
  • 网络feminist psychology
  1. 他者的话语与价值&女性主义心理学的探索

    The Other 's Discourse and Value & The Exploration of Feminist Psychology

  2. 西方父权制文化与女性主义心理学

    Patriarchy Culture and Feminist Psychology in the West

  3. 试论后现代女性主义心理学

    On the Postmodern Feminist Psychology

  4. 男、女生的心理健康水平无显著性差异;西方父权制文化与女性主义心理学

    The sexual distinction does not lead to distinctive different of mental health ; Patriarchy Culture and Feminist Psychology in the West

  5. 西方女性主义心理学是在20世纪60、70年代的西方女权主义运动中形成并发展起来的具有明确政治目标的心理学理论与实践。

    Western feminist psychology is both psychological theory and practice with a definite political standpoint , and was formed and developed during western woman 's movement in the 1960s and 1970s .

  6. 后现代取向的女性主义心理学具有否定所有的宏大叙述、否定传统形而上学的二元对立、反本质主义、主张多元方法等理论特色。

    Feminist psychology , which is post-modernistic in nature , has the following theoretical features : negating all mammoth narration and metaphysical dualism , opposing the theory of essence and advocating pluralistic methods .

  7. 三是后现代取向的女性主义心理学,强调采用解构的方法,重新解读主流心理学中的关于女性的所谓科学的知识,揭示心理学中的男性中心主义偏见。

    And the third emphasizes the deconstructing and reinterpreting the " scientific " knowledge and reveals the androcentric biases in mainstream psychology ; this has been called " postmodernist paradigm of feminist psychology " .

  8. 随着女性主义运动的崛起,女性主义为心理学研究提供了一个新视角。

    Feminism provides a new research angle for psychology .