
  • 网络electrochemical reactor
  1. 实验结果表明,本实验制备的电化学反应器能有效地降解苯酚模拟废水,5h苯酚去除率为98%,COD为72%,且运行稳定可靠。

    The results indicated that the electrochemical reactor can effectively degrade phenol simulated wastewater . The phenol removal rate of 98 % and COD of 72 % can be reached . Running of the electrochemical reactor was stable and safety .

  2. 间歇循环式电化学反应器中过氧化氢合成的数学模型

    Study on Mathematical Model of Peroxide Synthesis in Intermittent Circulating Electrochemical Reactor

  3. 在分隔的流经式电化学反应器中,以金属氧化物电极(DSA)为阳极、石墨为阴极,采用电化学法对活性艳蓝KN-R模拟废水进行处理研究。

    The electrochemical treatment of reactive brilliant blue KN-R simulated wastewater was carried out in a divided flow-by cell with metal oxide ( DSA ) as anode and graphite as cathode .

  4. 固体电解质电化学反应器中甲烷氧化偶联反应的模拟

    Simulation of oxidative coupling of methane in solid state electrochemical reactors

  5. 填充床电化学反应器普遍化模型方程数值求解方法

    Solution of Generalized Model Equations of Packed Bed Electrochemical Reactors

  6. 固定床电化学反应器内电化学氧化法制备2,5-二甲氧基二氢呋喃

    Indirect electrochemical preparation of 2,5-dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran from furan in a packed bed electrochemical reactor

  7. 电化学反应器中析气电极的电流分布模型及实验研究

    Mathematical modelling and experimental study of current distribution FORGAS-EVOLVING electrode in electrochemical reactors

  8. 三维电极电化学反应器对有机废水的降解研究

    Electrochemical Degradation of Organic Wastewater by Three-Dimensional Electrode Reactor

  9. 板框式电化学反应器流动特性研究

    Study on Flow Characteristics of Plate and Frame Electrolyzer

  10. 实验采用电化学反应器对处理硫化氢废气以及苯乙烯废气进行了实验研究。

    The removal of H2S and styrene were studied by an electrochemical reactor .

  11. 圆筒形电化学反应器中有机物电催化的传递特性研究

    A study on transportation characteristics of electrocatalysis of organism in cylindrical electrochemical reactor

  12. 新型高效电化学反应器的研究

    Research on the New-type and High-efficient Electrochemical Reactor

  13. 固定床电化学反应器处理含铜废水研究

    Treatment of Effluent Containing Cu Ions by Means of a Packed Bed Electrochemical Reactor

  14. 空气电极是金属空气电池和某些电化学反应器的关键部件。

    Air electrode is an important part of metal-air battery and some electrochemical reactor .

  15. 固定床电化学反应器研究(Ⅱ)硝基苯电化学还原制备对氨基苯酚

    Studies on packed bed electrochemical reactors (ⅱ) electrochemical reduction of nitrobenzene to produce p-aminophenol

  16. 固定床电化学反应器模型数值求解方法

    A Numerical Method for Solving the Model Equations of a Fixed Bed Electrochemical Reactor

  17. 采用填充床电化学反应器对低浓度含氰废水进行直接氧化试验。

    Direct oxidation of low cyanide wastewater was carried out in packed bed electrochemical reactor .

  18. 计算机技术及数字信号处理方法在流化床电化学反应器研究中的应用

    Application of computer sampling and data processing method in the study of fluidized bed electro-chemical reactors

  19. 流化床电化学反应器研究&(Ⅲ)电沉积银系统的电位分布与表现性能

    Study on The Fluidized Bed Electrochemical Reactor (ⅲ) Voltage Distributions and Macro-performances in Silver Deposition System

  20. 一种电化学反应器的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of a electrochemical reactor

  21. 研究了在固定床电化学反应器内硝基苯电化学还原制备对氨基苯酚的过程。

    The process , electrochemical reduction of nitrobenzene to produce p-amino-phenol in a packed bed electrochemical reactor , is investigated .

  22. 实验结果表明电化学反应器能都有效的处理苯乙烯和甲苯废气的。

    Experimental results showed that both styrene and toluene in the air stream were effectively removed by the electrochemical reactor .

  23. 研究采用填充床电化学反应器,对低浓度含氰废水投加氯化钠进行间接氧化。

    Indirect oxidation of low concn . cyanide containing wastewater and reaction mechanism was investigated using packed bed electrode reactor .

  24. 固定床电化学反应器内间接电化学氧化呋喃制备2,5-二甲氧基二氢呋喃的过程进行了研究,确定了电解条件及产品的分离与提纯工艺。

    An indirect electrochemical preparation of 2,5 dimethoxy 2,5 dihydrofuran from furan in a packed bed electrochemical reactor was described .

  25. 使用了一种新型的电化学反应器&三维三相流化床电极用于处理苯胺的实验研究。

    Treatment of aniline using a novel electrochemical reactor , three dimensional three phase fluidized bed electrode , was investigated experimentally .

  26. 应用三相流化床电极反应器(新型电化学反应器)处理制浆废水。

    Treatment of pulping wastewater by using a novel electrochemical reactor , i.e.the three phase fluidized bed electrode , reactor were invesigated .

  27. 采用文献[7,8]建立的固定床电化学反应器模型对该反应过程进行了反应器设计。

    The reactor is desiged with the aid of the reactor model established in the literature [ 7,8 ] of the study .

  28. 板板式介质阻挡放电等离子体直接合成过氧化氢研究间歇循环式电化学反应器中过氧化氢合成的数学模型

    Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide using plate-plate type dielectric barrier discharge Study on Mathematical Model of Peroxide Synthesis in Intermittent Circulating Electrochemical Reactor

  29. 填充床鼓泡电化学反应器行为特性&Ⅱ.丙烯阳极直接氧化强非线性模型的逆算符方法求解

    PERFORMANCE OF A SPARGED PACKED-BED ELECTRODE REACTOR ( SPBER ) & II . Solution for Direct Oxidation of Propylene by Inverse Operator Method

  30. 研究了吸附苯酚的饱和粒状活性炭在电化学反应器中的再生实验,结果表明电化学再生活性炭是可行的。

    The paper Investigates the regeneration of saturation grain shape activated carbon in electrochemistry reactor , the result indicates the regeneration of activated carbon by electrochemistry is feasible .