
tónɡ xínɡ zì
  • homoform
  1. 以汉魏六朝石刻中的同形字为基本材料,就其出现的时间、类型、产生原因、发展趋向等问题进行分析研究。

    The time , phase , type and reason of production and developmental tendency of the homograph on stone inscriptions in Han , Wei and Six Dynasties are analyzed .

  2. 通过对中日同形字在音、形、意方面的对比分析,试图达到以下研究目标。

    With an effort to make a contrastive analysis on Jap-CN homographs in such aspects as phonology , morphology and semantics , this thesis tries to achieve the following objectives .

  3. 这种语言的复制传播过程与生物的进化过程有相似之处。因此,本文运用了模因理论,尝试性地从生物进化论的视角开展中日同形字的语言文化研究。

    Such language replication and transmission are similar to the evolution of species . For this reason , this thesis , guided by the theory of Memetics , makes a tentative cultural research on Jap-CN homographs from the perspective of biological evolution .

  4. 在同形异义字的汉语句子加工中,也存在RB效应,其结果与重复句一致。

    RB was found in sentences with homonyms .

  5. 关于同形二字组词目及义项的分合

    On Separating and Merging Entries and Items of the Homographic Two-Character Groups

  6. 传统图书馆所使用的受控词表采用自上而下的组织方式,强制要求使用预先确定且经过权威认定的术语,能够解决有关同形异义字、同义词和多义词的问题,在信息组织方面具有广泛应用。

    Traditional controlled vocabulary , which has a wide application in the information management field , has adopt a top-down organizational method and pre-determined terms , can solve the homonymy , synonyms polysemous and so on .

  7. 结果表明,颜色词的同形假字、同音词和语义上有联系的词都对色词的颜色命名产生了影响。

    The results showed that there were Stroop interference effects in the color naming of color words , pseudo words which are morphologically similar to color words , homonyms of color words and words which have a semantic relation with color words .