
  • 网络battery life
  1. 该器件还提供省电模式,不执行转换时,用户可以切断对桥式传感器的供电,并使该器件进入省电模式,从而延长产品的电池使用时间。

    The AD7781 also has a power-down mode that allows the user to switch off the power to the bridge sensor and power down the AD7781 when not converting , thus increasing the battery life of the product .

  2. 电池使用时间对用户来说是很重要的,如果电池没电了用户会考虑是不是你的AP消耗了他们的电池。

    Battery life is important to users , and Android 's battery usage breakdown means users will know if your app is responsible draining their battery .

  3. 峰均功率比的重要性体现在移动设备上,LTE上行需要保持一个较低的峰均比,才能有效延长移动设备的电池使用时间。

    LTE uplink needs to maintain a low PAPR in order to effectively extend the battery time of mobile devices .

  4. 经改良的接收机面板其显示更能一目了然、全新设计的手持话筒发射器外型优美管身更为扎实坚固、采用两只市面最普遍的AA-3碱性电池使用时间长达二十四小时。

    Upgraded receiver panel with easy-to-read displays and the all-new robust , ergonomic design handheld transmitter offers up to24 hours battery life with dual AA-3 size alkaline batteries .

  5. 安装广告屏蔽应用可以延长大大延长电池使用时间。

    Installing an ad blocker will greatly extend battery life .

  6. 关于延长电池使用时间,有很多不准确的传统观点。

    There is plenty of inaccurate conventional wisdom about methods to prolong battery life .

  7. 它防水,电池使用时间长,非常适合手腕细的人。

    It 's water-resistant , has a long battery life and is well-sized for small wrists .

  8. 同时在观看电视时还具有3小时的电池使用时间。

    In addition , the handset claims a battery life of up to three hours for TV viewing .

  9. 采用三星新式存储模块的智能手机,其电池使用时间将延长20%。

    Smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to20 % by changing what type of memory they use .

  10. 如果你拥有好几个邮件账号,并且收发大量邮件,电子邮件对电池使用时间会有很大影响。

    Email can have a major impact on battery life if you have multiple email accounts and receive lots of email .

  11. 啊,我还忘了,它的电池使用时间也很长,有10个小时呢。

    Ah , I forgot to mention , it 's battery life is very long too , it can lasts for10 hours .

  12. 电子产品功耗的大小不仅限制了便携设备电池使用时间,也在一定程度上影响着设备性能。

    The electronic products ' power dissipation not only limits the using time of portable equipments , but also affects the capability of circuits on a certain extent .

  13. 在移动无线设备的设计开发过程中,除了软件平台、底层通信芯片和硬件等因素外,电池使用时间仍旧是一个关键性因素,这也是用户在购买手机时考虑的主要因素之一。

    Battery operating time continues to be a critical factor in the design of mobile wireless devices except software platform , communication chip and hardware , and also be a key factor when users purchase mobile phones .

  14. 此前,rim一直拒绝发展3g手机,部分原因是担心电池的使用时间。

    Rim had resisted the push towards 3G handsets until now in part because of concerns over battery life .

  15. 电池的使用时间是你优化AP时应该考虑的,即使你的AP看上去运行的够快。

    Battery life is one reason you might want to optimize your app even if it already seems to run " fast enough " .

  16. 3G通信中,通常使用效率较低的线性功放做最终信号放大,这影响到手机电池的使用时间。

    In 3G communication , we usually use the less efficient linear power amplifier to make the final signal amplification , which affected cell phone battery life .

  17. 省电功能,延长电池的使用时间。

    Save the electricity and lengthen the battey using time .

  18. 电池的使用时间主要是基于主观的评价。

    Battery life length is mainly something subjective .

  19. 这种结构大大提高了电荷泵的效率,延长了电池的使用时间。

    This structure substantially enhances the efficiency of charge pump and thus prolongs the using time of batteries .

  20. 网站的评论者并不信服,他们指出制暖与空调系统会影响电池的使用时间。

    Reviewers are unconvinced , pointing out that heating and air conditioning affect how quickly the battery runs down .

  21. 重新设计的眼罩功耗下降了50%,不仅延长了电池的使用时间,也提高了系统的稳定性。

    The new peripheral saves power by 50 % , not only extends battery life , but also improved stability of the whole system .

  22. 传呼机专用电池具有使用时间长、安全、防漏等特点,且性能价格比优于其它各类一次电池。

    This special battery had the characteristics of long life safety , leaking proof , with performance per unit price higher than other primary batteries .

  23. 为了延长手持设备电池的使用时间,降低芯片的封装及散热成本,需要在芯片设计和实现时特别考虑功耗因素。

    In order to prolong the battery life of the portable device and decrease the cost of package , the power consumption should be considered in chip design .

  24. 它的效率的高低不仅直接影响到功率放大器和整个通信系统的效率及稳定性,而且也直接影响到通信系统中供电电池的使用时间和寿命。

    The efficiency of it affects the energy-consuming and the stability of the whole communication system . At the same time , the efficiency of RF power amplifier affects the use time of the battery .

  25. 同时,为了延长移动设备中电池的使用时间、降低芯片的散热和封装成本,则希望降低芯片的功耗。

    However , in order to prolong the battery life of the mobile device and decrease the cost of heat radiation and package , the power consumption of the chip should be reduced as more as possible .

  26. 由于汽车的气动特性对汽车的动力性、经济性和操纵性等有直接影响,因此设计空气动力特性良好的电动汽车,可以直接延长电池的使用时间,提高续驶里程。

    As the automobile aerodynamic characteristics have directly effects on traction ability , fuel cost , handing and stability , so the important way to extend battery service lifetime and increase driving range is to make a good design of the automobile aerodynamic characteristics .

  27. 有没有想过为什么昂贵的锂离子电池在使用一段时间后就会失效。

    Ever wonder why some expensive lithium ion batteries go dead after a certain number of charges ?

  28. 丙烯酸类聚合物具备良好的耐碱性、保液性和结构稳定性,已经被很多国家应用在二次电池当中,用以提高电池的稳定性和使用时间。

    Acrylic polymers have good alkali resistance , water-retaining property and structural stability , have been applied in secondary batteries in many countries , to improve the stabilities and using time of the batteries .

  29. 当在电池电源下使用背景灯,将大大减低电池使用时间。

    Using backlight while on battery power will substantially reduce battery life .

  30. CMP电池采用进口原装高容量电芯,电池满充电后使用时间比原配电池时间长,放电平台高。

    CMP battery uses the imported , original and high-capacity cell , after full charge of the battery , the using time is longer than the original , and the platform of discharge is high .