
  • 网络feminist jurisprudence
  1. 南京政府婚姻法的女性主义法学分析

    Analysis on Feminist Jurisprudence of Marriage Law in Nanjing Government

  2. 女性主义法学是西方现代法理学思潮的一个流派。其渊源产生于女性主义各派理论。

    As a school of Modern Western Jurisprudence , the ideology of the Feminist Jurisprudence grows out of an eclectic theory of feminist movement .

  3. 美国女性主义法学及其启示

    On Feminist Law in American and Illumination from It

  4. 后现代女性主义法学不仅关注男女之间的差异,更关注女性内部的差别。

    Post modern legal feminism not only emphasized the differences between the two genders but also the insider odds in females .

  5. 女性主义法学是女性主义和法学相结合的产物,它作为一独立的学术流派存在是在二十世纪八十年代以后的事了。

    Connecting Feminism with Jurisprudence developed Feminism Jurisprudence , which had be seen as an independent school of jurisprudence since the late twenty centuries .

  6. 故本文拟从历史视角对女性主义法学中各理论流派的演进作一个梳理,并试图分析理论演变的原因。

    So in this article I want to comb to the progress of every school theory of Feminism Jurisprudence from the historical visual angle , and attempt to analyze the reason of the development .

  7. 女性主义法学作为后批判法学的一个分支,在美国的理论界和司法领域都产生了一定的影响。

    As one branch of the post - critical - jurisprudence , the feminist jurisprudence has exerted a certain impact on the theoretical legal world and judiciary world in the United States of America .