
  • 网络digital video
  1. 基于Internet的远程数字化视频矩阵的实现

    The Realization of Remote Digital Video Matrix Based on Internet

  2. 总有一天,用录像带和DVD来观赏数字化视频将成为一种过时的做法。

    It is only a matter of time until both videocassettes and DVDs seem like an antiquated way to access digital video content .

  3. 介绍一个自行设计和研制的基于H.261的全数字化视频编解码系统。

    This paper presents a self designed and developed full digital video codec system based on H261 .

  4. 本设计主要适用于高分辨率数字化视频系统。

    The design is mainly suitable for high-resolution digital video system .

  5. 基于无源光网络的煤矿井下数字化视频监控系统

    Mine-used Digital Video Monitoring System Based on Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Networks

  6. 电信机房数字化视频监控联网管理系统

    The Design of Digital Video Surveillance Network Management System in Communication Room

  7. 数字化视频图书馆的若干关键技术及其实现

    Key techniques in digital video libraries and their implementation

  8. 网络数字化视频监控系统的研究与设计

    Research and design of network digitization video supervisory system

  9. 本文设计了一套基于PC机的锅炉数字化视频监测系统。

    The paper presents a set of boiler digital video detection system based on PC.

  10. 利用本系统可以进行网络数字化视频监控,具有小型化,低功耗,稳定可靠等特点。

    By this system , we can do video monitoring all over the network .

  11. 校园数字化视频监控系统

    The Digital Video Monitoring System in Campus

  12. 数字化视频的存储、检索是视频管理的重要内容。

    The store and retrieval of digital video documents are important parts of video management .

  13. 数字化视频光端机应用

    The Application of Digital TV Optical Transceiver

  14. 数字化视频监控在安全防范工程中的应用

    Application of the Digital Video Frequency Monitoring and Controlling in the Projects of Security and Safeguarding

  15. 数字化视频采集技术

    Technique of Digital Video Collection

  16. 他们说他们不能站在数字化视频光上他们买的广告、是转回电影追踪者。

    They say they can 't stand ads on the DVDs they buy , but rewind movie trailers .

  17. 监控行业正处于完全数字的时代,数字化视频信号完全取代了模拟视频信号。

    Monitoring industry is in a fully digital era , digital video signal completely replaces the analog video signal .

  18. 随着视频遥测技术的发展,对数字化视频图像信息的大容量实时处理和传输提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development of video telemetry , the demand for digital video image processing and transfer is presented in this paper .

  19. 介绍采用数字化视频远程图像监控,应用于新一代运载火箭地面设备监控系统的设想。

    This paper presents an idea which digital video remote image monitoring is used in ground equipment of new generation launch vehicle .

  20. 通过视频传输的发展趋势说明了数字化视频光端机的市场前景;

    The paper maintainly analyse the market foreground of the Digital TV Optical Transceiver from the developing trend of the VIDEO transmission ;

  21. 提出一套基于EC5-1612CVDNA的自动化输送系统网络数字化视频监控解决方案。

    A set of solutions to network digital video frequency supervision of the Automation Transmission System is put forward in this paper .

  22. 电视,作为人们日常生活中最常见的一种娱乐休闲工具,也正在经历着从模拟电视向数字化视频广播的变迁。

    Television , one of the most popular amusement in our life , also go through the vicissitude from Analog Television to Digital Television .

  23. 数字化视频光质量更好,我已经买来自今年的商店的一台M-女孩的数字化视频光,它很好。

    DVD quality is much better , I have bought a M-Girls DVD from the shop in this year , it is very nice .

  24. 文章从数字化视频监控系统的组成、功能、分类及其实现等方面阐述其在校园网中的应用情况。

    This paper expounds the application of digital video-monitor system in the campus intranet based on its constitution , function , classification , and realization .

  25. 它将数字化视频作为标准数据类型引入了系统,而且使音频,动画等其他媒体的处理更加简便。

    It introduces digitized video as standard data type into the system , and it allows an easier handling of other continuous media like audio and animation .

  26. 各式各样的介质可用来备份,在各种不同的袭击配置中包括磁带机,可令状的CD/数字化视频光和其他的硬式磁盘机。

    A wide variety of media are available for backups , including tape drives , writable CD / DVDs , and other hard drives in various RAID configurations .

  27. 网络技术、嵌入式技术和视频技术的发展使得数字化视频数据的网络实时传输和控制成为可能。

    With the development of network technology , embedded technology and video technology , it has been possible to transport and control digital video data on networking real time .

  28. 伴随着计算机、图像处理、人工智能和模式识别等各项技术的迅速发展,近年来兴起了数字化视频监控的浪潮。

    In recent years , with the development of the computer science , image processing , artificial intelligence and pattern analysis , research of intelligent video surveillance becomes a hot point .

  29. 要想对磨损表面进行实时的数字化视频监测,找出最能表达磨损表面图像的参数并量化它们之间的关系,是至关重要的。

    It is very important for real-time numerical video monitor of the wear surface to find the best parameters for depicting the image of the wear surface and numeralize the relationships among them .

  30. 同样地在较早的职位被提到,哈利波特与火焰杯在商店中创造如在它的第一天的放映上的最快速的销售数字化视频光的一个金尼斯世界纪录。

    As was mentioned in an earlier post , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire set a Guinness World Record as the fastest selling DVD on its first day of release in stores .