
  • 网络Stokes;Stocks;Stockes;Anthony Stokes;G.G.Stokes
  1. 我只是借用了斯托克斯的想法。

    I was just piggybacking on Stokes 's idea

  2. 罗丹明B丙三醇溶液荧光的斯托克斯参数测量

    Measuring the Stokes parameters of Rhodamine B glycerol solution fluorescence

  3. 斯托克斯先生可以预见下一周会被枯燥繁重的宣传工作搞得焦头烂额。

    Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill .

  4. 低温下H2中的反斯托克斯受激喇曼散射

    Anti - Stokes stimulated Raman scattering in H_2 at low temperatures

  5. 高压氢的CARS信号线宽测量相干反斯托克斯喇曼光谱测量技术

    Measurement of Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy Linewidth in High Pressure H_2

  6. 高压H2受激喇曼散射中二阶斯托克斯轴向分量的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on axial second order of Stokes in high pressure hydrogen SRS

  7. 在相干反斯托克斯喇曼光谱(CARS)测量中已获得较好的结果。

    Satisfactory results in CARS measurement with this technique have been obtained .

  8. 尿嘧啶的相干反斯托克斯Raman散射光谱研究

    Study on Coherent Anti - Stokes Raman Spectra of Uracil

  9. 本文主要研究了气体分子的相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射光谱(CARS)。

    The coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra ( CARS ) of gas are investigated in this paper .

  10. OH带的外侧则是火焰的边界,相干反斯托克斯拉曼光谱(CARS)的测量结果对此提出了有力的佐证。

    The coherent anti - Stokes Raman spectroscopic measurement ( CARS ) provides a convincing evidence for this conclusion .

  11. 本文讨论了在高压H2受激喇曼散射中产生一阶斯托克斯散射的参量四波混频过程。

    The investigation of the four-wave mixing process in first Stokes scattering of SRS in H2 is presented in this paper .

  12. He/K系统两步激励产生极紫外相干辐射机制中的斯托克斯及反斯托克斯竞争过程

    Stokes and Anti - Stokes Competition Processes of Producing XUV Coherent Radiation by Two-Step Excitation in He / K Mixture Vapour

  13. 与利用相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射(CARS)技术进行测温的实验结果相比,该测量的相对不确定度优于5%。

    Compared to the results of CARS , the uncertainty of the temperature field in the measurement is less than 5 % .

  14. XeCl激光泵浦高压氢的衍射极限SRS斯托克斯光输出

    Diffraction-limited SRS Stokes output from high pressure hydrogen pumped by XeCl laser

  15. 若丹明6G分子反斯托克斯荧光温度效应

    Temperature Effect of Anti - Stokes Fluorescence of Rhodamine 6G Molecules

  16. 若丹明6G水溶液的反斯托克斯荧光谱

    Anti - Stokes fluorescence spectra of rhodamine 6G in water

  17. 在一定的条件下,这个空间分布可以由环状散射和轴向散射共同组成。本文对二阶反斯托克斯散射进行了实验研究,获得了环状散射和轴向散射对H2压力和泵浦强度的依赖关系。

    The dependence of two spatial distributions of second anti-Stokes scattering on hydrogen pressure and pump intensity is obtained experimentally .

  18. 推导出螺旋挤压机构螺槽中熔料的纳维尔斯托克斯方程(NS方程)。

    In this paper , the N S equations of fused polymer in grooves of a screw extrusion machine will be derived .

  19. 为了研究孤立波在带有陡升台地的陆架上的传播,用MAC方法求解了二维纳维尔-斯托克斯方程。

    The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by the MAC method to study a solitary wave propagation on a shelf with a terrance risen up suddenly .

  20. 用Ar~+激光作光源,测量N2的反斯托克斯喇曼散射,从而测得室温下N2的平均振动弛豫寿命(?)为0.46±0.30soc·atm。

    Using an Ar + ion laser as the source we measured the anti-Stokes Raman scattering and obtained the vibrational relaxation time of N2 at room temperature to be 0.46 ± 0.30 sec · atm .

  21. 如今,这些文件被放在保存菲尔普斯·斯托克斯基金会(PhelpsStokesFund)藏品的214号箱中,储存在朔姆伯格中心外面的一个恒温库房里。

    So for now , the records reside in Box 214 of the Phelps Stokes Fund collection in the Schomburg 's temperature-controlled , off-site storage facility .

  22. 本文应用麦克斯韦电磁场理论推得了相干反斯托克斯喇曼散射(CARS)中的位相匹配条件,并由此给出了匹配角公式。

    In this paper the match condition of phase in the coherent anti-stokes Raman scatter is deduced according to the theory of Maxwell Electromagnetic Fields . And the formula of match angle is thus given .

  23. 用调Q红宝石激光和几种有机液体分子的受激喇曼散射&阶斯托克斯辐射作为泵浦光,射入钾蒸气中,观察到钾原子的许多非线性光学效应。

    With Q-swiched ruby laser and ruby-generated stimulated stokes radiation in several kinds of liquids entering potassium vapor , some nonlinear optical effects were observed , such as four-wave parametric mixing , enh (?)

  24. Nd:YAG二倍频激光(532nm)泵浦H2中的受激喇曼散射产生多级斯托克斯。

    Multi-order Stokes is generated in H_2 pumped by a pulsed Nd : YAG laser at 532 nm .

  25. 主要分析讨论了PMD的几种研究方法:琼斯矩阵法、斯托克斯空间法和耦合非线性薛定谔方程。

    In this paper , several study methods on PMD are analyzed , such as Jones matrix , Stokes vector and the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation .

  26. 当发生剧烈的SBS现象时,输入功率的绝大部分将转换为后向斯托克斯波,产生高峰值功率的巨脉冲。

    When there is a strong SBS phenomenon in fiber , the most of the input power will converted to the backward Stokes , producing a giant pulse with high power .

  27. 计算了氮气、一氧化碳的CARS谱,讨论了泵浦光和斯托克斯光线宽对谱线形状的影响,研究了氮气、一氧化碳的CARS光谱与温度、浓度的关系。

    The CARS spectra of nitrogen and carbon monoxide are calculated , the effect of laser linewidth of pump and stokes on the CARS spectra is discussed , and the relation of the CARS spectra with concentration , temperature is investigated .

  28. KrF激光在氢-惰性气体体系中的反斯托克斯拉曼转换

    Radiation and Life CHANNELING RADIATION ON THE STOKES ' REVERSIBILITY Anti - Stokes Raman Conversion of KrF Laser Radiation in Hydrogen-rare Gas Mixture

  29. 本文采用小功率He-Ne激光及化学激励的方法,首次观察到了溶液中钠原子反斯托克斯受激喇曼散射谱线双频移效应,并讨论了它的产生条件。

    In this paper , for the first time , we obtain the double shift of frequency effect anti-stokes stimulated Raman scattering characteristic by using chemical stimulation and little power of He-Ne laser .

  30. 但是由于许多有机染料易光漂白,吸收光谱窄,发射光谱较宽且伴有拖尾,斯托克斯位移小,使得FRET的应用受到了限制。

    However , owing to the poor photostability , narrow absorption spectra , and broad emission spectra of organic dyes , the application of FRET has been limited .