
  • 网络spock;Benjamin Spock
  1. 但伦纳德不顾父亲的建议学习了手风琴,并且在之后成为了一名演员,他饰演过的最有名的角色是《星际迷航》(StarTrek)中的斯波克(Spock)。

    But Leonard Nimoy ignored his father 's suggestion that he learn to play the accordion and instead went on to become an actor , most famously playing Spock in Star Trek .

  2. [Chekov])。2009年,导演J·J·艾布拉姆斯(J.J.Abrams)续拍《星际迷航》系列影片,全面启用新演员,由扎克瑞·昆图(ZacharyQuinto)饰演斯波克,不过他给尼莫伊安排了一个配角,饰演这个人物的老年版。

    When the director J.J. Abrams revived the " Star Trek " film franchise in 2009 , with an all-new cast , including Zachary Quinto as Spock , he included a cameo part for Nimoy , as an older version of the same character .

  3. 他常说,斯波克手指分开的举手礼是他想出来的:他是根据犹太大祭司的祝福创作的,这个手势是在模仿希伯来语字母ש,它是Shaddai的第一个字母,Shaddai是希伯来语中对上帝的一个称呼。

    The character 's split-fingered salute , he often explained , had been his idea : He based it on the kohanic blessing , a manual approximation of the Hebrew letter shin , which is the first letter in Shaddai , one of the Hebrew names for God .

  4. 尼莫伊的宗教背景也影响了斯波克的人物塑造。

    His religious upbringing also influenced the characterization of Spock .

  5. 好啦好啦斯波克放松点

    Yeah , all right , Spock , just ... take it easy .

  6. 斯波克放松点

    Spock , just ... take it easy .

  7. 斯波克医生获得了七万五千票,但是最后尼克松精选成功。

    Doctor Spock received about seventy-five thousand votes in the election that Richard Nixon won .

  8. 斯波克认为让婴儿仰着睡,会因呕吐而窒息,从而导致死亡。

    Spock believed that babies on their back can choke on their own vomit-leading to death .

  9. 我的确是的意思是艺术,斯波克相当聪明,麦科伊是艺术医生,斯科特是艺术工程师。

    I mean , Spock was pretty smart and McCoy was the doctor and Scotty was the engineer .

  10. 所以花了近一年的努力后,斯波克颜文字不久就会能出现在你的电子设备中了。

    So after being in the works for almost a year , the Spock emoji could finally be beaming up to your devices soon .

  11. 许多社会、教育和经济政策就相当于现代版的斯波克教授让婴儿趴着睡的建议:善意、权威,但却是错误的。

    Many social , educational and economic policies are the modern equivalent of Dr Spock 's advice that babies should sleep face down : well-meaning , authoritative and wrong .

  12. 角色扮演的历史可以追溯到20世纪70年代。在东京每年一度的漫画市场大会上,一些销售《星际迷航》漫画书的商家,会以自己装扮成柯克船长和斯波克先生作为一种营销策略进行宣传销售。

    Cosplay 's history can be traced back to the 1970s , when merchants selling Star Trek comic books dressed up as Capt. Kirk and Mr. Spock as a marketing ploy at the ComicMarket convention held in Tokyo each year .

  13. 在第一本自传中,他写道,“在斯波克身上,我最终实现了两全其美:既被公众广泛接受、称赞,又能继续饰演那个与世隔绝的瓦肯外星人。”

    In the first , he wrote , " In Spock , I finally found the best of both worlds : to be widely accepted in public approval and yet be able to continue to play the insulated alien through the Vulcan character . "