
qiú shēng
  • seek to live on;seek for life
求生 [qiú shēng]
  • [seek for life] 谋求生存

  • 本能的求生欲望

求生[qiú shēng]
  1. 关于安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。

    Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you .

  2. 他有着极其强烈的求生欲。

    He had an unquenchable thirst for life .

  3. 很多挣扎求生的企业不惜违法逃税。

    Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax .

  4. 我挣扎求生的时候,你究竟在哪儿?

    Where in the world were you when I was struggling for my life ?

  5. 当你的孩子在挣扎求生时,你会感到非常内疚。

    When your child is struggling for life , you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt

  6. 生活成了一场奋力求生的斗争。

    Life became a struggle for survival .

  7. 他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难求生进行了逼真的刻画。

    His most celebrated work is the film classic , ' Woman in the Dunes , ' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment .

  8. 动物都有求生的本能。

    All animals have an instinct to seek survival .

  9. 他经常看格里尔斯的生存类节目《荒野求生》。

    He had often watched Grylls ' survival show Man vs.Wild .

  10. 他想起了他在电视上看过的所有求生节目。

    He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV .

  11. 在《荒野求生》的每一集中,格里尔斯都被丢弃到一个荒野,然后他得找到出路。

    In each episode of Man vs.Wild , Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out .

  12. 查尔斯先生在演讲中说到,准备好一个“紧急求生包”只是成功的一半,同样重要的还有知道逃生到哪儿。

    During his presentation , Mr. Charles suggested that a well-prepared bug-out bag was only part of the equation1 : just as important was knowing where to go .

  13. 她感觉这些年来一直在艰苦求生,每天上下班要花两个多小时,而且工作压力大、工资低,她一点也不喜欢。

    She felt like she had been swimming upstream for years , commuting1 over two hours morning and evening to do a stressful , badly paid job she did not enjoy .

  14. “紧急求生包”即装有在紧急情况下需要物品的包,发生灾难需要迅速逃生时可以背上就走。

    Bug-out bag is a bag that contains items needed in an emergency and that is ready for a person to take if they have to leave quickly in the event of a disaster .

  15. 3.disarmamentn.缴械;裁军我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?

    Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament ?

  16. 该系列邀请了明星贝尔·格里尔斯求生专家,他主持的《荒野求生》(在发现频道播放(DiscoveryChannel)每一集他都被困在偏远恶劣的环境之中,该节目很受欢迎。

    It 's a twist on his popular Discovery Channel series Man vs. Wild , where , in each episode , Grylls is stranded in a remote , harsh environment .

  17. 一位退休公务员正在为这部名为《绝境求生》(AHarshTransition)的严肃纪录片进行宣传,该片要告诉人们的是,破产可能并不那么糟。

    Instead , a retired civil servant is promoting A Harsh Transition , a sober documentary that makes the case that bankruptcy may not be so bad after all .

  18. 都可能在这样的饥荒中挣扎求生,你们就不会觉得“真有趣,我喜欢这个TED演讲。”

    are very likely to live like this , you wouldn 't think , " Interesting . I like this TED Talk . "

  19. 当然。在俄亥俄州托莱多汽车行业工作了34年之久的JohnMorris被解雇了,不得不到萧瑟的就业市场中谋求生路。

    After 34 years working in Toledo Ohio 's automotive industry , John Morris was laid off , and left to fend for himself in a bleak job market . '

  20. 有关索马里(Somalia)和非洲之角(HornofAfrica)民众死亡的怵目惊心的报道以及家庭和儿童挣扎求生的画面,让我们不忘共有的人性,并督促我们采取行动。

    The heartbreaking accounts of lost lives and the images of families and children in Somalia and the Horn of Africa struggling to survive remind us of our common humanity and compel us to act .

  21. 曾在IMAXX和拉扎罕共事的KamarulNajmi说,拉扎罕喜欢骑摩托车和玩视频游戏,比如《求生之路》(Left4Dead)。

    He loves riding a motorcycle and playing computer videogames ― such as ' Left 4 Dead , ' said Kamarul Najmi , who works with Mr. Razahan at his new sales job at IMAXX .

  22. 仪征化纤现为国有炼油企业中石化(Sinopec)所有正在一个为产能过剩所累的行业里挣扎求生,其股票有被摘牌的危险。

    Yizheng Chemical , which today is owned by state oil refiner Sinopec , is struggling to survive in an industry beset by overcapacity , and its shares are in danger of being delisted .

  23. 以家族校友为代表的社会群体成为农村学校求生意识的主体,社会力量的崛起激发了农村学校对自我社会身份(Identity)的认知,更促进了学校的自我管理与发展。

    Representatives of social groups , clan and alumni , become conscious subject of rural schools to survive the rise of the social forces and stimulate awareness of the rural schools of their own social identity , but also to promote self-management and development of the school .

  24. LesStroud将向你展示怎样在被困于漫长,寒冷的雪夜中求生。

    Science of Survival : Shelter from the Snow Survivorman Les Stroud shows you how to survive a long , cold night stranded in the snow .

  25. VideoJug以好莱坞电影的形式进行模拟,就被困电梯应该怎样求生给出了一些建议。

    VideoJug gives you tips on surviving in a stuck lift , done in the tongue-in-cheek style of a Hollywood movie trailer .

  26. Jean-Luc进入了一种求生的状态,在找到食物之前,都会使动物一直生存下来。

    Jean-Luc is entering a survival state that evolved to keep starving animals alive until they could get to food .

  27. 《坚不可摧》讲述“二战”中的堕机飞行员路易·赞贝里尼(LouisZamperini)艰苦求生的故事,一度被视为奥斯卡奖的有力竞争者,然而这个行业酷爱处于劣势的一方,所以领跑者的位置其实非常危险。

    Unbroken , " " about the travails of a downed World War II flyer , Louis Zamperini , had at one point been whispered about as the Oscar front-runner - always a dangerous position in a business that loves underdogs .

  28. 毕马威位于英国的高增长市场业务负责人伊恩•戈梅斯(IanGomes)表示,绝大多数西方买家难以获得信贷,并将注意力放在在本土市场求生。

    Ian Gomes , chairman of KPMG 's UK-based High Growth Markets practice , said that a majority of western buyers were struggling for credit and focused on surviving in their home markets .

  29. 挣扎求生的芬兰航空(finnair)出台了交叉停职计划,让9000名员工中的三分之二回家平均休假2周。

    Finnair , the struggling Finnish airline , introduced staggered layoffs , sending two-thirds of its 9000 workers home for an average of two weeks .

  30. 小说的叙事有时发生在战俘营中,军医多利格·埃文斯(DorrigoEvans)拼命求生,同时回忆着自己同年轻的婶婶的一段风流韵事,有时又切换到现代的澳大利亚,埃文斯已经垂垂老矣。

    The narrative toggles back and forth between the prisoner-of-war camp , where the surgeon , Dorrigo Evans , struggles to survive and remembers a love affair with his uncle 's young wife , and contemporary Australia , where Evans is an old man .