
  • 网络Methuselah;Muth
  1. 如果这就是长寿的全部秘诀,各位,你们面前现在就站着一位玛土撒拉(Methuselah)哪。

    If that 's all it takes , people , you 're looking at Methuselah .

  2. 玛土撒拉活到一百八十七岁,生了拉麦。

    And Methuselah lived one hundred eighty-seven years and begot lamech .

  3. 玛土撒拉大约300岁时,一件令人震惊的事发生在他的父亲以诺身上。

    Methuselah would have been about 300 years old when an amazing thing happened to his father Enoch .

  4. 以诺生玛土撒拉之后,与上帝同行三百年,并且生儿养女。

    And after he became the father of Methuselah , Enoch walked with God300 years and had other sons and daughters .

  5. 玛土撒拉生拉麦之后,又活了七百八十二年,并且生儿养女。

    Methuselah lived seven hundred and eighty-two years after he became the father of Lamech , and he had other sons and daughters .

  6. 萨缪尔森很高兴他能被与威尔第那样在晚年写出最佳作品的玛土撒拉大师如威尔相提并论。

    Mr Samuelson was happy to be " linked with such Methuselah masters as Verdi " who did some of their best work in old age .