
  • 网络Eber;heber
  1. 希伯活到三十四岁,生了法勒。

    And EBER lived thirty-four years and begot peleg .

  2. 必有人乘船从基提界而来,苦害亚述,苦害希伯,他也必至沉沦。

    Ships will come from the shores of Kittim ; they will subdue Asshur and Eber , but they too will come to ruin .

  3. 他的C3从2009年起就开始保密,不过希伯计划在这次大会上谈及C3。

    He plans to talk about C3 , which has been in stealth mode since 2009 .

  4. 希伯来书10:13从此等候他仇敌成了他的脚凳。

    Heb10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool .

  5. 一篇古希伯莱文这样写道:“爱即生死相许。”

    An ancient Hebrew text says ," Love is as strong as death . "

  6. 例如汤姆•希伯是做数据库软件发家的,他刚涉足生态领域不久。

    Siebel , who made his fortune in database software , is one eco-neophyte .

  7. 接着,他借用了希伯来历法中一周七天和闰年的概念。

    Then , he borrowed the idea of a seven-day week and leap year from the Hebrew calendar .

  8. 希伯已经组建了一个蓝筹股董事会,成员包括美国前国务卿康多莉扎•赖斯和美国前能源部长斯潘塞•亚伯拉罕。

    Siebel has recruited a blue chip board , including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham .

  9. 希伯语、匈牙利语和俄语等不存在动词将要或者使用非常有限。

    The verb " to be " does not exist or has limited usage in languages such as Hebrew , Hungarian , and Russian .

  10. 莫克希伯发布被美国财政部外国财产控制办公室盯上的一百十五家公司名单。

    Mokhiber published a list of115 companies that came to the attention of the office of foreign assets control under the US Department of the treasury .

  11. 希伯软件公司提交给美国证交会的一份档案显示,该公司去年10月通过一次私募发行募集了4800万美元,几乎使它的总资金增长了一倍。

    In October the company raised $ 48 million in a private offering , according to a filing with the SEC , roughly doubling its total funding .

  12. 是亿万富翁汤姆•希伯的新作么?它旨在通过使用智能软件,从根本上改善大公司的能源使用和碳排放,希伯给这个公司起了个故弄玄虚的名字&C3。

    Might it be billionaire Tom Siebel 's new venture , the mysteriously-named C3 , which aims to use clever software to radically improve big companies'energy use and carbon output ?

  13. 希伯耒书10:24-又要彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善。柔性激励包括环境激励、度激励、化激励、变激励。

    Hebrews 10:24 - And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds . The method includes environmental motivation , institutional motivation , cultural motivation and adaptable motivation .

  14. 请跟我一起读这一节圣经:希伯来书13:17:“你们要依从那些引导你们的,且要顺服…”尊敬就是要对别人有礼貌,听他们所说的话。

    Can you say today 's Bible verse with me ? Hebrews 13 : 17 , " Obey them that have the rule over you , and submit yourselves ... " Hebrews 13 : 17 . Showing respect means treating others politely and listening to what they say .