
  1. 探讨不同部位火灾报警探测器的选用方式;

    Discuss adoptive mode of different part of fire alarm detector ;

  2. 一种特殊的防盗报警探测器电路

    A Kind of Special Guarding Against Theft Warning Detector Circuit

  3. 无线火灾报警探测器可以有效地避免出现上述问题。

    Wireless fire alarm detectors can avoid such problems effectively .

  4. 散射式感烟红外报警探测器机理的探讨

    Study of Scatter Smoke Infrared Alarm Detector

  5. 嵌入式智能型火灾报警探测器的设计

    Design of embedded intelligent fire detector

  6. 中国国内公司可以以更低的价格购买到中国制造的松下的摄像机、三洋的录像机、迪信的报警探测器,促进了监控系统的在中国的普及应用。

    China 's domestic companies to lower the prices of China-made cameras panasonic , Sanyo recorders , di-xin , the alarm detectors , for the monitoring system in China generalizable .

  7. 本文研究的无线火灾报警探测器体积小、功耗低、无线数据传输、安装调试简单,特别适合文物保护单位以及临时性场所。

    This wireless fire alarm detector has advantage of small size , low consumption , wireless data transmission , installation and debugging simple , and particularly suitable for protection of temporary sites and historical place .

  8. 烟叶仓库消防报警火灾探测器的改进

    An Improvement on Fire Detector for Tobacco Leaf Storehouse

  9. 该系统具有超阈报警,采集记录探测器输出信号和温度等功能。

    The data recorder has the functions of alarming over threshold and recording output signals of detector and temperature .

  10. 集中火灾报警控制器区域火灾报警控制器、火灾探测器等发来的报警信号

    Central fire alarm control unit

  11. 是否在租售区域使用传感器、计时器、及能效装置等来控制电耗?集中火灾报警控制器区域火灾报警控制器、火灾探测器等发来的报警信号

    Are occupancy sensors , timers , and energy efficient fixtures used to control lighting consumption ? central fire alarm control unit

  12. 本文主要就分布智能火灾探测报警系统中,报警控制器和智能探测器间的几种通讯方式作一探讨性研究。

    The paper is mainly about the research on the several communication means between the fire alarm control unit and the intelligent detector in the distributive intelligent fire detection and alarm system .