
  • 网络alarm
  1. 新型智能多参数检测报警仪的研制

    Development of Novel Intelligent Multi-parameter Detection Alarm

  2. 微型甲烷检测报警仪的研制

    Development on pocket methane detection alarm

  3. 组合式X、γ射线剂量报警仪的研制

    Development of combined x ,γ ray dose and warning meter

  4. DSP数据采集处理系统在工务报警仪中的应用

    Application of DSP Data Acquisition and Processing System in the Instrument of Alarm for Outside Work

  5. 应用CCD的机载激光报警仪

    The Aircraft-carry Laser-warning Apparatus Applying CCD

  6. DF(11)型机车防火监测报警仪的研制

    Research on the fire accident alarm device for DF_ ( 11 ) locomotive

  7. 介绍DF(11)型机车防火检测报警仪研制意义,主要研制内容和技术性能。

    The research meaning , the research content and the technic performances of the fire accident alarm device for DF11 locomotive are described .

  8. 介绍应用CCD的机载激光报警仪的原理、结构及其主要技术指标,讨论了其中的技术关键及解决方法。

    In this paper , the principle , the structure and the main technical targets of the laser-warning apparatus applying CCD are briefly introduced , and the key technologies and its corresponding solution methods are discussed .

  9. 介绍了采用美国微芯公司生产的PIC16F873微处理器等器件来设计甲烷检测报警仪,实现了对空气中的甲烷含量的检测。

    This article introduces a methane alarm with PIC16F873 MCU manufactured by Microchip Technology Company in U.S.A , which can detect the methane contents in air .

  10. 转速测量显示报警仪的研制

    The Making of the Rotational Speed Measure Display and Alarm Instrumert

  11. 桑蚕茧干燥自动控制报警仪的研究

    The Design of An Automatic Alarm System for Cocoon Drying

  12. 便携式多功能危险气体报警仪的设计与实现

    Research and Realization of Multifunctional Portable Dangerous Gases Alarming Apparatus

  13. PJ&1型盘形闸工作间隙动态监测报警仪的设计

    Design of model PJ-1 dish-brake work-spacing in dynamic monitoring instrument with alarm

  14. 智能仪表火灾报警仪参数输入与监控管理研究

    Research of parameter input and monitoring management for Intelligent fire alarm instrument

  15. 一体化坑道气体监测报警仪的研制

    Development of an integral alarming monitor for detecting tunnel gases

  16. 提高催化燃烧型瓦斯报警仪测量精度的有效方法

    Efficient Method of Improving Measuring Precision of Catalyzing Burning Gas Alarm Apparatus

  17. 基于共振解调技术的工务来车探测报警仪的研制

    Development of alarm instrument of project affairs based on syntony demodulation technology

  18. 微机化应变报警仪的设计

    The Design of Microcomputer - based Strain Alarm Unit

  19. 漏油检测报警仪的控制功能实现及静态建模

    Control Function Realizing and Static Modeling of Oil Leakage Monitor and Alarm Instrument

  20. 电子式色带数字指示报警仪设计

    Design of the Electronic Light Band Digital Alarm Indicator

  21. 羰基镍分析报警仪

    A Analysis and Alarm Instrument for Nickel Carbonyl

  22. 有毒有害气体检测报警仪的选择和使用

    About Choice and Use of Toxic Gas Detectors

  23. GB/T14323-1993χ、γ辐射个人报警仪

    Personal warning devices for X and gamma radiation

  24. 可燃气体检测报警仪的安装与使用

    The Installation and Application of Combustible Gas Indicator

  25. 氢气分析报警仪在镓回收生产中的应用

    The application of Hydrogen analyzer in gallium recovery

  26. H/FQJA型潜用气溶胶监测报警仪海上性能分析与评价

    Sea tests and evaluations on the performance of submarine aerosol monitoring and warning device

  27. 便携式违禁品报警仪已出口南非。

    Portable contraband alarm exported to South africa .

  28. 可燃气体报警仪的研制

    Design of the Combustible Gas Alarm Appearance

  29. 一氧化碳报警仪的标定与使用

    Calibration and Usage of Carbonic Oxide Alarms

  30. 在线穿心电容检测报警仪的研制

    The Capacitor on-Line Test and Alarm Instrument