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  • Snooker
  1. 虽然我自己不打斯诺克,但是我觉得它挺令人着迷。

    I find snooker riveting though I don 't play myself .

  2. 威廉姆斯巩固了自己世界头号斯诺克选手的地位。

    Williams has confirmed his position as the world 's number one snooker player .

  3. 他们在打斯诺克。

    They were playing snooker .

  4. 历史上,斯诺克用球只能用沉重的象牙来制造。

    Historically , snooker balls were made exclusively from heavy ivory .

  5. 我国开展斯诺克运动的文化价值研究

    A Study on the Cultural Value of the Developing Snooker in China

  6. 我最初对斯诺克产生兴趣是在七岁的时候。

    My first interest in snooker occurred when I was seven years old .

  7. 斯诺克台球明星很快就成为了家喻户晓的人物。

    The billiards star of the snooker has become widely known personages soon .

  8. 台球(斯诺克)技术训练初论

    Discussion on Technical Training of Snooker Billiards

  9. 她开始打斯诺克完全是出于对这个项目的热爱。

    She got her start in Snooker by simply falling in love with the game .

  10. 你在哪里,斯诺克斯?

    Where are you , Snorkels ? !

  11. 会议原计划是让顶级斯诺克选手就赫恩关于重新引发公众对斯诺克兴趣的提议进行投票。

    The meeting was originally scheduled to allow the sport 's top stars to vote on Mr.

  12. 斯诺克,拳击,投镖,乒乓球甚至滑雪都可以视英国为故乡。

    Snooker , boxing , darts , table tennis and even skiing can call Britain home .

  13. 我在各种体育运动和游戏中跟企业家做过对手,从乒乓球到板球、从斯诺克到壁球。

    I 've played entrepreneurs at sports and games ranging from table tennis to cricket , snooker to squash .

  14. 本文设计和实现了一个在斯诺克电视转播中应用的数字辅助直播系统。

    The thesis designs and realizes a digital assisted broadcasting system which is used in TV broadcasting of snooker matches .

  15. 苏格兰选手希金斯与英格兰选手马克-塞尔将在斯诺克世锦赛决赛中一决胜负。

    Higgins of Scotland will meet Mark Selby of England in the final of the World Snooker Championship after semifinal victories .

  16. 影响斯诺克赛事在北京成功运作的财力要素有:赞助性和非赞助性资金。

    Influence the snooker event in Beijing successful operation financial elements are : sponsorship sex and the sponsorship sex funds . 5 .

  17. 中国杰出选手颜丙涛以10比8击败约翰·希金斯,赢得他职业生涯中首个斯诺克大师赛冠军。

    Chinese ace Yan Bingtao has won the snooker Masters title for the first time in his career after beating John Higgins 10-8 .

  18. 直到1969年,随着彩色电视的诞生,斯诺克台球再次获得新生,并且得到蓬勃发展。

    Until 1969 , with the birth of the color TV , the snooker billiards obtained new lives again , and grow vigorously .

  19. 在2005年北京举办的一项国际斯诺克比赛中,观众在比赛期间大声打手机,用闪光灯拍照,令举办方尴尬。

    An international snooker competition in Beijing in 2005 caused official embarrassment after fans talked loudly on mobile phones during games and took flash photographs .

  20. 橄榄球、台球、斯诺克和体育舞蹈被列为比赛项目。日本、中国和韩国获得的奖牌最多。

    Rugby , billiards , snooker and dance events were introduced , and the big three Japan , China and Korea took away the most medals .

  21. 当时爸爸正从电视上观看一场斯诺克比赛,我看到后非常喜欢,于是就想要一张球桌。

    My dad was watching a snooker competition on the television , and I liked what I saw so much that I asked for a table .

  22. 那些知道我有多爱斯诺克的人的都知道,我永远都不会做任何损害这项我所爱着的的运动的事情。

    Those who know me are aware of my love for snooker and that I would never do anything to damage the integrity of the sport I love .

  23. 据英国广播公司报道,周日在英国温布利斯诺克大师赛决赛上,丁俊晖10-4击败香港选手傅家俊,职业生涯首次夺得温布利大师赛冠军。

    Ding Junhui secured his first Masters title in snooker with a10-4 victory over Marco Fu in a historic all-Asian final at Wembley Sunday , the BBC reported .

  24. 埃里森在学校时,就是个优秀的运动队队员而且差点当了体育老师,但她最擅长的是斯诺克。

    In school , Allison was a very competitive team sport player and almost pursued a career as a physical education teacher , but snooker was the game she excelled in .

  25. 目前还没有一篇论文是对斯诺克赛事在北京成功运作进行的研究,通过写这篇文章,希望能对斯诺克赛事在文献方面提供一定的理论借鉴。

    Yet an essay to research the snooker tournament in Beijing is successful operation , through to write this article , in hopes of snooker tournament in the literature provides theoretical reference .

  26. 这是非常具有高知名度、大影响力的斯诺克超级联赛,我相信你肯定在电视上看过这场比赛,现在就来一展身手吧。

    This is a very high-profile , big influence on the snooker Premier League , I think you definitely have seen on television the match , now I come to you to test their abilities .

  27. 最著名的例子莫过于那场1997年末举行的那场本森·赫奇斯大赛了。史蒂夫·戴维斯对决罗尼·奥沙利文时,丽芬尼·克罗夫茨在斯诺克球桌旁搔首弄姿还获得了台下一片叫好。

    The most notable of these happened in the final of the 1997 Benson & Hedges Masters between Steve Davis and Ronnie O'Sullivan when Lianne Crofts jiggled her way around the snooker table amidst appreciative cheers .

  28. 在一些人眼中,斯诺克台球和网球也许是更为“文明”的运动,但一些裸奔爱好者声称在某些场合进行球类运动时你可以穿得更为暴露点。

    Snooker and tennis might be seen as some of the more " civilized " sports by some , but on several occasions streakers have proved that the ball-games could do with a bit more exposure .

  29. 斯诺克赛事在北京成功运作的人力要素、物力要素、财力要素、技术要素的各个方面都不可独立存在,彼此之间相互联系、相互支持,是一个不可分割的整体。

    The snooker event in Beijing successful operation of material , human factors , financial elements , technology elements not all aspects of factors exist independently , each other mutual connection , mutual support , is an integral whole .

  30. 两周之后印度即将举办其有史以来最大的一次斯诺克锦标赛,因此两位来自印度的一流选手就球赛造假事件与国人分享了他们的看法。

    He was found guilty of manipulating seven matches , including one at the World Championship . Two of India 's leading players have been sharing their views on the matter with the country due to host its biggest-ever snooker tournament in two weeks ' time .