
  • 网络gay rights movement
  1. 俄罗斯是国际同性恋权利运动的一个攻击目标。

    Russia is a target of the international gay rights movement .

  2. 为何,同性恋权利运动与民权运动争锋相对?

    How was it that the gay rights movement was being pitted against the civil rights movement ?

  3. 同性恋权利运动的先驱者JackNichols道:我们同马丁路德金一起游行,我们中有七个人来自马特辛社区,一个早期同性恋组织-自此,我们梦想同性恋权利运动,如它般卓尔不群。

    Gay pioneer Jack Nichols said , We marched with Martin Luther King , seven of us from the Mattachine Society , which was an early gay rights organization and from that moment on , we had our own dream about a gay rights march of similar proportions .

  4. 随着美国历史和社会文化的发展,其同性恋权利运动也从星星之火逐步发展为燎原之势。

    With development of American history and social culture , American homosexual rights movement turned from the spark into the flaming fire .

  5. 他后来,也成为了同性恋权利运动的热情拥护者。他的一生,亦证明了民权运动和同性恋权利运动的交集。

    He later in his life became a fierce advocate of LGBT rights as well , and his life is testament to the intersection of the struggles .

  6. 提及在中国打造一家成功的初创企业所面临的挑战,以及开展同性恋权利运动所遇到的困难,他引用了他的偶像、阿里巴巴创始人马云的话。

    He quoted his idol , the Alibaba.com founder Jack Ma , in describing both the challenge of building a successful start-up in China and the struggles of the gay-rights movement .

  7. 随着人们道德、价值观念的多元化发展和同性恋权利运动的发展,越来越多的同性伴侣希望能像异性伴侣那样被准予结婚。

    Along with the peoples'morals , value idea multiplex development and gay right movement development , more and more homogeneous companion hoped can such permit like the opposite sex companion the marriage .

  8. 亦有人,对同性恋权利运动与民权运动的比较满腹牢骚。又一次,那种我所属的两个少数团体在互相竞争而非相互支持的无力感,向我袭来。它们最终压垮了我,坦率而言,也使得我怒发冲冠。

    And others resented this comparison between gay rights and civil rights , and once again , the sinking feeling that two minority groups of which I 'm both a part of were competing with each other , instead of supporting each other overwhelmed and , frankly , pissed me off .

  9. 不论是你想去看百老汇演出或走访现代男女同性恋者权利运动的发源地,纽约城可以向每个同性恋者提供些什么。

    Whether you want to take in a Broadway show or visit the birthplace of the modern gay and lesbian rights movement , NYC offers something for every lesbian .

  10. 该报告由倡导同性恋权利的团体“运动促进项目”、“家庭平等委员会”和“美国进步中心”共同撰写,并在网上发表。

    The report was released online and authored by groups advocating for gay rights including Movement Advancement Project , Family Equality Council and Center for American Progress .

  11. 石墙事件后不久,同性恋自由组织如雨后春笋般,在全国涌现。并最终发展成我们如今知晓的,同性恋权利运动。

    After Stonewall happened , gay liberation groups sprang up all over the country , and the modern gay rights movement as we know it took off .