
  • 网络Straight pipe section;straight length
  1. 将管段分为直管段的整体性稳定性分析和直埋局部稳定性分析。

    Divides into the straight length of pipe the length of pipe the integrity stability analyses and buries the partial stability analyses straight .

  2. 利用装置所测得的管道变形速率并根据Monkman-Grant关系计算了直管段和弯管段的剩余寿命。

    The residual lives are attained through Monkman-Grant relationship according to the strain rates measured by devices .

  3. 将回弯头分解为直管段和回弯两部分。

    The elbow may be resolved into straight section and a bend .

  4. 在第三个拐弯处向左拐,带切线直管段的三倍直径弯头

    And take the third turning on the left . three-diameter ells with tangents

  5. 利用水平直管段静压测定蒸汽干度

    / measurement of steam quality by using static pressure in horizontal straight pipe

  6. 在不可能安装较长的直管段情况下,可以来用导流叶片。

    Straightening vanes can be used where long straight ways are not possible .

  7. 火电厂短直管段大型风道风量测量方法的研究

    Measurement of air flow in short and straight sections of large ducts for power plants

  8. 带切线直管段的三倍直径弯头

    Three-diameter ells with tangents reducing extension piece

  9. 有相当强的流动调整能力,要求较短的直管段,无需流动调整器;

    High flow adjustment ability along with short straight pipe section with no flow regulator ;

  10. 依此按直管段,上回湾和下回弯分别作关联。

    Correlations were conducted respectively according to straight tube , up return bend and down return bend .

  11. 水槽直管段为正方形,弯管段内侧弯面及外侧弯面是专门计算设计的。

    The shapes of the curved walls of the bent section are designed according to theoretical analysis .

  12. 介绍了利用流体管道直管段的沿程阻力计算管道流量的原理和方法。

    The principle and method of pipe flow calculation using friction drag of a straight pipe are introduced .

  13. 压力阶跃在刚性直管段中传输时流量波传输特性的实验研究

    The experimental study on transmission behaviour of flow waves accompanied with the pressure steps transmitting in a rigid pipe

  14. 油煤浆加热炉前混氢直管段气液两相流流型数值分析

    Numerical Flow Type Analysis of Coal-oil Slurry Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in the Hydrogen Mixing Straight Pipe Segment before Heating Furnace

  15. 小锥段次之,并随入口流量的增大而增大;直管段的压力损失所占的比例最小,它随入口流量的增大而不断降低。

    The pressure loss proportion in the straight tube section was the least , which continuously decreased with the increase of the flowrate .

  16. 对于不同的管道部件提出了相应的强度条件,确定了直管段及转角管段的应力验算方法。

    Bring forward the strength conditions of the different pipe pars . Confirm the stress checking computations ways of the line pipes and corner pipes .

  17. 回弯压力降除考虑回弯头的局部阻力外,还包括相连直管段受回弯影响而增加的压力降。

    The additional frictional pressure drop for vertical tubes due to its connection with the bend was accounted into the frictional component due to return flow .

  18. 针对直管段进行了实例计算,得出,在整个管道受力变形过程中管道强度足够,该补偿方法安全可行。

    The calculation for the longitudinal piping section has been made , the conclusion is that the strength of pipe is enough to compensate the deformation .

  19. 文中计算了直管段的四极参数及膨胀腔的传递损失,并与一维理论结果进行了比较。

    The four-pole parameters of a straight duct and transmission loss of an expansion chamber have been calculated and compared with the results obtained by means of one-dimensional theory .

  20. 根据工程实际,利用弹性薄壳理论,将直埋管道直管段作为柱壳建立物理模型,并在相应曲线坐标下,对作用于管道上的荷载进行受力分析。

    Based on the fact , regarding the pipe of direct-buried pipe as cylindrical shell , the article establishes curvilinear coordinates , and analyzes the loading on the pipe .

  21. 结果显示,烟气流经换热器内部,在管子弯头处较直管段处容易出现低温腐蚀。

    The result shows that when flue gas flow through the heat exchanger , the elbow part of pipe is easier to suffer low temperature corrosion than the straight part .

  22. 计算了来流旋转强度及上游直管段长度变化时,仪表常数的变化情况。

    When the swirl intensity and the upstream straight length of the turbine flow transducer is changed the changes of the factors of the flow transducer are calculated in detail .

  23. 并用非线性方法和特征值方法对结构稳定性进行分析,得出直管段的稳定临界载荷。

    By using the method of eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear analysis , the structure stability was analyzed , and the critical load of straight pipe was , then , obtained .

  24. 对于水平直管段、竖管段及弯管段共七个截面,测量了边界层外振荡流速的振幅分布。

    The velocity amplitude distributions of the oscillatory flow outside the boundary layer are measured at seven cross-sections along the horizontal , the vertical , and the bent sections respectively .

  25. 对于弯管段,外侧壁面和顶面的沉降速度比直管段有明显增加,内侧壁面减小。

    For the bend sections , the outside side wall and the ceiling contain obvious increment comparing with the straight horizontal sections , and the inside wall contains obvious decrement .

  26. 本实验使用热线探头和压力传感器,测量了压力阶跃通过刚性直管段时流量和压力的瞬态波形。

    In this paper , the transient pressure wave and flow wave accompanied with pressure steps transmitting in a rigid pipe were studied by means of hot-wire probe and pressure transducer .

  27. 实验表明,多孔孔板流量计对直管段长度要求低,量程范围宽,线性度高,可在煤矿企业推广应用。

    Experiments prove that the multi-hole orifice boasts the advantages such as a lower requirement for straight pipe length , wider range , higher linearity and easier application in coal mine enterprise .

  28. 分析了直埋直管段的受力情况,评述了直埋供热管道应力验算的三种强度理论,对合理设计直埋供热管道的敷设方式提出了建议。

    Analyzing the forces exerted on them and discussing the three strength theories suggested for their stress appraisal , this paper recommends the appropriate approach to the design of buried heating pipelines .

  29. 从弯管的受力分析入手,通过积分计算,分析了弯管与相邻直管段的轴向作用力,并推出了该轴向作用力的计算公式,为弯管的应力分析打下了基础。

    This paper analyses axial effort between bend and adjacent straight pipe by integral calculation . In this paper it deduces the computing formula of axial effort , which lays a foundation of stress analysis on bend .

  30. 通过分析长直管段和短过渡段管段的工作过程中应力、热位移等参数的变化,研究了直埋敷设管道热位移对管道安全的影响。

    By analyzing the change of the parameters in the working process of long straight pipeline section and short transition pipeline section , the effect of thermal displacement of directly buried pipeline on pipeline safety is studied .