
  • 网络Database integration
  1. 基于Web的应用开发和数据库集成技术研究

    Researches on Web-based Application Development and Database Integration Technology

  2. 基于移动Agent的智能楼宇异构数据库集成设计

    Design of Heterogeneous Database Integration for Intelligent Building Based on Mobile Agent

  3. 基于分布对象Web的主流数据库集成系统

    Integrated system of mainstream databases based on distributed object of Web

  4. 基于WebServices实现异构数据库集成技术研究

    Technology Research of Heterogeneous Databases Integration Based on Web Services

  5. 定向查询引擎在Web化学数据库集成检索中的应用

    Directed query engine applications in the integrated retrieval of chemical Web databases

  6. 异构数据库集成在WEB下的实现

    Study of Integration Techniques on Heterogeneous Database Based Web

  7. Web与数据库集成方法及实现

    Method of Integrating Web with DB and Implementing Example

  8. 基于Web的矿山企业异构数据库集成系统研究

    Study of the Integrated System of Heterogeneity Databases of Mine Enterprise Based on Web

  9. 基于软件Agent的异构数据库集成及安全机制研究

    Research into Agent-based Heterogeneous Database Integration and Security Mechanism

  10. NET技术的异构数据库集成的思想,详细阐述了实现系统的关键技术。

    NET , and also make a detailed exposition of key technology .

  11. 第七章简要介绍了Web与数据库集成的一些考虑。

    In chapter 7 , the author briefly introduces some ideas on integration of Web and database .

  12. 铸造工艺CAD数据库集成过程中间件的应用研究

    The application research of the Middleware in casting technology CAD integration database

  13. 铸造工艺CAD系统数据库集成过程中相关标准的应用

    Application of Correlative Standard in Casting Technology CAD System Data Base Integrating

  14. Intranet中Web与数据库集成技术分析

    Research on integration technology of Web and database in Intranet

  15. 作为一个新兴的研究领域,Web数据库集成中包含了若干需要解决的研究问题。

    As a rising research field , Web database integration has a number of challenging issues to be solved .

  16. 基于Web的分布式EMC数据库集成查询系统

    Web-based Integrated Query System in Distributed EMC Database

  17. 希望本文对于Web数据库集成的研究和提出这些方法对于这一领域的研究工作具有一定的参考价值。

    We hope approaches and techniques in this dissertation make some contributions to the research work on the Web database integration field .

  18. 基于DCOM的Web与数据库集成系统的体系结构

    The Architecture of Integration of Web and Database System Based on DCOM

  19. 本文的第一章为绪论,第二章和第三章则介绍并分析了目前Web上应用开发和数据库集成方面的现状。

    In chapter 2 and chapter 3 , the author introduced and analysed current research status on Web application development and database integration .

  20. Ontology在异构数据库集成中的应用

    Ontology Applied in Heterogeneous Database Integration

  21. 采用传统的数据库集成技术以及STEP标准,不能满足运行系统数据集成的需要。

    Using the traditional database and STEP to solve this problem is difficult . The two methods can not meet the data integration request .

  22. 基于VB的可视化数据库集成器的开发

    Development of Visual Database Integrator Based on VB

  23. 介绍了一种基于Web的分布式EMC数据库集成查询系统的设计及其实现。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of a distributed EMC database integrated query system based on Web .

  24. CIMS企业中的多数据库集成技术

    The Integrating Techniques of Multi - Database in CIMS Enterprise

  25. CORBA在异构数据库集成上的应用研究

    Integration Technology of Heterogeneous Database Based on CORBA

  26. 一个基于CORBA的异构数据库集成查询系统

    A CORBA-Based Heterogeneous Database Integration System for Query

  27. CIMS多数据库集成关键技术的研究

    Research on key techniques of multidatabase integration in CIMS

  28. 本文分析了实现Web数据库集成框架中所需的关键技术,将框架分为离线的Web数据库搜索模块和在线的查询处理模块。

    Based on analyzing key techniques of web database , the framework includes a Web database search module with off-line model and a query processing module with on-line model .

  29. IBMsolidDBUniversalCache与基于磁盘的关系数据库集成,加快对它们的数据的访问。

    IBM solidDB Universal Cache integrates with relational , disk-based databases to accelerate access to their data .

  30. 多尺度空间数据库集成和计算技术是GIS应用和服务需要解决的重要技术问题。

    Multi-scale spatial database integration and calculation technology are the important techniques which need being solved in the course of GIS applications and services .