
  • 网络greek art;HELLENIC ART
  1. 男性裸体人像总是希腊艺术的中心主题。

    The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art .

  2. 这些花瓶被视为希腊艺术的最佳典范。

    These vases are held to be the finest examples of Greek art .

  3. 最早的雕塑作品受到了希腊艺术的影响。

    The very earliest sculptures were made under the influence of Greek art

  4. 他专门研究希腊艺术考古,并担任位于西西里的默干提纳(Morgantina)发掘项目联席总监。

    He specializes in Greek art archaeology and serves as co-director of the Morgantina excavations in Sicily .

  5. 论古希腊艺术高度和谐之原因

    Discussion on the Reason of Perfect Harmony in Ancient Greek Arts

  6. 希腊艺术是我特别感兴趣的领域。

    I 'm particularly interested in the area of Greek art .

  7. 酒神祭曲的萨提儿歌队,是希腊艺术治病救人的功绩;

    The satyr chorus of the dithyramb was the salvation of Greek art ;

  8. 古希腊艺术关注的中心是人体。

    Hellenic art mainly aims to resurrect body appropriately .

  9. 希腊艺术的人本主义精神是希腊艺术取得辉煌成就的关键所在。

    The humanistic spiritof Greek art Greek art made brilliant achievements in the key .

  10. 试论希腊艺术中的模仿

    Some Tentative Views on Imitation in Greek Art

  11. 希腊艺术,尤其是希腊悲剧,首先阻止了神话的毁灭;

    Greek art and pre-eminently Greek tragedy delayed above all the destruction of myth .

  12. 古希腊艺术代表作品集

    A representative collection of ancient Greek art

  13. 试论希腊艺术中的模仿比较视野下的蒙古族史诗与希腊史诗

    Some Tentative Views on Imitation in Greek Art A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MONGOLIAN AND GREEK EPICS

  14. 希腊艺术与黑格尔美学

    Greek Art and Hegelian Aesthetics

  15. 希腊艺术风格在丝绸之路很流行并在印度北部造就了典型西方面孔的佛像。

    Greek art styles were popular along the Silk Road and gave Buddhist statues in Northern India classical Western faces .

  16. 正是古希腊人这种对美的一往情深,创造出具有永恒魅力的希腊艺术珍品。

    Because ancient Greek have been devoting passionately to beauty , they have created a lot of Greek art treasures that contain eternal charm .

  17. 本文通过“毕加索的新古典主义”、“怪物和米诺陶”和“画家&雕塑家”三个部分论述了毕加索的古典倾向及受到的来自希腊艺术的影响。

    By using the Neo-classical period , Monster and Minotaur and Painter-Sculptor , this article discusses Picassos classical tendency and the influence from ancient Greek art .

  18. 伊特鲁里亚人不但挑选了希腊艺术中那些取悦他们的元素,并且在很大程度上将其变成自己的东西。

    The Etruscans not only pick and choose those elements Greek art that please them , but they also make those elements very much their own .

  19. 这两个名词,我们假借自古希腊人,它们使得明敏的心灵能领悟到希腊艺术观的深奥的秘仪当然不是在概念上。

    I have borrowed my adjectives from the Greeks , who developed their mystical doctrines of art through plausible embodiments , not through purely conceptual means .

  20. 希腊艺术繁荣的原因,在于二元冲动之间达成了一种既互相制约又互相促进的恰当关系。

    The prosperity of Greek art can be traced back to the proper relationship between the dualistic impulses which reveal the traits of mutual constraint and development .

  21. 古希腊艺术把握住的是时间从过去向未来延伸的中继点,其中占据着时间的绵延厚度。

    What the ancient Greek art captured is the relay point that time extends from the past to the future , which occupies a consistent thickness of the time .

  22. 作者在论述第一个问题时以酒神现象为出发点去理解繁荣的希腊艺术,并由此提出自己的艺术形而上学。

    The author discusses the first question about the Dionysian phenomenon as a starting point to understand the prosperity of Greek art , and thus make his own art metaphysics .

  23. 温克尔曼把风格史的方法和艺术直觉、想象力等感性因素引入古希腊艺术史研究中,开启了造型美学研究的现代性之门。

    Winkelmann leaded the method of style history and art intuition , imagination into the ancient Greek art history study , opening the modelling of aesthetic study the door of modernity .

  24. 所以,欧里庇德斯,作为诗人来说,首先是他自己的自觉认识的回声,而正是这点使他在希腊艺术史占居这样显著地位。

    As a poet , then , Euripides was principally concerned with rendering his conscious perceptions , and it is this which gives him his position of importance in the history of Greek drama .

  25. 同时从这地点,他独自摸索,继续前进,从模仿悲剧这种最高希腊艺术形式走向“恢复一切文化遗产”,走向模仿人类的原始艺术境界。

    while from this point he continued unassisted and passed over from an imitation of the highest Greek art-form to a " restoration of all things , " to an imitation of man 's original art-world .

  26. 文艺复兴对古希腊艺术的借鉴、新材料技法的运用、科学技术发展,使写实绘画逐渐走向成熟,两度平面再现了写实绘画的立体形象&空间。

    The Renaissance of Greek art for reference , the use of new materials techniques , the development of science and technology , make the realistic painting gradually mature and twice plane reproduce the realistic painting stereo image-space .

  27. 以现实主义观点,探索希腊艺术的历史演变,总结其发展规律和创作原则,高度肯定艺术的社会功用;

    It philosophically refines the permanently charming Greek spirit of art , probes realistically the historical evolution of Greek art , summarizes the laws of its development and principles of its creation , and affirms the social function of art .

  28. 全书贯穿着尼采一生关注的两个主要问题:1生命意义问题,表现为由酒神现象而理解希腊艺术;

    The Birth of Tragedy centers on two problem for which Nietzsche shows concern all his life , that is , 1 . the meaning of life which is revealed in understanding of Greek art through the analysis of the phenomenon of Dionysus and the world ;

  29. 音乐精神向象征化和神话化方面的努力,自从抒情诗发生以至阿提克悲剧时代,不断增强,一旦达到盛极一时,便突然中断,仿佛从希腊艺术领域上消声匿迹;

    The striving of the spirit of music toward visual and mythical objectification , which increases from the beginnings of lyric poetry up to Attic tragedy , suddenly breaks off after attaining a luxuriant development , and disappears , as it were , from the surface of Hellenic art ;

  30. 古希腊雕塑艺术的地理学诠释

    The geographical explanation about the art of sculpture in ancient Greece