
  • women's political participation
  1. 中日两国女性参政的发展阶段及现状的分析与比较

    An Analysis and Comparison of the Development and Present Situation of Chinese and Japanese Women 's Political Participation

  2. 21世纪,中国加入WTO也给现代女性参政议政带来新的机遇和挑战。

    In 21st , century , China 's entering WTO has created a lot of new chances and challenges for modern women 's participating in politics .

  3. 当代中国女性参政:实践与思考

    Contemporary Chinese Women 's Participation in Politics : Practice and Reflection

  4. 影响农村基层青年女性参政积极性的个体因素分析&以广西为例

    Determinants of rural young women 's enthusiasm for participating in politics

  5. 女性参政行为是女性社会地位的突出体现,参政积极性又是政治参与行为的基础。

    The conduct of women 's participation in politics reflects prominently the social status of women .

  6. 使用配额制来提高女性参政已经成为欧盟国家的主要政策和法律工具。

    This paper is focused on the quota to increase the presence of womens political participation in EU countries .

  7. 从政治方面来说,女性参政愈见呈上升趋势;从经济方面来说,部分女性的收入超过了男性。

    Politically , female participation in politics becomes an upward trend . Economically , the income of some women is more than men .

  8. 从两个视域的进行观察与研究,我们提练出女性参政议政的能力中存在一对矛盾:政治潜能与实际参政能力的反差。

    In our study , we found there is always a pair of contradictions between the political potential and actual ability among female groups .

  9. 在做实证分析时,本文采用了三个视角,分别是法学视角,人力资源开发视角和我国女性参政视角。

    When doing empirical analysis , we use three perspectives , namely legal perspective , human resource development perspective and view of women in politics .

  10. 在中国妇女史上,北朝至隋唐时期女性参政,以其时间长、人数多、范围广、影响大而引人瞩目。

    In the history of Chinese woman , the political participation of woman in the period of the Bei to the Sui and the Tang Dynasties is remarkable .

  11. 其次,西汉政府对女性参政所持的较宽容的态度及当时思想上一定程度的自由都为女性参政议政提供了可能;

    Secondly , tolerance of government in the Western Han Dynasty and freedom of thought at that time make it possible for women to evaluate or comment on politics .

  12. 就解决性别差距问题,该报告提出的建议包括制定推动性别平等的政策以及提高女性参政人数比例。

    Putting in place policies which favor gender equality while boosting female political participation are some of the solutions recommended by the Report to help mend the gender gap .

  13. 近年来,女性参政已成为台湾各界关注的热点,也是台湾妇女运动的核心议题。

    For recent years , women participating in politics is not only the hot point all circles in Taiwan focus on , but the core issue of Taiwan feminine movement as well .

  14. 女子教育是社会人力资源积累的重要源泉,是女性参政议政、拓展自我的基础,是帮助女性摆脱束缚,让生活更充实、更健康、更科学的有效途径。

    The investigation into the feminine education , which is a vital source of the human resource in the society , is the basis for women 's participating in the politics and also enriching themselves ;

  15. 要推进我国女干部的成长,必须对女性参政与从政的环境、女干部成长的路径等内容进行调查与分析,立足实际发现问题,进而提出相应的对策。

    To promote the growth of female cadres , we must investigate and analyze the suffrage environment and female cadres ' growth path , basing on the actual problems and then put forward the corresponding countermeasures .

  16. 女性参政议政的研究,古今中外有之。议题多集中在国家层面上,强调妇女参选的政治权利和在政府决策层的性别比,强调配额。

    Studies on women in politics have ever been conducted at home and abroad at all times , which mostly focus on the national level , emphasizing the women political rights and the sex ratio in government decision-making , emphasizing the quota .

  17. 要根本解决女性参政的问题,就要增加我国女性的资本占有量,实现男女的经济平等,给与女性更多的闲暇时间,提高女性的受教育程度。

    To solve the problems of women 's participation in politics , it is necessary to increase the proportion of women 's capital , realize economically equality between man and woman , give women more spare time , and improve women 's educational qualifications .

  18. 接着在武后女性参政比较活跃的时期,由于对传统天人感应思想禁止女性参政原则的违背,从而在事实上对其理论的神圣性与权威性造成严重的破坏。

    Then empress Wu period of women in politics is active , because of the traditional thought induction man ban violated the principle of woman participate in government and political affairs , and in fact the theory the sanctity and authority of causing severe damage .

  19. 女性主动参政的意识较弱;

    Women 's consciousness of active political participation is weak .

  20. 尽管呼声很高的女性如妇女参政权论者苏珊·B·安东尼(SusanBAnthony)和印第安探险家莎卡嘉微亚(Sacagawea)等都曾随男性一起出现在美元硬币上,但她们中只有一个人有幸单独出现在美元上。

    Though acclaimed women such as suffragette Susan B Anthony and Native American guide Sacagawea have appeared alongside men on US coins , only one has ever graced a printed US bill .

  21. 女性将会更多地参政,在政治议程中也会有更大发言权。

    Women will gain share in politics and have more say over the political agenda .

  22. 在传统的贞洁烈妇和贤妻良母之外,我们还可以看到出门读书的女性、谋职自立的女性、参政的女性等新的女性形象。

    There were new female images of going out to study , having a job for independence , and taking part in politics except the old ones of chastity and virginity as well as good wife and mother .

  23. 日本新一届政府迎来了史上数量最多的女性成员,其中包括两名内阁大臣。这一改变可稍微平衡一下日本政界的性别比例,日本历史上很少有女性参政。

    Japan 's new government boasts a record number of women , including two cabinet ministers , slightly shifting the gender balance in a country with historically low female representation in politics .