
  • 网络radiative capture;radiation trapping;radioactive capture
  1. 天然核素Ag、Cd的快中子辐射俘获截面测量

    Measurement of the fast neutron radiative capture cross sections of natural nuclide Ag and CD

  2. ~(197)Au中子辐射俘获过程中γ射线强度函数与能谱研究

    Study on γ - Ray Strength Functions and Energy Spectra in the Neutron Radiative Capture of ~ ( 197 ) Au

  3. ~(12)C快中子辐射俘获反应中的共振现象

    Resonance Phenomenon in the Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Reaction for ~ ( 12 ) C

  4. 天然Mo的快中子辐射俘获截面

    Fast Neutron Capture Cross Section of Natural Molybdenum

  5. 为研究辐射俘获反应,本文系统的研究了渐进归一化常数方法(简称ANC方法)。

    To research the radiative capture reaction , we study systematically Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient method ( It is called ' ANC ' method for short ) .

  6. 指出从热pp链通过11C的质子辐射俘获反应进入CNO循环的反应流量可以超过3α过程的流量。

    We pointed out that the reaction flux from the hot pp-chain into the CNO cycle through the proton capture on 11C may overcome the flux through the 3 α process .

  7. 根据Holstein理论研究了碱土金属原子激光中的共振辐射俘获效应,分别计算了Ca,Sr和Ba蒸气激光在不同半径时产生共振辐射俘获效应的阈值温度、基态粒子数密度和共振能级的有效寿命。

    The resonance radiation trapping in alkaline-earth metal atomic lasers were investigated according to Holstein 's theory . The threshold temperature , ground-state density and resonant level effective lifetime of the resonance radiation trapping were calculated for Ca , Sr , and Ba atomic vapor lasers with different tube radii .

  8. 碱土金属原子激光的共振辐射俘获效应

    Resonance radiation trapping in alkaline - earth metal atomic lasers

  9. 一台测量快中子辐射俘获截面的大液体闪烁探测器

    A large liquid scintillation counter for fast neutron capture cross section measurements

  10. 辐射俘获反应截面的质量、壳层和奇偶效应

    Mass , Shell and Even-odd Effects in Radiative Capture Reaction

  11. 复合核非弹性道中的辐射俘获过程

    Radiative capture in the inelastic channel of the compound nucleus

  12. μ介子为质子所辐射俘获

    The radiative capture of μ - meson by proton

  13. 高斯波束对双层粒子的辐射俘获力

    Radiation trapping forces acting on a two-layered spherical particle in a Gaussian beam

  14. 原子核中μ介子的辐射俘获

    The radiative capture of μ - meson by nucleus

  15. 本文研究强激光对中子-核辐射俘获反应过程的影响。

    This paper investigates laser-induced neutron radiative capture reaction .

  16. 钙,锶,钡和汞离子激光中的共振辐射俘获效应。

    Resonance radiation trapping in Ca , Sr , Ba and Hg ion lasers ;

  17. 中重核中子辐射俘获γ射线强度函数研究

    Study on γ - Ray Strength Function of Neutron Radiative Capture for Middle and Heavy Nuclei

  18. 这些辐射俘获截面的大小,直接影响到A>12以上元素合成的途径。

    The values of these cross sections affect the path to synthesize the A > 12 elements .

  19. 计算中考虑了弹性散射、非弹性散射、带电粒子发射和辐射俘获。

    In computation , the elastic scattering , inelastic scattering , charged particle emission and radiation capture are under consideration .

  20. 发现计算得到的阈值温度与实验报道的开始产生激光的工作温度一致,表明共振辐射俘获效应是这类激光形成粒子数反转的一个重要机制。

    The calculated threshold temperature is found to be in good agreement with the experimental laser-starting temperature , which indicates the resonance radiation trapping is a significant factor in establishing the population inversion of the resonance to metastable transition lasers .

  21. 对A<100核质量区内的核素,研究中子辐射俘获反应中不同反应机制对辐射俘获截面的贡献随靶核质量数和中子入射能量变化的规律。

    The mass number dependence and the neutron incident energy dependence of the radiative capture cross sections from various reaction mechanisms of the neutron radiative capture process have been examined in the nuclear mass region A < 100.Two reaction mechanisms are considered .

  22. 类氢铀离子的辐射电子俘获角分布研究

    Angular Distributions of K-shell Radiative Electron Capture for Bare Uranium Ions Colliding with N_2 Target