
  1. 采用VB编程是电力电缆载流量计算视窗化最理想的计算手段之一。

    The VB programming is one of the ideal methods for the calculation of current carrying capacity by software in WINDOWS system .

  2. 本文针对电缆载流量的监测问题设计了一套基于GPRS的电缆载流量预警系统。

    In this paper , a predict and alarm system for power cable ampacity based on GPRS is designed to monitor the ampacity of cable .

  3. 10kV三芯交联电缆载流量的试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Current Rating of 10 kV Three-core XLPE Cables

  4. 厦门李安线220kV充油电缆载流量计算

    Calculation of Current Carrying Capacity of Lian 220 kV Oil-filled Cable

  5. 为了在线预测电力电缆载流量,依据载流量的计算原理,应用MCS-51单片机和VB开发了温度在线监测采集板,并阐述了硬件结构、软件设计。

    The sampled-data board of temperature monitoring on-line was developed by using the microcomputer typed MCS-51 and VB software based on the calculating principle of ampacity in order to forecast current carrying capacity of power cable , and its hardware structure and software design was also discussed .

  6. 对比分析结果表明,相对于IEC60287中的热路法,该模型不仅计算结果准确,而且能更方便地考虑外界环境因素对电缆载流量的影响。

    Analytical results show that , compared to IEC60287 , the established model is more accurate and easier to include the influence of environmental factors .

  7. 传统的电缆载流量计算方法中,各参数一般都采用IEC-60287标准中的推荐值,与现场运行中电缆的参数存在较大差异,致使载流量的理论计算值与实际值有着明显偏差。

    For the traditional cable ampacity calculation method , the calculation parameters are based on the recommended values of IEC-60287 standard , which have a greater difference from the field operation values , leading to the theoretical value and the actual value of the cable ampacity have a great deviation .

  8. 基于迭代法的单芯电缆载流量的研究

    Study of Ampacity of Single-core Cable Based on Iterative Method

  9. 复杂运行条件下交联电缆载流量研究

    Experimental Research on Ampacity of Extruded Power Cable Under Complex Operating Condition

  10. 单芯电缆载流量迭代算法研究及试验验证

    An Iterative Calculation on the Ampacity of Single-Core Cable and Experimental Validation

  11. 热真空条件下工作的电气电缆载流量计算与试验

    Calculation and test of electrical cable current carrying quantity under thermal vacuum environment

  12. 电力电缆载流量计算视窗化

    Calculation of current carrying capacity of power cables by software in WINDOWS system

  13. 管道内填充导热介质提高电缆载流量

    Increasing Cable Ampacity by Pumping Heat-conducting Material into Ducts

  14. 最后,对国内外电缆载流量在线监测的应用研究状况进行了回顾和展望。

    Finally , the development of research and application of cables ampacity online monitoring are presented .

  15. GB/T12826-1991移动设备用卷绕电缆载流量计算导则有机半导体中载流子迁移率的测量方法

    The calculation guide of the drum ( reeling ) cable 's current rating Measurement Methods for Charge Carrier Mobility in Organic Semiconductors

  16. 国内外大量学者对电缆载流量进行研究,提出了多种监测手段。

    A large number of scholars at home and abroad work on the current carrying capacity of cable , and various monitoring methods are proposed .

  17. 经实验得出,预警系统的测量误差较小,可以实现对电缆载流量进行预测和报警的功能。

    Experiments show that the measurement error of predict and alarm system is small , and the predict and alarm function of the ampacity of cable can be achieved .

  18. 影响电缆运行载流量的可变因素很多,仅按IEC-60287标准确定电缆载流量往往有较大的误差,无法满足实际需要。

    There are lots of variable factors that affect the heat dissipation of cables , so it will not meet the actual needs to determine the ampacity of the cables only according to the IEC-60287 regulations .

  19. 每根电缆的载流量由IEC60287给定公式计算,其环境温度由土壤环境温度和其他电缆在该点的温升迭加所决定。

    The ampacity of every cable can be calculated by the formula introduced by IEC 60287.The environment temperature in the formula is the sum of soil temperature and temperature rise caused by other cables .

  20. 电力电缆在线载流量预测报警系统的开发研究

    Research on forecast and alarm system of ampacity on-line for power cable

  21. 交联电缆额定载流量计算的软件实现

    Software Realization of Current Carry Capacity Calculating of XLPE Cables

  22. 对此种特定条件下的电缆进行了载流量计算。

    Cable current carrying quantity was calculated under this special condition .

  23. 有谐波配电电缆损耗和载流量的计算

    Calculation of Secondary Cable Losses and Ampacity in The Presence of Harmonics

  24. 土壤直埋电缆群额定载流量的计算

    Ampacity Calculation for Groups of Buried Cable

  25. 中低压交联电缆密集敷设载流量试验研究

    Experimental Research for the Current Rating of Medium and Low Voltage XLPE Cables in Cluster Laying

  26. 中低压交联电缆集群敷设载流量的计算

    Cluster Computing Calculation of Current Rating for Medium and Low Voltage XLPE Cable in Cluster Laying

  27. 所有电连接线均采用直流电缆,其载流量应满足远期高峰小时的载流量要求。

    DC cable is used for all the feed jumpers and its carrying capacity should meet requirement in peak hours in long term .

  28. 电力电缆温度场及载流量计算方法研究

    The Study on the Temperature Field and Ampacity Calculation of Power Cables

  29. 地下埋设电缆温度场和载流量的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of temperature field and current of underground cable

  30. 基于有限元法的地下电缆温度场和载流量的计算及仿真

    Computation and Simulation of Temperature Field and Ampacity for Underground Cable Based on Finite Element Method