
  • 网络the feminine mystique
  1. 古德伯格的父母一起读过《女性的奥秘》(TheFeminineMystique)——事实上,是古德伯格的父亲介绍读这本书的,桑德伯格在书中说。

    The Goldberg parents read " The Feminine Mystique " together - in fact , Mr. Goldberg 's father introduced it to his wife , according to Ms. Sandberg 's book .

  2. “女性的奥秘”取得了巨大的成功。

    STEVE EMBER : " The Feminine Mystique " was a huge success .

  3. 而研究的结晶就是她于1963年出版的这本书&《女性的奥秘》。

    The result was her book ," The Feminine Mystique ," published in nineteen sixty-three .

  4. 1958年(《女性的奥秘》发表前五年)她三十二岁时被选进议会。

    She was elected to Parliament at32 in1958 ( five years before the Feminine Mystique was published ) .

  5. 1962年,在《女性的奥秘》和《性与单身少女》出版一年之前,她的最畅销书是一部关于女性主义题材的作品。

    Her 1962 best-seller came out a year before the Feminine Mystique and Sex and The Single girl was its own kind of feminist text .

  6. 弗里丹出版了《女性的奥秘》,她在书中揭露了在女性的奥秘所笼罩下千百万美国家庭妇女的无名痛苦,主张妇女突破传统角色的局限,争取自己在社会、家庭中的地位。

    In the book , she exposed the indescribable misery suffered by millions of American women , claiming that women should breach the limitation of traditional roles and strive for their status in society and family .

  7. 有一种说法,女性的解放运动不应该归功于《女性的奥秘》这本书,而应该归功于减少了她们的家务劳动的洗碗机洗衣机,这种说法一直受到强烈的指责。

    There is a strong argument that women 's liberation movement owes less to the " feminine mystique " than to the dishwashers and washing machines that reduced household drudgery .