
  1. 对于徐丹来说,探访老人是一件最有意义的事情。

    For Xu , visiting old people is the most rewarding activity .

  2. 两年前,徐丹还是一名内向的女生。

    Two years ago , Xu was an introverted girl .

  3. 徐丹说:我过去常常认为志愿者的工作无非就是捡捡垃圾而已。

    I used to think volunteering is nothing more than picking up trash .

  4. 徐丹说,志愿者工作带给她的正能量主要体现在待人方式与世界观上。

    According to Xu , the positive energy she gets from volunteering reflects on the way she deals with people and sees the world .

  5. 就读于浙江师范大学英语系、21岁的徐丹(音译)之所以喜欢放假,是因为这样她就可以投入更多时间去做志愿者了。她认为志愿者的经历改变了她的生活,令她进步。

    Xu Dan loves vacations because it means she can spend more time volunteering . The 21-year-old English major from Zhejiang Normal University believes that volunteering has changed her life and made her a better person .