
  • 网络Battery pack;Battery Pack and Charger
  1. 聆风的车身同Altima和Maxima一起,在附近的生产线进行组装&不过聆风没有引擎和汽车油箱,取而代之的是重达600磅的电池包和电动马达。

    The leaf body is assembled nearby on a production line along with Nissan altima and maxima & but instead of an engine and gas tank , it gets a 600-pound battery pack and electric motor .

  2. 基于单总线的电池包多点测温网络设计

    Multi-temperature measurement net design for battery pack based on 1-wire bus

  3. 电动汽车锂离子电池包热特性研究与优化设计

    Thermal Characteristics Research and Optimization Design of Electric Vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Pack

  4. 也许我的心是在你那电池包里面。

    My heart may be on your battery packs .

  5. 电动汽车电池包热管理系统设计方法

    Design Method of Battery Thermal Management System on EV

  6. 总之本研究对于电动汽车电池包整体的设计有一定指导价值。

    Overall this research is instructive to the overall design of electric vehicle battery pack .

  7. 同时在电池包散热设计中做了以下设计:电池包冷却方式(气冷还是液冷)、电池包冷却风温、电池包通风方式。

    The thermal design includes : battery pack cooling ( gas or liquids ), air temperature , battery pack ventilation .

  8. 分析电池包内部电池模块的冷却方式,比较串行和并行通风冷却的特点。

    And analyze the cooling mode of the internal battery module within the battery packet , compare the serial and parallel ventilation cooling .

  9. 为多节锂离子电池包提出了一种新型的基于主从式控制的管理系统。

    This paper proposes a new battery management system ( BMS ) based on a master-slave control mode for multi-cell li-ion battery packs .

  10. 电池包是用来对信息储存器赋予典型的不同伤害的仪器。

    Battery Packs are the general term used to describe Mods that typically impart different types of damage to a specific classification of item .

  11. 因此电池包的热管理是电动汽车和混合动力电动汽车在所有气候条件下有效运行必不可少的。

    So thermal management of batteries in electric vehicles ( EVs ) and hybrid electric vehicles ( HEVs ) is essential for effective operation in all climates .

  12. 在本文中我们比较讨论电池包使用众多小电池与少量大电池,还有使用棱柱形电池与圆柱电池的优点和缺点。

    In this paper , we compare the advantages and disadvantages of using many small cells versus a few large cells and using prismatic cells versus cylindrical cells .

  13. 针对电动汽车动力电池包中单体电池性能差异造成的不良影响,探讨了几种均衡技术。研究了集中均衡,以及分散均衡中的隔离式均衡和非隔离式均衡方法。

    In view of the differences of individual cell performance in traction battery pack of electric vehicle ( EV ), several equalization technologies and their applicable cases are investigated .

  14. 并对目前国内外电池包热管理的最新研究做了相关分析和归纳总结,指导电动汽车电池包的设计。

    As well as introduced the latest research of battery pack thermal management at home and abroad and did a correlation analysis , which has a good guide for the design of electric vehicle battery pack .

  15. 终端采用了太阳能电池板+锂离子电池包的供电方案,解决了在没有市电的野外终端的供电问题。

    The MTs are powered by solar panel and Li-Ion chargeable batteries in remote areas having no AC supply .

  16. 根据所选用的单体镍氢电池的特点,以及荷电状态SOC均衡方法来确定电池包参数测量点的数量。

    According to feature of individual battery and equalization method for state of charge ( SOC ), the number of measuring points is determined .

  17. 讨论了燃料电池电动轿车电气系统的结构,即整车控制及能量流管理系统、燃料电池发动机、DC/DC变换器、镍氢电池包、电机驱动系统等。

    It discusses the structure of electrical system in the fuel cell electric vehicle , which is mainly composed of vehicles control and power flow management system , fuel cell engine , NIH battery package , drive system , etc.