
  • 网络feminist economics
  1. 1990年国际女性主义经济学协会成立,标志着女性主义经济学的兴起。

    International Association for Feminist Economics was set up in 1990 which marked the rise of feminist economics .

  2. 起源于20世纪90年代的女性主义经济学,是在后现代哲学思潮和新古典经济学内在缺陷的理论背景下产生的一个异端经济学流派。

    In the 1990s a heterodox economics called feminist economics came into being under the academic influence of the post-modernist thoughts and with a criticism of the intrinsic defects of the neo-classical economics .

  3. 照顾提供、性别平等与公共政策&女性主义经济学的视角

    Care Provision , Gender Equality and Public Policy & A Feminist Economic Perspective

  4. 女性主义经济学对新古典经济学进行了拓展与修正,甚至颠覆。

    It is the development , revision and even the subversion of the neo-classical economics .

  5. 但本文认为这种情况会随着女性主义经济学理论的发展而变化和改善。

    This paper believes that the situation will change and improve along with the developing of the economics theories .

  6. 女性主义经济学作为一个新生学派,存在着一定的局限性和继续发展的空间,但其对经济学研究方式的革新与批判应受到重视。

    But being a newborn school , feminist economics has its own limitations and expects further development . Its new approaches to and criticism of the existing economic studies should receive an adequate attention .

  7. 女性主义挑战现代经济学

    The feminist challenge to contemporary economics

  8. 伴随着女性地位的提升和社会的进步,女性主义经济学理论会对女性经济状况的改变、经济地位的提高、以及正确制定女性政策都会产生积极的影响。

    Feminist Economics theories will bring about the positive impacts on changing females ' economic situation , raising the females ' economic status and making the correct female policies .