a loan is for a first house or a second house .

  15. 阁下如认为本计划能帮助你和你的雇员,可联络阁下的银行,查询本计划详情和申请事宜。

    If you think that the scheme might help you and your employees , you may approach your bank for more details and apply for a loan under the scheme .

  16. 请到中国银行上海分行查询我们的财务状况。

    As regards our financial standing , please refer to the Bank of China , Shanghai Branch .

  17. 本文从银行账务客户查询系统的设计出发,阐述了系统生成、软件控制流程与信息管理方式。

    From the design of the system for inquiring the account for the units of country , the system generation . software control flow & information management mode are described .

  18. 本公司作为代理,有关我的财务情况,请向我业务往来银行横滨银行查询。

    Our bankers , the Yokihama Bank , will give you particulars of our financial position as an agency , and we shall be pleased to furnish any information which you may require .

  19. 该网络终端具有成本低,可定制和扩展的优点,可以应用于网上银行,图书馆查询终端,网上证券,网络教学等方面。

    The network terminal had more advantages , such as , low cost , can be customized and extended , can be applied to Internet banking , a library query terminal , online securities , Internet teaching and so on .

  20. 按照J2EE的标准,设计了一个银行信贷管理与查询系统,其前台界面采用Visual(可视化的)编程开发,控制部分采用Servlet来开发,业务逻辑运用了EJB技术来封装。

    According to J2EE standard , this text designed a management and search system of the bank credit , in which its stage interface is developed by Visual plait distance , its controlling part is developed by Servlet , and its business logic is sealed by EJB technology .

  21. 无论是办理繁忙的银行业务,还是查询庄稼和股票的价格,手机都为非洲人民的通信和贸易方式带来了巨大变革。

    Whether it 's banking on the go , or checking the price of crops or stocks , mobiles have revolutionized the way people in Africa communicate and do business .

  22. 如客户被银行拒绝,可联络发卡银行查询有关事宜。

    If the transaction is rejected , please contact your credit card issuer for enquiries .

  23. 目前,银行客户服务中心业务可提供银行转帐、查询、外汇买卖、股票债券买卖、代缴话费、水电费、煤气费等代缴费业务。

    Nowadays , services offered by Call Center are account transfer , inquiring , trade of foreign exchange , deal of shares and bond , and paying the expense of telephone , water , electricity and gas on the commission basis .

  24. 由于不同银行有不同条款,有关详情请向您的发卡银行查询。

    Since different card issuing banks may have different policy , you are advised to check with your card issuing banks for details .

  25. 为了解决人民银行履行金融监管职责与依法处罚的矛盾,应当赋予人民银行有查询、冻结出票人存款的行政强制权,由此,矛盾可以迎刃而解。

    To settle the contradiction between the supervisory responsibility and the legal punishment , the government should entitle the people 's bank of China with forcible power to investigate and freeze the bank account of Rubber Check issuers .

  26. 中国银行、工商银行、建设银行、农业银行、深圳发展银行六家银行19日表示,将于20日起停止银行卡跨行查询收费。

    Six banks , including Bank of china , industrial and Commercial Bank of china , China Construction bank , Agricultural Bank of China and Shenzhen Development bank , declared on april19th that they would stop collecting inter-bank inquiry fee since april20th .