
zhí lènɡ lènɡ
  • staring blankly
直愣愣 [zhí lèng lèng]
  • [staring blankly] 目光呆滞、盯看若失的神情

  • 她两个直愣愣地对视着

  • 他直愣愣地瞧着铁窗,没想到落得这步田地

  1. 直愣愣地看着三个外国人。

    He kept staring blankly at the three foreigners .

  2. 他直愣愣地坐在化妆间里。

    He just sat in the dressing-room staring into space

  3. 我两眼直愣愣地盯着这种令人伤心惨目的情景整整达两个小时之久。

    I gazed for two whole hours at this sad spectacle .

  4. 她站起来,直愣愣地盯着他,眼睛睁得圆圆的。

    She rose to her feet and gazed upon him , round-eyed .

  5. 于是他一动不动地躺着,两眼直愣愣地盯着黑咕隆咚的夜空。

    So he lay still , and stared up into the dark .

  6. 克莱文先生直愣愣地看着孩子欢笑的眼睛。

    Mr Craven stared into the boy 's laughing eyes .

  7. 不要直愣愣地盯着人的眼睛看,相反要看向整个脸部;

    Avoid staring into someone 's eyes . Look at their entire face instead .

  8. 他直愣愣地盯着阿瑟,似乎有些糊涂了。

    He looked straight at Arthur , then seemed to become a little confused .

  9. 我躺在床上直愣愣地盯着屋里黑的墙壁。

    I laid up in bed and stared at the black walls a my house .

  10. 他的双眼直愣愣地看着前方,他的母亲被淹没在那双茫然没有表情的眼睛里。

    His eyes were focused straight out and his mother drowned in those vacant eyes .

  11. 她直愣愣地向前凝视。

    She was staring straight ahead .

  12. 她茫然直愣愣地凝视着前方。

    She stared ahead , unseeing .

  13. 不过也有的人会模仿孩子般无辜的眼神,睁大眼睛,直愣愣地盯着你看。

    Or people will replicate the innocence of childhood and widen their eyes whilst looking straight at you .

  14. 克莱德就这么给甩在这儿了,弄不明白什么意思,两眼直愣愣地想呀想呀。

    Clyde , left alone in this fashion , and not knowing just what it meant , stared , wondering .

  15. 而现在,竟然不知从哪儿冒出来个女人,直愣愣地冲着三明治大师的茅屋去了。

    And now this woman had just arrived out of nowhere , and gone straight for the Sandwich Maker 's hut .

  16. 喔,你在说什么呀?年轻女郎惊诧不已。她站起身,直愣愣地看着他,眼睛瞪得圆圆的。

    Oh , what are you talking about exclaimed the young lady . She rose to her feet and gazed upon him , round-eyed .

  17. 博物馆中的研究人员也对这直愣愣盯着鲨鱼看的“男人面孔”感到困惑。

    Boffins at the aquarium admit they are baffled by the appearance of the man 's face , which appears to be gawping up at a shark .

  18. 因此,在说谎时,一些人会将视线移开;不过也有的人会模仿孩子般无辜的眼神,睁大眼睛,直愣愣地盯着你看。

    Therefore some people will look away at the point of the lie . Or people will replicate the innocence of childhood and widen their eyes whilst looking straight at you .

  19. 一时间她默不作声,直想得入了神,双眼直愣愣地盯着房间里扔得到处都是的书。

    She was silent for a while , lost in thought , staring at the books littering the room .