
  • 网络Radiation law;law of radiation
  1. 瑞利琼斯的辐射定律

    Rayleigh jeans ' law of radiation

  2. 从普朗克黑体辐射定律出发,根据MATLAB软件模拟出的目标和干扰源的辐射特性来选择SW/MW两个红外波段。

    Based on Planck 's law of blackbody radiation , according to the radiation characteristic of the target and the flare simulated by MATLAB , the SWIR / MWIR band is chosed .

  3. Schwarzschild黑洞周围时空中两类粒子的热辐射定律

    The thermal radiation law of two-type particles in Schwarzschild black hole space-time

  4. 以Planck辐射定律和红外探测元的线性响应模型为基础,在理论上完整地推导了红外焦平面阵列非均匀性的两点校正方法;

    The two-point nonuniformity correction algorithm for IRFPA is theoretically and perfectly deduced based on Planck Law and the linear response model of infrared detector .

  5. 给出了利用Planck辐射定律求解界面辐射能量及温度的方法。

    Methods to obtain the energy emmitted from the metal sample / window interface as well as the interface temperature via Planck radiation law were presented in the paper .

  6. 针对黑体辐射定律及验证实验教学中的常见问题进行了探讨。

    The common issues about the black-body radiation experiment were discussed .

  7. 黑体辐射定律及实验教学相关问题探讨

    Research on the Law of Black-Body Radiation and Related Experiment

  8. 红外测温的物理基础是黑体辐射定律。

    The physical principle of infrared measuring temperature is blackbody radiation law .

  9. 用分光计验证热辐射定律

    Verification of Thermal Radiation Law with Spectrometers

  10. 利用基于普朗克黑体辐射定律的蓝宝石黑体腔光纤传感器是测量这类温度的有效方法。

    Research on characteristic parameter of sapphire fiber blackbody cavity transient high temperature sensor measurement system ;

  11. 基于维恩辐射定律提出了彩色火焰辐射图像的标定方法。

    Based on Wien Radiation Law , this paper presented a calibration method of color radiant images of flame .

  12. 根据普朗克黑体辐射定律,计算了金属桥箔和桥丝电爆炸后,等离子体产物的辐射温度。

    According to Planck radiation law , the radiation plasma temperatures of the exploding foils and exploding wires were calculated .

  13. 从黑体辐射定律出发,计算了黑体辐射谱两个波长处辐射强度的比率。

    A ratio of the intensities of black-body radiations at two wavelengths has been calculated based on the Planck radiation law .

  14. 根据普朗克辐射定律直接推导出火焰辐射强度的计算公式。

    In this paper , basing upon the Plank radiation law , the calculation formule about the flame radiant intensity has been deduced directly .

  15. 给出了基于维恩辐射定律导出的双色测温计算火焰温度的算法,并成功用于火焰温度场的计算;

    The bicolorimetric arithmetic for flame temperature derived from Wien radiation theory is demonstrated , which is successfully used in calculation of temperature field .

  16. 并根据普朗克辐射定律和光学设计理论推导出远距离红外测温仪的光学系统的计算公式。也叙述了远距离红外测温仪的光学系统的设计方法。

    Basing upon the plank radiation law and the theory of optical design , the calculation formule of optical system about the remote infrared measuring thermometer .

  17. 虽然硅是一种非直接跃迁半导体,但它的发光机制同样服从于直接跃迁半导体的广义普朗克辐射定律。

    Although silicon is an indirect semiconductor , light emission from silicon is governed by the same generalized Planck 's radiation law as the emission from direct semiconductors .

  18. 介绍两种利用黑体辐射定律拟合光谱数据的方法,对两种方法的适用范围进行分析和对比。

    Two approaches of fitting the spectral data with black-body radiation law are introduced , and the ranges over which both approaches could be applied are analyzed and compared .

  19. 按照基尔霍夫辐射定律,在一定温度下,黑体必然是辐射本领最大的物体,可叫作完全辐射体。

    Kirchhoff radiation in accordance with the law , to a certain temperature , the blackbody radiation skills must be the largest object can be called full of radiation .

  20. 为此,根据物质对微波具有选择性吸收的特点以及黑体辐射定律,提出了一种可以快速测量物料水分的新方法&微波红外温度法。

    Based on the principles of selective absorption of microwave and blackbody radiation , a new method is proposed for fast measurement of water content ? microwave heating and infrared measurement .

  21. 根据热辐射定律和混凝土的热传导性能阐述了红外热成象技术无损检测混凝土缺陷的原理和方法。

    According to thermal radiation laws and thermal conduction functions of the concrete , the principles and methods by using the infrared thermal mapping technology to carry out loss less inspection for concrete are expounded .

  22. 本文根据斯特藩&玻尔兹曼辐射定律,推导出间歇供电的空腔辐射温度随供电周期的变化规律,并对推导结果进行了讨论。

    Based on Stefan-Boltzmann 's Law , this paper has deduced the regular pattern of change for vacuum cavity radiation temperature follow supplied power period change and the inference conclusion has been discussed , too .

  23. 用蓝宝石光纤黑体腔、传导光纤、低噪声光电探测器和数采装置及测温软件组成光电高温计,利用普朗克辐射定律进行高温测量。

    A photoelectric thermometer is composed of sapphire Fiber blackbody cavity , conduct fiber , low noise photoelectric detector , data collection and expert software , high temperature is measured on the basis of Planck radiance law .

  24. 运用形象的图示、三因素对比法和辐射定律分析法,论述说明温室气体的人为排放,对热岛效应的影响。

    2 , Expounding the influence to urban hot-island by greenhouse atmosphere , thereby apply the method with being in terms of images the view , the three factors comparing measure and the analyzing means of radiant law .

  25. 由于传统的接触性测温很难完成对待测工件的大面积、多角度、高精度的温度测量,所以,以普朗克黑体辐射定律为基本原理的非接触性比色测温技术应运而生。

    In the traditional contact temperature measurement , it is difficult to complete large area , multi-angle , high-precision temperature measurement for the workpiece , Therefore , the Planck blackbody radiation law as the basic principle of non-contact colorimetric temperature measurement came into being .

  26. 黑体辐射位移定律中的数学常数与物理常数

    Mathematical and physical constants in displacement laws of black-body radiation

  27. 利用连续谱X射线辐射的Beer定律,研究了X射线二次射线与一次射线定量对比关系;

    Based on Beer law of continuous spectrum X-ray radiation the quantitative comparison relationship between the first-order and second-order radiation is studied .

  28. 卫星红外亮温是利用星载传感器收集、记录地物的热辐射强度数据,根据黑体辐射的定律计算得到的亮度温度。

    Satellite infrared brightness temperature is calculated according to the black body radiation law using the object thermal radiation intensity data collected and recorded by on-board sensors .

  29. 该高温计测量黑体的光谱辐射亮度,结合有效波长原地测量技术,直接依据Planck辐射定律计算被测温度,具备单一参考点分度确定温标的技术能力。

    According to Planck 's law and combinig the effective wavelength determination technology in situ , spectral radiance of a blackbody was measured by this pyrometer to calculate the blackbody temperature .

  30. 利用PASCO热辐射实验装置,进行了辐射体辐射出射度、反平方定律、斯特藩-玻尔兹曼辐射定律等基本实验的研究,并对测量结果进行了数据拟合,实验结果和理论模拟符合得很好。

    The basal thermal radiation experiments including intensity of thermal radiation , inverse square law and Stefan Boltzmann law have been studied using PASCO thermal radiation system . The experimental result is fitted , and it is in good agreement with theoretical values .