
nǚ jì chénɡ rén
  • heiress;inheritress;inheritrix;coheiress
  1. 那位女继承人至少有百万家当。

    The heiress is worth at least a million dollars .

  2. 雅芳(Avon)一位女继承人30年前创立的EdnaMcConnellClarkFoundation就清楚说明了这种改变如何已成为主流。

    The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation , started 30 years ago by an Avon heiress , illustrates how change has reached the mainstream .

  3. 在《小姐好白》中,肖恩和马龙-韦恩斯两兄弟扮演同是兄弟的FBI探员,为了保护女继承人免遭绑架,他俩扮成了女人。

    In White Chicks , Shawn and Marlon Wayans play agent brothers to protect heiresses from a kidnapping by disguising themselves as the women .

  4. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,萨科齐涉嫌从欧莱雅集团女继承人莉莉亚娜·贝当古那里收受非法竞选捐款。

    NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports Sarkozy is suspected of taking illegal campaign contributions from L'Oreal heiress , Liliane Bettencourt .

  5. 小常识:在1849年,女继承人AdeliciaAcklen和他的第二任丈夫Joseph,签署了美国第一份婚前协议,协议赋予Adelicia自由处理财产的权利。

    Fact : In 1849 , heiress Adelicia Acklen and her second husband , Joseph , signed the first American prenup , entitling Adelicia to complete control of her property and assets .

  6. 在离开ITV年代剧《唐顿庄园》后,丹史蒂文斯一直专注于戏剧事业,最近他与女星杰西卡查斯坦一直主演了百老汇舞台剧《女继承人》。

    Since leaving the ITV period drama , Dan has been concentrating on his theatre career , and is recently starred alongside Jessica Chastain in The Heiress on Broadway .

  7. 幸运的是,史蒂文斯得到在百老汇舞台剧《女继承人》(TheHeiress)中担任主角的机会,更幸运的是,编剧、导演斯科特·弗兰克(ScottFrank)有天晚上来看他的表演。

    Fortunately , Mr. Stevens was offered a lead in " The Heiress " on Broadway , and even more fortunately , the writer and director Scott Frank came one night to see him perform .

  8. AberdeenStreetSocial这样的地方颇具香港英殖民时期的遗风,这是一个两层的酒吧兼餐厅,是英国米其林星级厨师杰森·阿瑟顿(JasonAtherton)与新加坡女继承人兼酒店经营者YennWong合作的结晶,两人在香港其他地点还有若干合作餐厅。

    Hong Kong 's British colonial heritage permeates Aberdeen Street Social , a two-story bar and restaurant that is one of several collaborations around town between Jason Atherton , a Michelin-starred British chef , and Yenn Wong , a Singaporean heiress and hotelier .

  9. 据《纽约时报》报道称,竞争者有索尼、华纳兄弟、环球影视、20世纪福克斯;而令人惊讶的是,由甲骨文公司女继承人梅根·埃里森资助和领导的、年头相对较短的Annapurna影业也加入了该竞争。

    According to the New York Times , the contenders are Sony , Warner Bros , Universal Pictures , 20th Century Fox and , unexpectedly , the relatively new Annapurna , financed and led by Megan Ellison , the heiress of Oracle .

  10. 我们刚刚听说他与一位女继承人结了婚。

    We have just hear of his marriage to an heiress .

  11. 强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。

    The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom .

  12. 他娶了伯莎克虏伯,她是克虏伯产业帝国的女继承人。

    He martied Bertha krupp , heiress to the Krupp industrial empire .

  13. 他想要锡恩的新娘,英格兰最富有的女继承人之一。

    He wanted thynne 's bride , the richest heiress in england .

  14. 她生来就是一大笔钱财的女继承人。

    She is born heiress to a fortune in money .

  15. 她是强生公司的女继承人。

    Tracy : She 's an heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune .

  16. 一位生活奢华的女继承人

    An heiress living in the lap of luxury .

  17. 8·禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。

    Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses .

  18. 在我辉煌的青年时代我是一名女继承人。

    I was an heiress in my gilded youth .

  19. 鹦鹉螺岛的隐士女继承人整个冬天仍住在她的斯巴达式小屋;

    Nautilus Island 's hermit heiress still lives through winter in her Spartan cottage ;

  20. 她自称是失踪的女继承人这件事从一开始就存在很多疑点。

    From the start , doubts surrounded her claim to be the missing heiress .

  21. 你有钱了遗产的唯一女继承人是不是还想问你现在身价多少

    Rivers : You are rich , quite an heiress.Will you ask how much you are worth ?

  22. 必须找个女继承人一路找去纽约都可以

    I have to have an heiress if it means going to New York to find one .

  23. 女继承人、女伯爵、模特、电影明星和很多时装编辑都想模仿她。

    Heiresses , countesses , models , movie stars and scores of fashion editors wanted to look like Loulou .

  24. 佤族同姓婚禁忌探析&以班奈村佤族同姓婚禁忌为例8·禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。

    Marriages of Wa People 8 . Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses .

  25. “外表已经不再重要了”,这位23岁的希尔顿酒店集团的女继承人、模特兼演员在9月22日播出的这次采访中说。

    " Looks don 't matter anymore ," the23-year-old hotel heiress-model-actress said in the interview , set to air on September22nd .

  26. 在一个满天星星的圣诞节前夕,雪轻柔地飘落,绚丽的礼物在一位身着祖母绿长裙的女继承人的膝上等待着。

    Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve .

  27. 否则,你同样也可以劝说别人别去娶女继承人(过于独立)或者美女(仰慕者太多)了。

    Or if it is , one might equally counsel against an heiress ( too independent ) or a beauty ( too many admirers ) .

  28. 住在萨沃伊酒店的时候,他开始与和他一样富有的伍尔沃斯女继承人芭芭拉·赫顿有外遇。

    While staying at the Savoy Hotel , he began an affair with Woolworth heiress Barbara Hutton , a woman as wealthy as he was .

  29. 如果你是个拜金狮子狗,那么通过讨好一个女继承人、寡妇或者女演员要好过跟着那些死板木讷的有钱男人。

    If you are a gold-digging poodle , it pays to cozy up to an heiress , widow or actress rather than the stereotypical rich guy .

  30. 加朵正在拍摄一部名为《神奇女侠1984》的小电影,她将扮演一位爱上西蒙的富家女继承人林内特·里奇维·多伊尔。

    Gadot , who is shooting a little film called Wonder Woman 1984 , will play Linnet Ridgeway Doyle , a rich heiress who falls in love with Simon .