
  1. 一个室外游泳池有多个女神雕像作为装饰。

    An outdoor swimming pool is decorated with statues of nymphs .

  2. 一个小自由女神雕像,是小火把发出的光。

    A little statue of liberty and the light is its torch .

  3. 纽约港的自由女神雕像是法国送的礼物。

    The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor was a gift from France .

  4. 卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她(看似)最后一次任务中,把她的黎明女神雕像给了谁?

    To whom does Kara Thrace give her statue of Aurora before her seemingly final mission ?

  5. 最近每一年都能发现有关岩洞壁画和女神雕像以及其它万物有灵论的形式。

    New information about cave paintings and Goddess figurines and other forms of animism are being found every year .

  6. “胜利女神雕像”、“爱神维纳斯雕像”以及李奥纳多?达文西最有名的画作“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”。

    The statues victory of Samothrace and Venus de Milo accompany Leonardo da vinci 's most famous painting , the Mona lisa .

  7. 世界上最负胜名的自由标志之一&自由女神雕像将在七月重新对公众开放。

    One of the world 's most enduring emblems of freedom , the statue of liberty , will reopen to the public in july .

  8. 汉译英&世界上最著名的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是在19世纪时由法国人民赠送给美国的。

    One of the most famous monuments in the world , the Statue of Liberty , was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France .

  9. 神像高40英尺(12米),他一手拿着权杖,另一只手上是胜利女神Nike的小雕像,它们都是用象牙和贵重金属做的。

    The40-foot-tall ( 12-meter-tall ) figure held a scepter in one hand and a small statue of the goddess of victory , Nike , in the other & both made from ivory and precious metals .

  10. 位于大门前的是一尊希腊女神赫拉的大理石雕像,它原来伫立在一座大宅里,火山爆发时被灰尘暴掀到了户外。

    Hera , which used to stand in a mansion , but was thrown into the open by a gust of dust and mud when the volcano erupted .