
  • 网络TV Guide;TV Guid;TVGuide.com
  1. 去年,《电视指南》(TVGuide)对当时最好看的100部电视剧进行了排名,完全没有提到《行尸走肉》。

    Last year , TV Guide ranked the 100 greatest shows on TV at the time and left The Walking Dead off it completely .

  2. 而根据《电视指南》杂志的报道,制片人韦尔斯更是证实Jimmy其实是死掉了。

    As reported by TV Guide Magazine , Wells confirmed during the panel that Jimmy did in fact die .

  3. 《电视指南》报道,现在这个计划正在继续进行,而这部情景喜剧的执行制片人则是Bieber的经纪人ScooterBraun。

    The comedy is now back in development , with Bieber and his manager , Scooter Braun , as executive producers , TV Guide reports .

  4. 《电视指南》杂志报道,Kirkman说Carol肯定会在第四季结束前回归,不过这也许不是所有粉丝都这么想。

    TV Guide reports that Kirkman says Carol will definitely return before the end of the season . But that 's not all viewers have to look forward to .

  5. 克丽丝,让我看看电视指南。

    James : Chris , let me see the TV guide .

  6. 接下去呢?你身边有电视指南吗?

    What 's on following that ? Do you have a guide ?

  7. 《电视指南》杂志也透露了另外一些神秘人物的登场将会给剧集增添不少刺激。

    TV Guide also revealed other mysterious characters who will add more excitement to the drama .

  8. 《电视指南杂志》:首先说说最重要的问题:我们什么时候才能看见你(扮演的Mrs.Wolowitz)出现在荧屏上?

    TV Guide Magazine : First things first : When will we see you on screen ?

  9. 《电视指南杂志》:那么又没有谁曾经通过你的声音而认出你呢?

    TV Guide Magazine : So do you ever get recognized in public by your voice ?

  10. 据外媒《电视指南》报道,米凯拉将会扮演一个态度强硬、名叫凯斯琳·罗伯茨的地方检察官。

    As reported by TV Guide , McManus will portray a tough district attorney named Kathleen Roberts .

  11. 福克斯告诉《电视指南》说。

    Fox tells TV Guide .

  12. 《电视指南杂志》:在剧中你经常要扯着嗓门喊,那你肯定要吃不少润喉糖吧

    TV Guide Magazine : With all the yelling you do , you must need a lot of lozenges

  13. 《电视指南》日前发布了一个有趣的视频,视频中《吸血鬼日记》的主演们讨论他们会和谁发生关系,嫁给谁,或者钉死谁。

    TV Guide released a funny video featuring the stars of The Vampire Diaries discussing which characters they would shag , marry or stake .

  14. 每周都有电视节目指南送到Chandler和Joey的公寓.出现在地址标签上的名字是什么?

    Every week , the TV Guide comes to Chandler and Joey 's apartment . What name appears on the address label ? Chandler gets it !

  15. 在我们提出的智能化EPG中,EPG不断从在线的电视节目指南网站下载所需要的电视节目数据,并收集体现用户的兴趣的个性化信息。

    As a solution to this problem we proposed an intelligent EPG that continuously gathers TV program data from an online TV guide web site , collects user 's interest profile .

  16. 电视节目指南在报纸的末尾。

    The television guide is at the back of the paper .

  17. 钱纳德。邦,我们每周都把电视节目指南偷来!

    Chinadolor bong , come on , we steal that TV guide every week !

  18. 星期日报纸的电视收视指南到哪儿去啦?

    Where is the Sunday newspaper TV guide ?

  19. 每周都有电视节目指南送到钱德和乔伊的公寓。

    Every week , the TV guide comes to Chandler and joey 's apartment .

  20. 输入加拿大的邮政编码。这将允许您下载最新的电视收视指南信息。

    Enter your Canadian Postal Code . This will enable the download of current TV Program Guide information .

  21. 嘿,电视收视指南上说这个节目后天在教育频道重播。

    Here , the TV guide says the show will be on another educational channel the day after tomorrow .

  22. 今年,奥运会转播商将会拿出愈加繁多的电视节目指南,竭力捕获全球观众的眼球,不过北京2008奥运会同样也会是一场颠覆传统电视收看方式的奥运会。

    This year , Olympic broadcasts will be competing for the attention of viewers across the world on ever more crowded electronic programme guides , but Beijing 2008 will also be the Games when the action breaks out from the traditional TV screen .

  23. 数字电视电子节目指南生成的实现

    The Realization of Electronic Program Guide of Digital TV

  24. 数字电视电子节目指南系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization for the Electronic Program Guidance 's System in the Field Of Digital Television

  25. 数字电视中电子节目指南系统的研究

    Study of EPG system in DTV

  26. 另外,阅读一下电视和广播监测指南可能对你也很有帮助。

    You may also find it useful to study the examples in the Television and Radio Monitoring Guides .

  27. 这家美国最大的有线电视提供商正通过其新款高科技有线盒子输送奥运直播内容。这款名为X1的盒子是机器人般的电视指南,康卡斯特将其与亚马逊(Amazon)的数字化助手Alexa相提并论。

    The largest US cable-TV provider is pumping out Olympics coverage through its new high-tech cable box , called the X1 - a robot-esque TV guide that Comcast compares to Amazon 's digital assistant , Alexa .