
  1. 本文是在端淬试验的基础上,对淬火后的端淬试棒硬度随回火工艺变化的规律进行了研究,得出了保证718钢淬火和高温同火后硬度达到不同硬度差范围的回火工艺。

    Then different tempering processes were employed on the end quenching bars to find the rules governing the changes of hardness of the 718 steel . The results indicate that different tempering processes can guarantee that the 718 steel will get the different hardness after quenching and tempering treatments .

  2. 射手座与同为火象星座的白羊还有狮子相配。

    Generally , the Sagittarius sign are considered to be compatible with fire signs such as Aries and Leo .

  3. 我真实地告诉你们,它与毁灭你们食物和身体的火是同一种火,甚至象毁坏你们思想的怨恨之火一样,毁坏你们的灵。

    I tell you truly , it is the same fire which destroys your foods and your bodies , even as the fire of malice , which ravages your thoughts , ravages your spirits .