
  • 网络Queen Mary Hospital;QMH;St.Mary'sHospital
  1. 方法对玛丽医院从1991年10月至1998年9月发生移植肝急性排斥反应的所有病例进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Eighty three transplants at Queen Mary Hospital from October 1991 to September 1998 were analyzed retrospectively .

  2. 1937年,玛丽医院正式启用,并曾担任该大学的自那时以来,教学医院服务。

    In1937 , Queen Mary Hospital opened and has served as the University 's teaching hospital since that time .

  3. 她现于玛丽医院全职工作。

    Eric Yau and currently working full-time at Queen Mary hospital .

  4. 玛丽医院口腔颌面外科及牙科部

    Queen Mary Hospital Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Unit

  5. 方法从1991年10月至1999年4月,香港大学玛丽医院为92例终末期肝病病人做了95例次肝移植。

    Methods From October 1991 to April 1999 , 92 pa tientsin Queen Mary Hospital underwent 95 orthotopic liver transplantations .

  6. 台湾娱乐新闻台最新消息,沈殿霞因肝脏肿瘤于香港玛丽医院病逝,享年60岁。

    Local channel Cable TV News said in a report she died of liver tumor in Queen Mary Hospital . Shum , also known as Lydia Sum , was60 years old .

  7. 方法在1993年9月至1999年6月期间,香港大学玛丽医院共作活体肝移植40例。

    [ WT5HZ ] Method [ WT5BZ ] From September 1993 to June 1999 , donor hepatectomy was performed in 40 living related liver transplantations at Queen Mary Hospital , Hong Kong .

  8. 现时小丑医生队分别到威尔斯亲王医院、屯门医院、玛丽医院、大口环根德公爵夫人儿童医院、广华医院及伊利沙伯医院进行探访。

    They visit the Prince of Wales Hospital , Tuen Mun Hospital , the Queen Mary Hospital , the Duchess of Kent at Sandy Bay Hospital , the Kwong Wah hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital weekly .

  9. 目的报道肝移植术后常见的神经系统并发症及其可能的原因方法对香港玛丽医院从1991年11月到1998年8月的肝移植病例进行回顾性分析。

    Objective To report the incidence and analyze the factors predisposing to neurologic complications after liver transplantation . Methods A retrospective study of all cases in which patients presented with neurologic complications after liver transplantation from October 1991 to August 1998 in Queen Mary Hospital , Hong Kong .

  10. 一个妇女跟同玛丽正向医院走来。

    A woman with Mary is coming to the hospital .

  11. 玛丽不得不去医院检查那只感到疼痛的眼睛,我知道她想我去陪陪她。

    Mary has to go to the Infirmary to have that sore eye examined and I know she 'll want me to go and hold her hand .

  12. 今天早晨玛丽匆匆赶去医院时,她头发没梳,脸也没洗。

    Mary 's hair was uncombed and her face unwashed as she hurried to the hospital this morning .